Thursday, February 28, 2013

Feb 27 , 2 weeks out, Thursday (Jason's Wed night post)

So I spent some time last night working up an update, but Stacy beat me to it and did a great job.

However, I'm not going to waist the time I spent working on it.  I gave up some good According to Jim reruns typing this up. So below is my post and thoughts from last night.  Lindsey has had a great day. She had a BATH, a biopsy and was DISCHARGED. After 264 days in the Hospital, she is walking out the door!  Stacy has taken some great pictures and will be posting them later tonight.

Wednesday night, February 27, 2013
Checking in from Oregon.  Had some really good days at work. I need to have some good days, it is tax season! I talk to Stacy a couple of times a day. Her and ReNee are keepin’ it rolling. Sierra has had 4th dose of the plasma pheresis with her last one on Friday. Each time she gets it, she looks and feels pretty wiped out. By morning she is mostly back to herself again. Sierra has been going to the hospital school to do her assignments and tests. Not sure how much she is keeping up with the regular school work, but she is staying at it.

Lindsey is hangin’ in there but starting to get sick and tired of the hospital. They appear to have her blood pressure and prograf levels under control but she has been staying in for treatment purposes. For the last 20 hours she has had IV treatments, 12 hours of IVIG and 8 hours of Cytogam.  These are routine IV’s she will get weekly for about a month. While she is getting them, she has to be on the monitor and can’t leave her room. You know Lindsey Lou, wants to be out and about. Tomorrow, Thursday, she has her 2nd biopsy, then maybe released.  Hopefully things go well. Also tomorrow, Sierra has her IVIG.
This is going to be the story for the next couple months or so. Stacy was given Sierra’s schedule for her IV treatments, dressing changes, port flushes, blood draws and echos.  Add that to Lindsey’s schedule of blood draws, echos, clinic, biopsy, physical therapy, physic, blood pressure checks and school.  Don’t forget the life saving medications giving 3-4 times a day to 3 different kids.  Throw in a little Megan’s school and basketball schedule, Hunter’s school and activities and Gage doing the ‘Gage’, I’m in tax season so basically no help there (I wasn’t much help before anyway), and you have one good lookin’ momma keeping very busy.  Feel a bit guilty sitting here late at night on the old banana chair in our quiet living room by our BlazeKing fireplace watching According to Jim in Oregon.  Sure wish I could be there to help my dear wife. But for now, I need to be here focusing on my work. She can do it, it is just going to be a full time job for a while.  Thank goodness she didn’t take a night nursing job, but if she did, she would have found a way to pull that off. That’s why I married her. (If it sounds like I miss my wife, you are correct).

Couple of other events I didn’t want to forget. One of Lindsey’s friends, Collette, came by to see her. Collette wrote a neat story about Linds and wanted to share it with her.  We are trying to get a copy of it.  Also, little Jo Jo came by to see her. He is the cute little 6 year old waiting for a kidney that we have talked about before. He made a special trip up to 3 West just to see her.  Lindsey has that ability to make other kids feel good about themselves.
Yesterday I had a visit with someone who had lost their child in a car accident over 4 years ago. They had made the decision years ago to be organ donors, and in the mist of this horrible accident, they allowed their daughters organs to be donated. It was an amazing experience to visit with her. I was so impressed by her strength. I wanted to know everything she was willing to tell about the process. She said it helped bring a little peace to a horrible situation. They were able to donate all the organs but the heart. They never once felt like their child was violated or that the doctors acted like vultures.  They were shown nothing but respect and gratitude for the decision they made. I would like to publicly thank her and her husband for making the selfless decision in the middle of a horrible tragedy. We felt a connection to each other’s situation.  It was good for both of us to see the other side. Thank you. We are now in debt to 2 families out there who somehow made the same decision to donate.


  1. So wonderful that Lindsey is getting discharged! Your family has truly strengthened so many of us. Thank you for letting us be part of this journey with you! We love you! Love, Dave and Kellie Knowles and family.

  2. WAHOOOOO, Lindsey Lou!! How exciting to officially be outside of those hospital walls!! It's all so amazing--you Bingham girls show strength and bravery that is unmatched!! You go girls!! :)

  3. Amazing .....all the progress that has occurred in two short weeks...that I'm sure seemed very long to all of you!! Woohoo for Stacy and all she has done in your absence, Jason. You are exactly correct, she is one amazing woman!! (And I'm complaining about having to find all the paperwork for my ITR...shame on me!!) You two make a great team and have amazing kids. Keep up the great work Lindsey and Sierra!!! You guys rock!!

  4. Such a wonderful blessing to hear that Lindsey was discharged and is taking another big step forward!! AWESOME! Lindsey keep up your perseverance and you will continue to accomplish anything. Stacy, you've got this... you will conquer each and every day and your family will make it possible. So excited to see those pictures!! Love you guys... xoxoxoxo
