Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feb 13, 11:40 am, Postponed Surgery until 4:00pm

Now they have pushed the surgery back to 4:00 pm. Again this is usually the case.
The surgeon, Dr. Katz Maeda came (along with tons of other people) and had a really nice visit.
He explained what he will be doing and how the surgery will work. I have it all on video so I won't try to repeat it. We have many visitors today, doctors, nurses, school teachers, therapists, patience, social workers, child life, parents and even some media.  Right now we have Jowell, Shaambak's mom is here. Her son looks great.

Stacy is still down with Sierra. Sierra hasn't gone in yet for her biopsy. She will have a very long day.  I am guessing Sierra and Lindsey will both be done around the same time. I'm guessing 1:00 am. Bring it on.

Lindsey has her IV going with the yellow plasma and other IV fluids.  her spirits are high but you can definitely tell she is nervous and anxious. Whatever we can do to keep her distracted would be very good. We did go for a walk earlier to see Kevin, her teacher, and down to Short Stay to see Sierra. It was all good. Lindsey asked Dr. Katz if she could walk to her surgery with her 'walking music'. We will have to see.

That's it for now.  Pictures coming

 Sierra waiting to go in

 Dr. katz Meada
 Doctor from the CVICU who will welcome Lindsey back to the 2nd floor
 Doctor 'Bambi'
 Nurses Jen and Yvanna
 Starting the IV


  1. Bawling my eyes out with tears of joy for Lindsay and the whole Bingham family! Congratulations! I am a distant Bingham relative in Utah and I have been following your blog and praying for your family since July and will continue to pray for during the surgery and recovery! Best wishes for a smooth operation and recovery!

  2. These updates are much appreciated and our prayers continue along with the prayers of Colette's school
    Community this AM at mass. Hugs to Lindsey and Sierra
    The Vance family

  3. First, I love Lindsey's shirt - so appropriate for her day!
    Second, I love the photo of her and Dr. Meada - I can't imagine the relationship Lindsey has created with all these doctors and nurses! - Lisa Britton

  4. I am so happy for you. I will be praying for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. -Andrea Boyer Eliason

  5. This is so exciting. Thanks for keeping up updated

  6. I have watched your video 20 times today- it is my new favorite thing in the world! Lindsey, nothing else you face in life is going to hit as hard as this did. You got through it, and showed everybody that they can get through anything! A lot of love is going into the operating room with you. Go get 'em!

  7. The first thing Ava said was " can we go to transplant camp together." Nothing like being part of the " heart transplant sisterhood". We will be thinking about you all day!!!!!!!

  8. Today is such a beautiful day!!! So very happy for Lindsey and the many people that have helped this special family of friends/neighbors make it through this long journey. Seems like just yesterday we were at the Haines 4th of July Rodeo crying when the donations were being made to help out with medical costs. Today? Happy tears!!!!!! Lindsey, you are awesome!!!!!! Praying for a great surgery and recovery...
    Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!

  9. I have been praying for Lindsey and your whole family for months now, and just wanted you to know that your strength and faith are amazing! I am so very excited for Lindsey to get her new heart! When I watched the video I cried my eyes out. You are both some amazing parents.. and what a wonderful bunch of children! Will be continually praying for your whole family, especially Lindsey and Sierra today! Will also be praying for the donor family. God bless you all!
    From Idaho

  10. This made me cry! So exciting! I will be praying that the surgery goes well!!

  11. I can't stop crying. So, so, so happy for Lindsey and your family. God bless!
