Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feb 13, 5:05pm, Still waiting

So now they are saying 6:00. Nothing to do with Lindsey or anything 'bad', just timing relating to the donor (I guess). Worst case is there are issues with the donor heart, but who knows.  Dr. Katz is ready on our end, just waiting for the word.

Sierra is in CVICU just hangin' out with high heart pressures. They threw the words steroids and plasma pherisis at us.

Playing wacky 6.  Lots of anxiety but nurses Denise and Nichole are working overtime to keep it cool.


  1. waiting is the hardest.

    continuing to pray for your family

  2. What a day! And you've got a long night ahead! The waiting will all pay off in the end!

  3. The first graders & I have been thinking of you all day! God's timing is always perfect...

  4. Continuing to send prayers your way and toward the donor family...

  5. Oh my goodness. How much can you handle in one day? Your faith is amazing. And thank you so much for updating the blog! I told the 3rd graders we will check things first thing tomorrow morning. Thank goodness for great nurses! And amazing docs! God bless!

  6. Thank you for updating as often as you are, it's my lifeline to you :)
    You are such amazing parents for many reasons but mostly because of your wonderful love for each other and your kids!
    Stay strong holding His hand along the path :)
    God bless you! M.

  7. I have been praying for you guys right along, but hadn't checked your blog for a couple of days. I was pleasantly surprised and so excited for Lindsay!! Last night (or this morning -I can't remember which) I got a strong impression to pray extra hard for you guys. A real testimony that Heavenly Father is aware and even blessing you through inspiring people to pray for you when you need it the most.

  8. Hang in've got this and you can ALL do this!!! Praying for each of you. Let the power of prayers support you through this. Loves, hugs, any many prayers xoxoxoxo

  9. My prayers are with you and many more from people who are praying in the temple (Vernal, Utah).
