Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feb 12, 11:50 pm, The wait beginning

11:50 pm.
Dr Kaufman came by and gave us an update. The surgery is still a go, but will not happen before tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon.  The reason it takes so long is because all the different donor receipents needs to selected and coordinated. Many surgeries will be taking place at the same time for diffent organs at different transplant centers. All of that takes time to coordinate.  They also explained she will be getting 'Plasma Pheresis' during surgery. This is used on most Berlin kids.  It is a way of 'cleaning' the blood of about 60% of antibody issues. It is just another way they are trying to avoid the antibody rejection down the road.  The same rejection Sierra has been fighting.

Right now they are starting the feeds back up for the night and trying to start an IV for fluids. She will go NPO (no food) at 6 am.   They also need to do a large blood draw for all kinds of stuff.  The excitement has worn off and she is tired and doesn't want to be poked!

Stacy had taken the kids home and put them to bed. Wondering if Hunter should go to school tomorrow. It will give him something to do, but we will see, probably not.

Just to mix things up and keep things interesting, tomorrow Sierra has her scheduled biopsy and IVIG treatment starting at 9 am. We have had it scheduled for a month now, and she is still scheduled to go in.  What an exciting day ahead.

They just tried to start the IV and couldn't get it, so now they are calling in some other nurses from the NICU to see if they can get it. Lindsey was NOT impressed.

Had some pretty neat family prayers tonight. Shown a lot of gratitude for the blessing in our lives. We feel very blessed to be the situation we are in. It has been amazing to see the many wishes of love and support for so many people. The support is overwhelming.

I try but honestly can not comprehend what the donor family must be going through. God bless the donor family.

I will update again as needed, but for now, GO TO BED.


  1. We cannot express how excited we are for Lindsey and all of you! Heidi was upstairs putting Tabitha to bed when I heard her shout out something. I initially thought there was a problem, but she was shouting about a heart becoming available :) We had a special family prayer of thanks. God bless you all during the next 24 hours... and the doctors, and especially Lindsey Lou. Happy day!


  2. Oh yes... and may God most definitely bless and be with the donor family. That is always the sobering counterbalance to our joy for Lindsey...

  3. This is such great news! There will be many prayers for your family, Lindsey, and the surgeons today. We feel so blessed to be part of this journey with you. Love, the Knowles family

  4. I am so happy for Lindsey and the entire family. I have been secretly watching for months now! I am so excited about this wonderful news! Lindsey and the entire family will remain in my thoughts and prayers all day today!!!! HUGS! Crystal from VA

  5. I read Aunt Garritys post last night and have not been able to sleep! Just absolutely wonderful news! My daughter Kellyn (5) reads the blog with me everyday and asks about Lindsey...I cant wait to tell her when she gets out of bed this morning!

    Sincerely with our love, Erica, Kellyn, and Tavin ( Aunt Garritys Friend)

  6. We are so excited and tearful!!! What a blessing! You have endured! W are praying still everyday for you guys! Keep us posted and congrats Lindsey!!! We knew you could make it!!!

  7. Congratulations!!! I'll be thinking of and praying for Lindsey today--hoping the procedure goes as planned!!!

  8. I have been following and praying for your family from Cleveland, OH for many months now. Every morning I come in to my office and check the update. I am weeping for you now -- for your excitement, for your hope and for the donor family now who is acheing in ways I can't imagine. God Bless you. God Bless the surgeons, nurses and the transplant teams. Hugs from OH!

  9. Great advice to go to bed...could you? LOL! I had a hard time! I was happy to pray myself to sleep for your needs on this new 'path'. We will happily keep these prayers going!
    God bless the donor family! I pray the donations will give them peace and help with the closure of losing their loved one :)
    On a funnier note, when do the whiskers go??? And a good thing you 'planned' that trip home, lol!
    God bless! Prayers, hugs and love!
    Be anxious for news......M.

  10. Still speechless, about the courage and gratitude of your family...especially the face of this challenge. We are all so blessed for knowing your family and attempting to rise up to one tenth of your faithfulness!! Prayers, of course, will continue for Lindsey, her doctors, and all of the family. And today especially for the donor family and their gift and grief. Love to all.

  11. We will be saying prayers for you here in Idaho. Wish we were there to help somehow. But we are so happy for you.

  12. Great news:)))!!!! We will be praying that surgery goes great, that Sierra has a good day and for the donor family. Boyers

  13. I have followed your blog almost from the beginning of Lindsey's journey. I came across your sweet family because my sister married a Gilbert. I am so filled with joy and love that she is getting her heart. Tears were shed in Texas for a girl who is truly an angel among us. Congrats!

  14. So excited for you all. Many prayers and tears have been shed here.

    Marshall family, Pendleton

  15. I am so excited for you guys! Your video is so precious. You are our thoughts and prayers. We love you so much!

    Jodi, Matt, and Gage Millburn

  16. We are excited beyond words!!!!!!!!
    An that is no joke. Love you guys I have been spreading the word around the world!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO
    HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prayers Coming your way!!!!!

  17. That last post was from dale and Mike Olsen

    ....I got so excited I forgot to sign it

  18. Wow!!! How awesome a gift for Valentine's Day!!! Couldn't have asked for anything better!!!

  19. So excited for you all. So happy for Lindsey. Her excitement made me cry. Prayers to everyone including the nurses, doctors and donor family. I can't believe what they must be going through at this time.
