Sunday, February 17, 2013

Feb 17, Day 3, Sunday evening, The gusher

More steps in the right direction with a little bit of intense excitement (which I will get to). 
The 3rd chest tube went in to help with the fluid on her right side. The left chest tube is doing well and may come out tomorrow. Her kidney's are doing much better and much of her fluid is off. With that fluid off she has been awake more and breathing better. She has only needed the high flow nasal cannula's at 7 liters, (she was at 20 liters on the cpap mask) so this is all good.  They took out the arterial line in her right hand so she can play Sorry a little more aggressively. She isn't ready for Wacky 6, but getting close.

As for the excitement, while we were at church, she had a small run of V-Tach. Remember, that was that dirty word we threw around back in September, the dangerous irregular heart beats that put her back in the CVICU.  This time it lasted about 4 seconds, and they think it was related to her electrolytes being out of balance. It was out of balance because of the lasix given to pull the fluid off.  They are giving her potassium to correct it, and so far, it hasn't happened since.

For the second bit of excitement, and it was exciting, she still is having some fluid draining from the old Berlin cannula site. Each time she stands up that site just gushes out blood and fluid. Tonight was particular crazy. She got up to use the bed side toilet for the first time and out came the fluid. The nurse didn't know what to do so she held her hand over it like a WW2 medic and we got her back into bed. There was blood all over her, the floor and equipment. The nurse guessed around 55 cc's.  Lindsey wasn't crazy about the scene and we had the kids go into the other room. They had the surgeon Dr. Ashok come in to assess. (He's the really funny one that took out Gage's staples, Gage still will not look at him, but Ashok keeps trying).   Anyway Dr Ashok assured us, the nurses, and the doctors, that the cannula site was 'communicating' with the right lung area and her lower abdomen area. He is completely convinced that it is just 'fluid' and that it is okay and should come out.  I asked him several times directly if it was BLOOD that needs to stay in her BODY. He said NO, that fluid will come out the same as the fluid in the 3 chest tubes.  Okay..... just keep an eye on my kid!! I have gutted a few deer in my day (no elk... yet) and I have seen blood, just not out of my own child.

My Mom is flying in tomorrow for a week.  Hope to be having the 'ceremony' on Wednesday night?  Will have to see. 

They just turned her oxygen down to 6 liters, and she is holding good sound asleep.  She was just sleep talking, but couldn't understand.

Read through some amazing comments. Stacy and I are both humbled by the affect our little Princess is having on others.  We will never truly understand the impact this experience is having on so many other people. 


  1. Happy Presidents day and congratulations on the gift of life you received a few days ago.

    ~ Ori

    PS please remember -- "Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok it's not the end."

  2. Man Jas- looking at the pictures chokes me up every time! I am so grateful for your example of standing strong and united as a family! You have no idea how great of an affect you are having on so many people. Thank You! As for not getting an elk... We need to work on that one! Come down and hunt with Dustin next fall- he got himself a nice one last year! Tonight I spent time with Dustin'a extended family and they were all asking about how everything was going and had been checking the blog. They're all amazed by you guys- your faith and strength is incredible, but more than anything your absolute love for each other is just awesome! We love you!!

    Now Miss Lindsey.... NO MORE EXCITEMENT! Unless it is the kind of you getting to 3 West to shave your daddy's chin hair... Then we are ALL about excitement! Just keep getting stronger Priness- there are SO many people around the world who love you and are praying for you!

  3. I am so glad things have settled down this evening. And it sounds like things are moving forward with Lindsey. Today at church a lady in my ward came up to me and said she had been following your blog since the summer. She had no idea we were related until she saw my name on your Facebook page. She expressed her heart ache for your family and said she was AMAZED at your strength and faith. Then 2 other ladies approached me with tears in their eyes also expressing their deep admiration for you and the incredible job you are doing. Think you again for all of your updates and sharing so much. You really are blessing so any people by sharing your journey. We love you and are praying for all 7 of you!

  4. Great Pics of everyone!! Lindsey looks wonderful, in spite of all she has been through. You know what I just keep saying...those Bingham kids are tough as nails...they come from good stock!! You all just roll with the punches and the rest of us hang on your every word...and we pray, ALOT, and will continue to do so. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I have fallen to sleep many a night lately with your names on my tongue...for the second time around in evening prayer!! All of Eastern Oregon continues to hold each one of you up!! Sleep well.

  5. So excited to O2 levels are coming up on their own now that the fluid is leaving! She will be running, dancing and singing soon!!! Keep up the hard work Lindsey and family!!! Thoughts and prayers sent your way!

  6. So great to see her out of bed! And the photos - what really gets me is the ones with her siblings...what great kids you have. This has to be hard on all of them, yet I can see the caring and love. Again, thank you for letting us share in your life! - Lisa Britton

  7. It all sounds like great news!! Difficult to fully understand, but I'm so excited for all the positives!!! I bet that was a really big scare when the fluid came gushing out, I bet everyones heart skipped a few beats. I had a kind of(but not nearly as scary experience) like that, I will share that story with you!! sometime! love and admire you all
    love Em

  8. Here is my motto when it comes to blood and fluid: "a little blood mixed with a lot of fluid looks like a lot of blood." This has saved me from many a panic attack as a nurse. Take it for what it's worth. You guys look great. So grateful for the recovery so far. Praying for the doctors who are meeting about Sierra today.

  9. She is so strong and beautiful. What an inspiration to all.

  10. lindsey has grown so much it is unbelievable:) everyones looking wonderful. im glad the fluid came out , that must have been uncomfortable to have sitting around. have a great day & happy healing

  11. So glad to see her awake! She is looking good! Praying she is in 3 west soon. We are praying that Sierra condition clears up fast and you guys get to come back home where you are loved and missed. You both are amazing parents and people! Following your story has changed my life. The way I parent and how I feel about life. Thank you!

    Love the Zinks

  12. Today is my birthday! Aren't I special that it's a national Holiday, lol! So, today my birthday wish goes to your girls! Praying for Lindsey's continued great progress and for Sierra that 'The Team' have been granted the knowledge to treat Sierra!
    God bless, have a great day! M.

  13. Bingham Fam- I think these may be some of my favorite pictures yet. The love you guys have for each other really stands out! I can't begin to express how proud I am of each one of you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the team of doctors today. Love Garrity

    P.S. Lindsey keep up the good work, you are doing really great!

  14. ewasnag 211LOVE the pix!
    Now Jason, don't try to understand the effects, just know everyone is here to support you/family. If we learn something from what the kids & you & Stacy are going through, just say YAY! :) We are. You are all inspirations, each in your own way. We love you all :) Proud of you & the fact our Princess is rousing more is great news, a leak here & there s'prise yes! Thank you so much again, for taking time to keep us informed, just makes me wish I could be there to help out tho :) But will keep sending prayers & angel hugs for LindseyLou, you, Stacy Maegan, Sierra & the daring boys. God bless always! <3 to <3 (Jason, is it me or are your chin whiskers shorter?)

  15. Lindsey Lou is getting so big! She is looking great. Keep up the good work Lindsey. We are thinking of you all. You are all truly amazing with your strength and love. Sierra looks so beautiful where she is helping Lindsey. Fun to see the pictures of your wonderful family. I hope Megan is able to attend the 6th grade trip, it is a wonderful experience. Take good care of each other. Love, The Swanson Family

  16. So happy to see that Lindsey is making progress! I am a stay at home mom to a 4 yr. old boy & 2 yr. old reading about your family's journey really helps to put my daily struggles into perspective. It helps me to be thankful & have more patience. I admire your strength & love as parents & am in awe at the strength of your kids. You are an amazing family! Thank you for sharing your story. You have no idea how many people you touch & help in doing so.
    Jenny Phelps (Summerville)

  17. I can see so much improvement in the pictures today! Way to go Lindsey. You are amazing!! We are praying for a good resolution to Sierra's problems. I think having Grandma Leslie there will be great! She is such a nice person.
    I really don't think you and Stacy are doing what any parent would do in the face of such a trying situation- you go above and beyond. Having to think of how it affects all the members of your family is very challenging and you are doing that so well. I am amazed at how you keep things on such an even keel as if this is just a bump in the road. It has been a very bumpy road however and you should be commended for all that you are doing to try and smooth it out. It is a MAJOR deal to move your family to another state and go to a new school and continue with all of your activities as you are doing. Don't ever think that you are just doing what any parent would do- you are great parents and a great example to so many people. I have had children in very critical situations and I am sure I was never as calm and upbeat as you two are. I am a nurse and have seen many things, but when it comes to my own children, I am not so calm, cool and collected! And our trials did not go on for months and years. I think that our Heavenly Father just gives us strength to cope with things and the faith that all will be well. Thank you for the updates and for sharing your days with us. Johanna Anderson (Colton, Kaci, McKay, Oakley, Sage and Kannin's grandma!)

  18. How sweet it is seeing Sierra and Megan being so loving and helping Lindsey. My thoughts and prayers continue for your family during the next while, while Lindsey gets stronger and things are decided for Sierra. What tough girls you have.

  19. Thank you for posting those photos of Lindsey in your arms. For many many months now I have very specific moments when I think of Lindsey... this occurs daily (often multiple times a day) when I have one of my kids sitting on my lap with my arms around them. When I'm sitting there holding them I think of you guys... and I wonder... can Lindsey sit like this in her mommy or daddy's lap? Does the Berlin make it difficult to do so? And of course in the immediate recovery now since her transplant I've wondered can she find comfort in her mommy and daddy's arms? Is it even possible??? When I wonder this in the moment I look at my child and give thanks for what I'm sure far too many take for granted. And I say passionate prayers for Lindsey and her sisters and her brothers and for her loving mommy and daddy. I'm moved by all of the photos that you share, but seeing your princess laying in your arms was really something special. Praying hard for her to be back on 3West in the next day or 2 and keeping Sierra in my thoughts and prayers just as much.
