Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Feb 12, Day 238, Tues, THE CALL CAME!

On Tuesday, February 12 at 6:00 pm Stacy got the call. Updates coming through out the night!!
We will leave out NO details. Stay tune.


  1. Soooo very happy and excited and yes crying!!! This is the BEST Valentine's gift! A HEART for Lindsey! Prayers being sent for all of you. Thank you GOD!!!!!

  2. Oh my gosh!! How perfect. Lindsey Lou gets her heart for Valentine's Day. We are so happy and excited for you all. You are always in our thoughts. -The Mack-Skeels Family

  3. I cannot even tell you how happy this makes me. We are so grateful, and will be praying for Lindsey that all will be successful!

  4. Oh my!!! How can you stop this flood of tears? We have been praying and praying, and little Thomas prayed just yesterday she might have her heart by Valentine's Day! What a gift!!! Thank you Lord, thank you, thank you.... and please be with ALL involved, most especially the donor family.

    Love you Binghams! Prayers continue your way.

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord for your gift!

  6. Long time reader, first time commenter chiming in to say we are pumped for the Bingham family! Prayers and happy tears from the Troske's in Meridian Idaho!

  7. oh my goodness so thankful that she finally got the call and so many prayers answered... Lots of Prayers being sent for you all..

    Tana and Cheyenne Boyer

  8. Answer to so many prayers...my eyes are still wet!! More prayers going up!!! Praise the Lord!!

  9. We are so very happy for you guys! This is amazing! All your waiting is paying off. Good luck!!

  10. Yeah!!! So happy and praying all goes well! Be brave as you have been during this entire journey Lindsey Lou. Reece

  11. Answer to so many prayers...my eyes are still wet!! More prayers going up!!! Praise the Lord!!

  12. I read your blog daily... an hour doesn't go by that I don't think and pray for your beautiful and strong family. Happy tears and prayers for all of you tonight. A new heart for valentine's day is truly perfect. Lindsey, you inspire me daily. Much Love.
    Hayley Howell from Meridian Idaho

  13. This is the best news EVER! Hoping and praying that all goes well for her!

  14. The day finally came! My heart goes out to the brave and grieving family for their heart ache and their willingness to donate so our precious Lindsey Lou can live, machine free! No more hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet. Good luck this week, prayers that everything goes as smooth as chocolate!(PS Abigail teared up when we told her. She is so happy for her cousin; what am I thinking, we all did except Jackson)

  15. How can one comment when I can't see straight as my eyes keep watering? The whole family was ecstatic when I read the news first on FB! I even called my parents in Hawaii (visiting Trace), and they said they had just fasted for Lindsey too! :) Now we are all praying for the surgery and the family who has lost a precious little one! We love you guys and look forward to more good news! Polkowskes

  16. Oh how wonderful- just got a text from Kari telling me to check the blog! Great news! Will continue praying for Lindsey and the donor family. What a great example you all are! Happy Heart Day! Johanna Anderson (Josh Anderson's mom)

  17. So many prayers going out to your family tonight from the Baker Valley! You continue to inspire us all, Lindsey! God speed.

  18. sharpen up the razor - time for a shave!!

  19. Yea!!!! Hugs and prayers for everyone from everyone!! The Loennig's

  20. I am so very glad to witness this miracle!

  21. The joy and happiness has filled our home....and our thoughts and prayers are with the special donor family as they have gifted the most special gift ever. May they find peace, strength, and happiness with this gift for Lindsey. We will be praying throughout the night and days to come for the Heavenly Father to bless Lindsey and her donor family. Hang in there and be patient... loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  22. P.s. love seeing the joy and happiness that is beaming from the kiddos!!!! What a special day for all of you. :)

  23. Colette and I and our entire family are overwhelmed with joy with this news. God is good and so amazing. Lindsey you and your family are so special and we thank you for allowing us to regularly visit and be inspired by the love and faith of your family and sharing your journey. You will continue to be in our prayers until Lindsey is home and back to her normal routine. We can't stop crying. We hope we can come visit again soon. May God also give the donor family special graces during this time. We will be anxiously awaiting your updates. I don't think Colette is going to sleep tonight. The Vance family3436

  24. Happy Happy Day Lindsey Lou! Be strong, like always. We are thinking of you and your family. Special thoughts to the family who made this precious gift possible. What wonderful new. All our love, The Swanson Family

  25. I have read the blog for months, following on facebook but never commented. Just wanted to tell you how happy I am for Lindsey and your entire family. My thoughts are with you the days to come as they have been these last several months.

  26. Prayers for Lindsey and family. I have been following Lindsey's story since the beginning. Although I have never meet your family I feel like I know them. I'm so happy for Lindsey.
    ♥ The Malone Family

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I have been reading your blog everyday, hoping and praying you would receive your heart! It makes me so happy that its finally YOUR time! You're a strong and beautiful little girl! Keep fighting hard!

    Shayla Stewart (Kellie Clinger was one of my high school teachers :)

  29. Amazing so excited for your family praying for you also praying for donor family and that god brings them peace in there time of sorrow. We say prayers for your family every night <3

  30. Even though I don't personally know your family, I have been following your blog everyday. I have laughed and cried with you. Today I am overjoyed for you! Of course the heart would come for Lindsey in time for Valentine's Day. So fitting for "Hearts for Binghams"!
    With love,
    Jenny Zacharias-Phelps (I used to teach at Haines, & I met Stacy last summer when I trained for Bountiful Baskets with her)
