Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feb 13, 11:00 pm, So far Midnight

Here is the latest. We are still a go for midnight, but still haven't heard anything. Megan and the boys are at Michelle Hansens for the night.  They are very excited.  Liz Niccum made 2 trips here cleaning thing out of our 'home'. Thanks Liz.  Bob Paugh and I gave Lindsey a blessing around 2:00 today. Sierra is doing well in the CVICU.  She is in the same room Lindsey was in pre-berlin. A lot of our early pictures are from that same room. (Kinda weird). She looks and acts fine. Appetite good. IVIG going.

Lindsey is really nervous and scared. She just threw up so her feeding tube is OUT. And what the heck, why not. She is in brushing her teeth one last time before the breathing tube.  She is acting better now that she threw up.  Frankly, I wish I could throw up. I know my nerves are on end, mostly because of Sierra's situation, I would call it 60% Sierra and 40% Lindsey.  Lindsey keeps asking, "Why are you shaking Daddy"  I'm not, I just haven't eaten!

Went for an evening walk down to see Sierra. Took the elevator she will be taking, and saw the clean CVICU room waiting for her. Took a few cute pictures.  Riza is her nurse, one of Lindsey's favorites. I guess Riza switched the schedule around to get Lindsey tonight. She has been good for Linds.

So our plan is to take Linds down on Valentine's Day, kisses, loves and hugs, check on Sierra, update the blog again. Then crash here in Lindsey's room.

Stacy has been cleaning the room and it is starting to look very plain. The personality and 'home' feeling we had here is starting to leave. It is starting to look like a hospital room.  Little bit of sadness to see it go.

We are overwhelmed by the support, comments, and love we are receiving from our blog, facebook, phone, e-mails and text. Thank you so much! It means a lot to us.

 The room awaits


  1. Are you guys going to give your OR nurse your camera? We did, and now have great pictures of his transplant and side by side pics of his old heart vs his new heart. Just thought I'd let you know that they can do that for you if you give them your camera. Blessings to you all!

  2. God bless you! We are praying for your family tonight!

  3. We keep watching the clock, and praying, checking your blog and Facebook and praying some more. Love and lots of prayers from Korea to you!

  4. I have to go to bed now but I have to be up again at 4:00 am and I'll be checking back. So sorry you have to have such a long and nervous wait but I know she will be watched over and cared for and so will all of you. Happy Valentines Day to all and especially Lindsey Lou. XO-K

  5. Lindsey lou as we all go to sleep we all say a prayer for you and everyone involved with your surgery thoughts are with you and will be waiting to hear your out of surgery lots of prayers going your way...

    Tana and Cheyenne Boyer

  6. Happy Valentine's Day! Those words will never be the same for any of us! Our prayers for you all continue, especially for you Lindsey Lou and Sierra too. We read the little Lindsey Lou book again and said prayers holding your pictures in our hands. I can't wait to see you all back home and especially Jason without the beard. Love, Phil and Judy

  7. Thanks for keeping us posted. You are such a brave family. We are praying hard for all of you. Take care!

  8. I know it is just a blink during the photo, but....Stacy - it appears you may be due for some rest :-).
    I pray for God's blessing to be on Dr. Katz and all involved. Thanks to Bob for coming over to assist. And as you have said many times, I hope and pray that a family somewhere is being comforted in their sorrow and grief.
    Hey Jason, a hymn got me the other day and it applies tonight:
    Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side.
    Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.
    Leave to thy God to order and provide;

  9. I cannot go to sleep, I am thinking of your family and Lindsey Lou ......holding you close in prayer and thinking of the new heart for Valentines Day! Heart Day!
    Amanda has really enjoyed spending time with all of you, and awaits your return to the floor. God Bless all of you - Lisa (Amanda's mom)

  10. What a "long and winding road" you have all walked on together to reach this special night. Our Heavenly Father has been there with you and will walk with you through this next part of your journey. He will guide the surgeon's hands and make this a very special "Happy Valentine's Day" for you. He will comfort the wonderful donor family as a part of their loved one continues to live through Lindsey. Your faith is strong and you have been such a great example of endurance to all of us. Thank you for sharing your story and keeping us all updated. Blessings to all.
    Johanna Anderson (Josh Anderson's mom)

  11. Anxiously checking the blog about every 30 mins this AM. Love and Prayers--- The Olsens
