Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Feb 12, 9:45pm, Day 238, The 'Announcement'

Stacy here.
At 6:10pm Suzanna the nurse came by and told me not to leave (like where are we going to go?). Then shortly after, Dr Kaufman, one of the new heart doctors, came in and pulled me into the hallway and told me Lindsey had an offer. We had informed all of the doctors before that we wanted to be told before Lindsey, so we could decide when to tell her.  I was very excited but didn't say anything to Lindsey.  I called Jason and informed him that he should put his work away and come to the hospital as soon as he can because we have an offer.  He was so excited that he found the first person he saw (who he didn't know) and told him his daughter received an offer. 

At 6:30 Dr. Katz Meada came by and I signed the consent form and he said nothing is for certain until they see the heart, but it was looking really good.  By now, Sierra and Lindsey are HIGHLY suspicious.  I came into the room and Sierra was eyeing me down, saying,"I know you have a secret.  She has a heart doesn't she?"  I would turn bright red and explain that the doctors are concerned with her blood levels and wanted consent for an IV.  Sierra saw right through it.  Lindsey was being cautious. 

Jason FINALLY arrived at 6:55 walking in the door winded, but playing it cool. He took his phone and walked out the door handing our nurse Suzanna his phone to video us telling Lindsey the news.  It was such perfect timing and so priceless.  We had 10-12 nurses watching in Lindsey's window as her Daddy came in and told her "Guess What?"  She looked in the window and screamed so loud and hard.  It was priceless! We were all weeping.  She said, "I did it, I did it, I did it!"  So true, against all odds Lindsey, you did it!  All the nurses came in and gave her hugs and nurses that were not here (Tracy and Shannon) called and gave their cheers for Lindsey.  British Tracy called and gave us our British word for today, "Brilliant." She saved it just for this occasion. 

Nothing is for certain still, but it is looking good. We do not have a time for the surgery yet, but it could very well not be until tomorrow.  Remember Dina went 36 hours and Chloe went 9 hours before transplant.  The surgery will be about 9 hours long.  We are being CAUTIOUSLY optimistic.


  1. Oh there are no words for this! I'm so happy there are tears! I was recently thinking how awesome it would be for her to get a heart on Valentines Day! Congratulations! I hope you will post the video.

  2. You sure did do it Lindsey girl!! So happy for you!

  3. Oh there is a video. I just got too excited and didn't see it! Haha

  4. The Vance's will be checking your blog frequently for updates and continued prayers coming your way. I think we could hear the screams down in Saratoga. We're screaming here too.

  5. You don't know me, but you are a family friend of a family friend of mine, and I have been following your blog for the past few months. I pray for Lindsey and I could not be happier for you and your family!

    I hope everything goes well, congrats and Lindsey, you are one strong little girl! Your family is so amazing too!!!


  6. I love the video thanks for sharing not a dry eye here in north powder everyone so happy that it has finally happened the words we have been waiting for close to a year... so happy for Lindsay lou :) :) :) Prayers with all involved in the next step and your family...

    Tana and Cheyenne Boyer

  7. HOORAY!!!!!!! What more can be said. So excited for you all! What a journey you have been through, you are an inspiration to so many people as we have read your daily blog: ) Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and especially with the Doctors and Nurses over these next few days that they will be guided to know exactly what Lindsey needs. the Spackman's

  8. I have never seen a more touching video...you have an amazing family! Your stength and faith are an inspiration. Our prayers for the Lord's continued blessings for you all.

  9. Oh my word that little video just made me cry sooo hard, Lindsey you did make it and this is your time to get a new HEART and start a new begining with that NEW HEART... Jay and I pray for all of you and for the donor family that they can find peace knowing they gave life to you... waiting to every new word you have to say...

  10. Congratulations to Lindsey! Praying for a quick recovery. Cade and Paula Wigger, formerly of Cove and Haines Oregon

  11. BRILLIANT times 1000! What a journey and so Valentine's Day season appropriate. Loads of Love, Kaye

  12. Lindsey, I am so overjoyed for you my love. I feel the excitement and am right there with you as I watch this precious moment from home. I prayed so much for this and am so glad you are getting your gift tonight. The best Valentine's Gift ever! Love one of your nurses, Marisa.

  13. YaY!!!! Oh my gosh the video is priceless. Thanks for the happy tears...way to go Lindsey...you did it! What a strong little solder you are and we are all rooting for you. I know you don't know me but I sure love you and your family!! Good luck! Hey Stace...I'm so glad your miracle is happening. Love you and praying all goes well. I wish I could reach through and give you all a huge hug :)

  14. Sally and Charlie ArvidsonFebruary 12, 2013 at 10:47 PM

    How wonderful to receive a new heart for Valentine's Day. Here is to a speedy recovery.

  15. So happy for your family Stacy! Thanks for sharing the video of your princess hearing the good news.....been crying all morning!

  16. OH MY WORD.....WOW, WOW, WOW!! That special news that was captured on video is overwhelmingly filled with emotions of happiness and the tears just continue to flow!! :) I was imagining joy and tears like Megan and Logan had when we surprised Megan in the waiting room, and I wasn't to far off!! This is so incredible and YES, LINDSEY LOU YOU DID IT!!! You have shown such bravery and courage throughout this journey, just keep it up and know that you can accomplish any battle! We are so proud of each of you and are thankful that you continue to update us and allow us to be a part of this journey. Our hearts are filled with joy and happiness for Lindsey Lou and the Bingham Seven and we are filled with thankfulness and compassion for the donor family. Thank you for giving life and may you find peace and strength with these decisions. We will continue to pray for all good things to come and more blessings. May each of you get a good nights sleep. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  17. Stacy, Why is it always so hard to keep those good surprises from children....they are always one step ahead!! Miss Sierra...you are one smart cookie!!! :) Jason, shall we send razors and shaving cream?????!!!! xoxoxoxo

  18. What a wonderful day. I'm literally in tears for a family I have never met. Praying for you all and hoping for a marvelous update soon!
    Hugs from Katy, TX

  19. Wonderful, wonderful news! I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes.

  20. Praising God and crying....what a precious video! Thank you for sharing it! Continuing to pray for you all!

  21. Praise God!! I have been steadfast in prayer for your entire family and will continue to pray. You are all an inspiration to this world as you work through this trial God has handed you with grace and faith. Continued prayers for the perfect heart, the donor family, the soul of the child lost, the Lord's guidance for all the doctors, nurses and staff, healing and recovery for Lindsey, a smooth transition into transplant life, strength for your family in the hours of waiting ahead, and so many other wonderful things for you all. Much love. Godspeed <3
    Lisa Mueller

  22. We read your blog every day at times it had been hard to know what to say because after 200+ days what can one say? Well even on days we didn't comment, prayers have been for your family each and every day. Thank God Lindsey's day has come and the wait for a perfect heart has paid off. the family that has suffered a tragic loss today will find comfort knowing the gift of life was given to an amazing little girl. You did it Lindsey! God bless your family. love the Hamanns

  23. Wow! What an absolutely priceless video! Priceless moment! Priceless little girl! Priceless family! We will continue to pray for you! Congratulations!

    Josh & Kari

  24. Lindsey Lou,

    We have never met, but I feel like I know you and your family. I have been following your courageous journey through this blog. Your beautiful smile and your sweet personality shines through. Your family's faith in God and their love for you has been such an inspiration to me. I am a single mom of 4 boys and I couldn't imagine going through everything your family has been through. When I am having a bad day and feeling overwhelmed, I remember what you and your family are going through. It makes my day not seem so bad after all. When I heard about the possible heart for you, Lindsey, I couldn't breathe and tears streamed down my face. I pray that this heart is meant for you, sweetie. You deserve this heart. A beautiful working heart for a beautiful loving little girl. As I jumped on my laptop, so I could watch the video your dad posted, the tears came again. Daddy's princess is getting her heart!!!! Praise the Lord! God has a plan for you, sweet girl, all in His time. ~Hugs~ Dione Ashby from Baker City

  25. I am so happy for Lindsey! That video literally made me sob! What an awesome little girl you are! My boys and I have been following your blog and they will be so excited in the morning when I tell them you've got your new heart! <3

  26. Kevin, Andrea and Jackson PaughFebruary 13, 2013 at 4:48 AM

    Woohoo!!!!! So many prayers were answered today! You sure did do it Lindsey! Many more prayers coming your way for a smooth surgery today. We can't wait to hear how you wow everyone at Stanford with your recovery just as you did with you Berlin!

  27. I am so happy for you. I did the ugly gry as I watched the video! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the doctors as Lindsey receives her gift of life! May God bless you and your family! Brad Jones

  28. Oh my gosh! You DID do it - all of you! I know there is more waiting and wondering ahead, but oh - what a milestone.

    Lindsey, in one of my comments I told you that my mom and sisters were all praying for you (from La Grande, Portland and Eugene). I got this email from my sister in Portland and wanted to share it with you:

    Our pastor preached a sermon Sunday on praying bold prayers and challenged us to pray with confidence, asking big things of God. I've been faithfully praying for Lindsey ever since you made me aware of her situation but have mostly been asking for patience, endurance and peace for her, trusting that all would happen in God's timing (which I still believe to be true!) Yesterday AM during my quiet time I kept hearing our pastor's words to pray BOLD prayers and I wrote the following in my prayer journal:

    2/11/13 May there be a heart for Lindsey THIS week--a heart for Valentine's Day! They have waited so long--may they feel your strength and patience and expect great things from you.

    Today's entry reads:

    2/12/13 I ask for a heart for Lindsey this week, asking boldly for a miracle only you can bring about!

    I know this miracle has nothing to do with me and everything to do with God but it has sure bolstered my faith journey! Thanks for making me aware of Lindsey's situation and for allowing me the privilege to pray for her and to learn an awesome lesson about the power of prayer along the way.

    As we shift our prayers to a successful transplant, we need to also be praying for the family who is grieving over the heart that they are surrendering to Lindsey.


    See? You are teaching us all about faith and courage and strength. YOU, my dear, are a miracle!
    Mrs. Tannehill

  29. Yes! We are so excited for you Lindsay. You did do it.

  30. Congratulations!! :) That is the best news ever! And right in time for Valentine's Day! Sooooo happy for you Lindsey!


  32. Jeremy and Jill HobbsFebruary 13, 2013 at 7:45 AM

    I can hardly see the screen I am crying so much. Congratulations. You are an inspiration to us all. God bless you for your faith, your perserverance, and example. We love you so much, and are so excited for the wonderful news. You are continually in our thoughts and our prayers.

  33. Your video made me cry! Good luck and I am praying for all of you!
    Pam (Olsen) Whitmore

  34. We are so happy for you and your family and are keeping you in our prayers. Our thoughts and prayers also go out to the donor family. What the ultimate gift of love this is and brings "Valentine's Day" to a whole new level. Wearing my Lindsey Lou bracelet today and heart earrings.

    Gina Perkins and family

  35. I posted last night from the iPod, but I don't see it. We are so happy that today is Lindsey's Day! Tears of joy for Lindsey Lou and tears of sympathy for the donor family. Prayers of gratitude and prayers for the Lord to be with the surgeons and you and your whole family. Don't forget the blanky...... Love, Phil and Judy

  36. You don't know me, but I work at Packard and have seen your family around and in the media. Your family is so brave and strong, and watching Lindsey react to her news brought tears to my eyes. She has my prayers for a successful transplant and I join you in prayer for the donor's family.

  37. So excited for all of you! Way to go Lindsey!!! Your family has been through so much. You are in our prayers!

  38. I don't know you personally. My husband used to work with Lindsey's aunt Michelle. I've been block stalking you for a while ;) I watched the video and I CRIED for your family. You are an amazing, brave and courageous family! Hope everything goes well!

  39. I am so proud of you, brave Lindsey, putting up with all that us docs made you go through, and so patiently waiting. Lindsey, you always had a huge, bright smile (and some nail polish) waiting for me every time I went to see you. Best wishes as you enter this next phase of your life's journey. I'll see you Friday when I get back into town. - Dr. Bernstein

  40. Jason and Stacy - you as the amazing parents have been in our prayers along with your children. Stacy, when we heard the good word this morning at work a group of about 20 of us got together to have prayer for you and Lindsey. You all will be in our continual prayers through this entire experience. God bless you so much - may this be a wonderful Valentine's Day! Jerry Nickell

  41. Lindsey, you are so brave and couragous. Your wait paid off. My prayers to you, your family and the family of the donor. May GOD bless you on the next phase of your journey.
    Libby Rudolph

  42. I miss volunteering for a few weeks at LPCH and our sweet girl gets a heart?!!! Amazing. Wonderful. Outstanding!!! My prayers continue to be with all of you- Meghan and the boys, Sierra and of course that little spit fire Lindsey Lou!! Xoxo,

    "Janet from the library" would you like any movies or books? ;-)
