Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feb 13, 8:15 pm, Midnight...maybe

Looking at Midnight, Valentines Day for transplant.  So here is what has happened in the last 2 hours.

Found out what the hold up was (which is all par for transplants). The heart is the first organ to be 'placed', then the other organs are 'placed'. In other words, locating the appropriate donor recipient. Since we were the first, it took most of the day to locate the others.

Now, at 7:00 pm all the organs are lined up and we can move forward. Once everything is 'placed' then Dr. Maeda receives the call to move forward which is 'usually' five hours before surgery. Soooo, now we are looking at midnight. It still could be delayed, but now it will be for other issues.  Still a lot of excitement and anxiety in the air. 

 Sierra is receiving her IVIG in the CVICU. Found out what her biopsy results were... 1b (4 being the worse 0 being the best). That's good in the fact that she does not have raging rejection.  But it bad in the fact that it doesn't explain why she has the high pressures. Now they will look at other causes, antibody issues, fluid, coronary arteries, all serious stuff.

In other news, totally unrelated, they had a 'Berlin' meeting among doctors and nurses. Believe it or not, a policy has been approved and in place to start in 2 weeks.  This policy will allow Berlin patiences with trained parents to go on unsupervised walks. They can go to the Sobrato Room, play rooms, School, and walks. It was completely inspired by the Lindsey situation. We have suggested it be called the Lou Lou Policy. Quite ironic isn't it.

Honestly, I'm still sick to my stomach. I wish I could vomit, it would feel better. Haven't eaten much today. To wound up, mostly due to Sierra's situation, but when you add Lindsey and Sierra combined it can really stir up you guts. Sure hope they can get Sierra's condition under control. Never thought I would ever be in this position. Thank you very much for comments, love and support.

We are going for a walk down to see Sierra and get an update on her condition.

So happy Valentines Day Lindsey Lou.

Of course, I will update with any changes.

 Teacher Kevin
 Physical Therapist, Mandy
 Trying to ease the anxiety in both of us.
 Sierra on her way to the CVICU (unbelievable)
 John and Chloe, and Shaambak and Jowell
 The 'Wall' with 239 stickers
 Pep talk for the surgery from part of the team.


  1. What an appropriate day to get a new heart. We are praying all goes well.

  2. Wonderful news!!! Good luck Lindsey!

    Josh & Kari

  3. God be with you all! There are lots of us sending prayers your way.

  4. If I feel this anxious, I can't imagine how you guys are feeling....hang tough Lindsey, thousands of prayers are being said...for Sierra too!! Those Bingham kids, they are super tuff!!

  5. On pins and needles here....nothing of course to what you are going through but want you to know are thoughts and prayers are with Lindsay and Sierra. Many prayers coming your way from us and from friends literally across the globe. Dale and I loved the video you posted of you telling the family that Lindsay has an offer. Sierra was priceless, "I knew it!!!" MAry Ellen Anderson is here in Utah visitng with her mom and her nephew who are both in Hospice Care. She has not had access to a computer for a month.We got together for several hours this afternoon. I had my iPhone with me so I was able to show her your blog. It was just this lift to her spirits that she needed. I am sending her text updates. Hang in there you guys. Much love and continued prayers, Mike and Dale

  6. What better day than Valentine's day for a new heart!

  7. I keep watching your updates. Fingers and toes crossed!

  8. Abigail and Chloe say hi. Chloe prayed that Lindsey could drive home safely after getting her heart. It was pretty precious and they both argued with me when I said "hopefully Lindsey will be going in soon." NO, she already got her heart! I had to show them the blog to prove it, but we are so excited for Valentine's Day 2013! Bless the donor family, I pray that our Father will bless them and they will feel the love of all of us. How humbling.

  9. By the sounds of how your day has gone waiting until midnight will be doable , but will add to the exhaustion so we will pray for more strength. Tell Sierra to hang in there and to keep being the great inspirational older sister that she has been all along. Thinking of each of you and will continue to pray throughout the night. xoxoxoxo

  10. Oy, the waiting is driving us crazy! I can't even imagine how it must be for's going to be a looooong night. Hang in there Binghams!!

  11. Well Seth was hoping you're heart would come on his birthday (today) but we'll take ANY DAY!!! Happy Valentines Day Lindsey! God and His Angels will be watching over you. Sierra, this is not funny! I hope the doctors can help what's going on! We love you!!! Keep you're nose above water! Aunt G

  12. I hope you guys know how much a part of our daily lives you have become. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us! We are praying for you and the donor family as well.

    Josh & Kari

  13. So cool to hear the doctor's explanation. You're good at interviewing!
    - Lisa Britton

  14. Praying all goes better than expected! We are all so happy this day has finally come! Praying for the donor family too! What a incredible brave decision the made.
    Love the Zinks
    Baker City

  15. Thanks for another update..been wondering what the issue was. Keep breathing! Keep breathing! Keep breathing! God bless! M.

  16. What a challenging day, full of blessings and trials!!! Still in our thoughts and prayers!!! Many are following your story in salt lake city!!! We all weep with you for the good and the bad things!!! Keep up all your hard work and positive thoughts God does love you and is mindful of your needs!!!! Will check back in a bit!! Happy heart day! Literally!!!

  17. How fitting to receive her heart on Valentines Day. You all have been on my mind and in my prayers all day long. God speed.

  18. Found your blog through Rachelle. Just want you to know that your family is in our prayers!

  19. Praying for a successful night for the Binghams. God is with you as well as so many others.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. All the love that these Baker County hearts can hold is being sent to you all! Lots of happy tears and thoughts all over town today. Neat to see. Hang in there all. :)

  22. The Whitley's are so excited for you all. We happen to be visiting Phil & Judy yesterday & got the news before Judy. She just about fell over when we told her & she was crying. We are all so touched by the miracles & blessings unfolding. My 4-yr old was singing "Lindsey got a heart, Lindsey got a heart!" over & over. It was so cute. We will continue to pray for you all & continue to read the updates as they come. What an exciting time. You are all so wonderful & such examples to me & my family.

    April Whitley

  23. The kids were so excited today to get the news of Lindsey, I could just feel the air around school and of course they wanted to see the video of her learning her gift has been found. tomorrow is my birthday I could not ask for any better gift than having Lindsey receive her new heart. payers to all and a little extra special one for Sierra, we sure haven't forgot about her for a minute. god bless your family. love, the hamanns

  24. our little girl has been praying since July when we went to the fundraiser rodeo in Haines that Lindsey's heart would be ok!! Praying for your family!!

  25. Praying for you all and thanking God for miracles and tender mercies.


  26. Congratulations and sending our prayers.

    The Lawson Family

  27. our prayers are with you and your family
