Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feb 13, Day 239,7:30 am, Lindsey here

Lindsey here..... "Did you just hear, I am going to have a heart transplant. Are you guys excited! I bet you are. I can't drink or eat. I'm really scared but happy. They are going to be cutting open my chest. I am going to tell you the story of when Sierra and I found out.  So Dr Katz told me I couldn't go to the Sobrato room. And then Denise came in to show pictures. Me and Sierra looked at Mom and was wondering.  Mom and Denise went out and mom took my food away, and I said why. Sierra and I starting laughing. Mom went out and was signing a paper. Mom said I needed an IV, but I was wondering. Then Dad came in huffing and puffing then he said 'All right Lindsey, look out the window', all the nurses were out the window looking and waiving. And then we all started screaming.  I am still very excited but scared too. I get to take my blanky "

So there you go, In Lindsey's own words.

Like I have said before, even if there is nothing to report, we need to know, there is 'nothing to report'.

Finally got the blood draw done around 2:30 am but never did try again to start the IV. Riza, our nurse came by and said she has a confirmed surgery time of 1:00 pm.   She will leave here around noon. They will start the frozen plasma around 10ish. So they will be starting that IV this morning around 8:30.   Other than that, she slept very peacefully. I slept okay, but have been awake for a while, to wound up.

In a strange way it is going to be hard to say goodbye to this room, traeh nilreb, and 3 West. We have made this our home and way of life since July.  So many nurses have become part of our family. Now everything changes. New nurses, new meds, lots of meds, and back to the CVICU.   We now have the daunting task after she goes in to clean this room out. There are so many neat things here and no where to put them.  However, tonight there will be no where here at the hospital to sleep. So might as well sleep at the RMH, What the heck.

No specific plans for shaving yet, Lindsey will make the call when she is ready, but not untill after the transplant and she is back up here to 3 West.


  1. Praying that everything goes perfect! You guys are so amazing!

  2. We are soooo excited for you guys. We are praying for you guys extra today. WE also loved the video, it was better then any surpirse video i have ever seen. :) You guys have a great day! Love the Thompsons

  3. I thank the Good Lord for this chance for Lindsey. So happy for all of you. Praying all goes well

  4. I am so happy for all of you. Praying all goes well.With your faith I know all your children will be ok

  5. LINDSEY we are all so excited for you and so happy. Of course it is scary, but you have already gone thru so much, this will be over soon! We are so glad they are letting you take your blanky. They know how important our special things are to us! We are all praying for you and will be watching your blog every day! Lots of hugs to you and everyone there! From "Grandmas Gang"

  6. So happy for you all!!! Praise God! The best Valentine's gift ever!!!

  7. We are so excited and happy for you guys. What a GREAT day :) much love, Jay and Kristin Wilson

  8. Lidsey..that is so great. Our family will be praying for you and the Dr's today. And of course the donor family.

    I can't wait to have you join our Activity Day group again. We just got 3 new girls so our group has grown. Casey and Mckay and Dally we are going to have a lot of fun.

  9. Prayers for you and a selfless donor family flying heavenward from North Logan, wishes for a strong heart to match the spirit of a very brave little girl and her whole family!

  10. My mom let us all know the exciting news! Our prayers are with your family, Lindsey, the doctors, and the donor family. A new heart for valentine's day seems pretty perfect. xox

    Candace Peck (Nancy Bingham's daughter)

  11. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was up at 3am with the baby and jumped out of bed when I read the first updates - we are SO THRILLED for you and will be praying hard all day for Lindsey and your family. You know we are only a few minutes away so if you need ANY Help with the kids, food delivery, ANYTHING at all just buzz us and we'll be over in a flash. We put a little praying for Lindsey blog post on our blog so lots of prayers coming your way. What a sweet Valentines day. That video was just awesome. PRAYING today for all the best!!! - mary and Brian Heffernan

  12. In tears, I am excited for you all!! Life is a gift to be cherish and I know all too well with my disabled daughter. Please keep us updated as much as possible. U r loved Lindsey!!

    Love, Nicole from Rosemead, ca!!

  13. Avas first question this morning was " Does this mean we can go to transplant camp together?" Ava is so excited to have another person in the transplant sisterhood! We will be thinking about you all day!!!

  14. Dear Lindsey Lou - I heard you are getting a heart today and I am soooo excited. Your classmates have been jumping with joy all morning. Congratulations sweet girl. We know you are brave and so strong. Much love from your teacher and classmates! Go Lindsey go! xoxoxo Mrs. Smith and the third graders from NP!

  15. We have been following your blog since our daughter Josie went to bball camp with Megan last June. There is nothing we can say that hasn't already been said - but we continue to be inspired by your family's courage, hope, faith, love, and resilience. We are so excited for your good news. Lindsey, you might know our boy Justin from school - he is in the next grade. He is so happy you will get to have those tubes out of your tummy. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. - Ash Family from Haines

  16. Go Lindsey....we are ALL waiting, and praying and giving thanks for you, BRAVEHEART!!!

  17. Good Luck today Lindsey!!! Been thinking about you since I read about the great news last night. Stay strong. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  18. The Wevers in Las Vegas are praying today! Happy Valentine's day Lindsey!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. i am so excited for you guys!!! yay. best valentines heart ever! for your family and fan club :) :) :) :) <3
    Amanda ( at robbins )
