Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feb 13, 2:30pm Unbelievable

So, no change with Lindsey. Still planning for 4:00. Right now she is pretty anxious but is playing Sorry with Allison from Child Life. The boys went to Michelle Hansen's to play and Megan is getting ready for her basketball game.

Sooooooo Sierra is getting admitted to the CVICU for high heart pressures. Yes, unbelievable! Stacy told me about a 1/2 hour ago. They want to admit her to keep an eye on her. Possible causes include cellular rejection, antibody rejection, fluid around the heart, issues with her coronary arteries, or something else??!! They have done a rush on the biopsy results. If she is in rejection, they will start steroids, if it is antibodies, then I don't know what they will do in addition to IVIG. Maybe she will get Plasma Pheresis too.  Ain't that just flippin' dandy!

So that means Lindsey and Sierra will both be in the CVICU for a time.  When Stacy told me I felt weak and nauseous. Remember those highs and lows. How about a bit of both on the same day! How in the world did we ever get into this situation!  Keep the faith. God has a plan and knows each one of us.


  1. Consider Sierra added to fasting and prayers from all over the world! We love you, we believe in you, and we are praying for ALL of you! You can do this- all of you can! Good luck princess!!!!!!!

  2. ughh! What an emotional day for you guys. Prayers will be with Sierra as well as Lindsey the doctors and the donor family! Can't stop thinking of you guys today!!! love JE and Family

  3. My sister-in-law is a pediatrician in the CVICU. I'll tell her to take extra good care of you all! Will be praying for both of your girls.

  4. Praying for ALL of you!! So thrilled for Lindsey and the rest of your family that this day is finally here. So many people are behind you and cheering you on as you enter the next chapter of your lives. Congratulations Lindsey, stay strong!

  5. Praying for you and your incredibly strong and loving family. Sending much love your way!

  6. When your family wants some excitement you sure know how to find it. *grin*

    We will add Sierra to our prayers. I hope the pressure goes down soon

  7. good luck and love to both girls.. cant wait for high highs :)

  8. Prayers for both girls and your entire family. Hang in there. That is truly unbelievable.

  9. So happy you know He knows what's best. Seriously, not at all an easy place to be right now but you have your faith to see you thru this little bump in the road! I know there are lots of prayers being offered for Sierra, Lindsey and you both! You've shown how tough you are so just continue on holding Our Good Lord's hand, hold it tight!
    God bless you all! M.

  10. Prayers to your family. Your story seems to have such an up and down roller coaster. Keep your heads highs...this too shall pass.

  11. Tears in my eyes. What a day. Hugs and prayers.

  12. Today I woke my kids up to a lesson about how we know that heavenly father loves us and answers our prayers. They squeeled and tackled me. So much love and gratitude for you all today. Kristen.

  13. If it's not one thing it's another...ugh! It will all work out. As you know, you are in the best place possible for this kinda stuff so try not to stress too much. You have one tough family so you got this!

  14. Boy oh boy - you've got an army of people sending you such positive energy and love. If you feel yourself getting short of breath, it's because all of Baker City is hugging you telepathically at this very moment.

  15. North Powder, too !!!

  16. Continued prayers to all of you. Stay strong and keep the faith. Many are praying for you all. God bless the Bingham family. You are so amazing. Colette and Louise

  17. Praying for your whole family on this exciting, yet nerve-wracking day! I bet no little girl has received so many prayers from so many people all at once! :-)

  18. I have been following your blog for months and have kept Lindsey, Sierra and all of your precious children close to my thoughts and in my prayers daily. I about jumped for joy when I saw the great news that Lindsey's day has arrived!!!! I'm sure my reaction pales to how you guys are feeling right now. =) Massive amounts of positive thoughts for Lindsey AND Sierra. Wishing them both tons of luck and more strength for the entire family!!!

  19. We've got you covered!!!!!!!
    Prayers for Sierra and Lindsey.
    Yes, what a day. One for the history books.

  20. Waiting...and praying...for both girls, and Mom and Dad, siters, brothers and Grandparents...and the donor family. Like Andi said, "We've got you covered!!!!!"
