Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feb 14, DAY 240!!!! She is in! LINDSEY'S Valentines Day

12:40 am
She is in! At 12:05 she went through the operating room doors. Dr Katz was the first one to her room around 11:45, him and 4-5 other team members walked down with her. She threw up just before we left for the 4th time. Riza was her nurse, and did a great job of keeping it light. Then we turned on Justin Bieber and danced her way there.  Her anxiety was very high, she was scared to death, but she was ready. One of the bravest moments was when we were giving hugs at the door. She said in tears, "I'm scared, but I know I can do it.  I know there are a lot of people praying for me".  And that was it.

Katz said they will take 1.5 hours to get her ready, but will not start the incision until the team has seen the heart with their own eyes and confirm it is a go. Then they begin the cut and go to work. They will let us know in a few hours if it is a go. Should be done sometime between 7-9am.

Now we clean up and move on. Stacy and I are both pooped.

Sierra is trying to sleep and is still on the IVIG.  Her little stunt did NOT help that little pit in my stomach.

 Only the last 5 seconds are any good. Kinda funny. Doing her 'secret' hand shake with Riza.

Dr Katz Meada


  1. WAY TO GO LINDSEY!!! Way to go Mom and Dad!!! I have been thinking of you guys for the past day and finally logged on for an update tonight at about 10:30pm while I was finishing the kids class party treats. I was jumping up and down so excited for you all! I ran and woke up Taylor and Jake and the 3 of us knelt down and offered the most excited prayer of gratitude for Lindsey's fantastic news. We are pulling for you, praying for you, the doctors and the donor family.

  2. Kevin, Andrea & Jackson PaughFebruary 14, 2013 at 12:51 AM

    So many prayers being said! Show them how it's done Lindsey, just like you have done all along! You continue to amaze us all! Can't wait for tomorrow's good news updates.

  3. Happy Heart Day Lindsey!
    You are the bravest girl I've ever seen! We are all praying for you, your family, the medical team and the donor family. I hope your mom and dad are able to rest a little while you are in the doctors capable hands. They need to be able to keep up with you as you continue your POST TRANSPLANT JOURNEY! My granddaughter Ava is already planning your time together at transplant camp!
    Can't wait to hear that you are in recovery!
    Lois aka Ava's Grandma

  4. Continue to think of you and your family!!!

  5. Just heard about your amazing family yesterday and will be praying for some good news later today. happy <3 day!

  6. God be with the team as they give Lindsey her 'Jew's life! And with you during the loooong wait! And with Sierra with her 'bump' in the road!
    What a special day :) Hang in there! M.

  7. That's supposed to say 'NEW' life, darn Kindle and darn me for not paying attention! Love the electronics, lol! M.

  8. There are many of us who generally read your blog and then have you in our hearts all day. Our prayers are a never ending flow heavenward for each member of your family. Know that you are loved and supported by a HUGE silent majority. Thank you for updating.

    Love Charlie & Linda Rich

  9. So very happy!!!! What a brave girl and parents!!! I'd be scared out of my mind, and she was smiling! Faith can do that for you;) Still praying and thinking about the while Bingham family. Sleep well and wake to a new world:) Anything is possible through the Lord!!!!

  10. What a great day! We are praying for Lindsey, Sierra, the drs, and you guys. What a comfort knowing that they waited for the right one and she is right where she needs to be. So happy for Lindsey Lou! Love you guys!

  11. Here on east coast time, so catching up on the great news! A great valentine heart for Lindsey! Prayers and hugs to you.

  12. Couldn't sleep the whole night because I know all to well what u the parents r feeling and playing waiting game. Thx for the updates. Happy Valentine's and isn't it fitting Lindsey's heart tranplant landed on heart day!!!

    Love, Nicole from Rosemead, ca

  13. Happy, happy heart day! Can't wait for updates!! Prayers are coming your way, Binghams! So grateful that you are in the hands of such wonderful people. The 'secret' handshake choked me up! Your bravery is overwhelming!!

  14. Our Family is cheering for you and praying for you!!! You are all inspirational! We sobbed as we watched the video. We know our Heavenly Father is watching over your family. We've shared your story with many of our friends here in Righy, Idaho and we are ALL cheering for you and praying for you! Happy Valentines Day!
    Justin and Lori Mecham

  15. What a perfect day for Lindsey to be getting her heart! Our whe family has been praying and fasting for Lindsey but our youngest, Emmie, has taken it very seriously and has done a lot fasting on her own. Emmie has had her own share of hospital stays and Emmie's birthday is today on Valentines day! This is the best present ever!!

  16. Still praying for all of you from Ohio and crying in my office again! Your family is such an inspriation to me -- physically and spiritually. Thank you for continuing to share your story. Go Lindsey!

  17. Bingham family, our little family here in Baker City is anxiously waiting news this morning of Lindsay's new heart. We have cried for you, prayed for you, and now rejoicing with you. As we celebrate our love for each other this Valentine's Day, we will never forget this extraordinary one in the year 2013. You will forever be in our lives and we will cherish each memory. Though we have never met, you feel like family. God's family has no walls. We love you, Bingham Family!

  18. We are keeping our fingers and toes crossed for you all. Many, many, many prayers coming from Boise. Hang in there!

  19. You guys are amazing. You are in our prayers!! We are thinking of you what a great valentines day!

  20. Lindsey, you're right -- LOTS of people are praying for you! Thank you Jason & Stacy for all the updates. Can't wait to see the next one. My prayers and best wishes for Sierra too.

  21. WE LOVE YOU! Happy HEART Day! We have been thinking about all of you constantly. We know Heavenly Father will watch over you and bless you.

    Love, Uncle Jake, Aunt Wendy, Roper, DJ, Range and Brand

  22. It is now 7:10 pm and I have to tell you, Lindsey has been on my mind continuously!!!!

    So very happy for her and for all of you. What a great day this 240 is.

    Looking forward to seeing the chin hairs getting clipped!

    Happy Valentine's Day!!!
