Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Feb 27, Day 13, First week of College

All is still well.  Lindsey's Prograf level yesterday was 14 and today it is 11. All in the therapeutic range that they want it in (10-15).  So, why are we still here? The doctors were looking at Lindsey's schedule and realized, that she has IVIG (12 hour infusion), Cytogam (8 hour infusion) and a biopsy all scheduled for Thursday.  They wanted to watch her a little longer. So, they had her IVIG moved up to last night and her Cytogam this morning.  I was so grateful for this. They also want to make sure that when she gets out, she stays out! Nothing would be more devastating to the Princess than to send her home and have to re-admit her.  For her well being they want to be sure every T is crossed and every I is dotted. I couldn't agree more.  We are most likely looking at getting out on Friday, if all stays well. Lindsey is very excited and nervous for this. I think we all are.

Sierra had her 4th of 5 plasma pheresis treatments. She is pale, wiped out and tired when they are done. But, by the next day she is back to herself.  She is handling them very well other wise.  On Friday she will get her last plasma pheresis treatment followed by a 12 hour IVIG infusion (yuck). That is 14 plus hours on an IV in the short stay unit. Making for a long afternoon and night. After this treatment, the next plan for her is an infusion called Rituximab.  This is an 8-9 hour infusion that they use as a chemo agent for cancer patients.  It is not going to make her hair fall out or anything.  It targets a specific part of her immune system.  She will receive 2 of these treatments 2 weeks apart. A week after the 2nd Rituximab, they will do IVIG again. A week after the IVIG, they will repeat her biopsy and see if any of this worked.  Sierra has been absolutely amazing about this.  She cried when she found out (we all did) and then she said, "Well, okay, let's get this going." Taking it all in stride and not complaining about any of it.  She is a good kid!

Megan had a game yesterday and they won big, 48-12, or some crazy score like that.  Megan played quite a bit, but was never able to get the ball to drop in the basket.  She has another game
tomorrow and is really excited for that.  She is doing very well and learning a lot.

Hunter is 'Hunter-Buddy'. He has been asked to work on his penmanship (couldn't agree more) . So, he has been on me to get him paper to work on his writing.  He does love a challenge.  Gage-a-real-ious is doing well. He will have a check up in March sometime.

Jason is hard at work, where he needs to be.  He has had some really great days and long days.  He seems to be in his tax season mode, at home.  I am so relieved that he could go home and focus on work.  We will all be excited to see him come back.  We hope to ALL pick him up from the airport. It has been wonderful having my mom here this week to help. She returns home on Saturday morning, and Jason returns Saturday evening.

As for me, you know that feeling after the first week of college? After all the teachers have handed out all the syllabuses for each class? You have that overwhelming feeling that all the tests, papers, projects and quizzes for every class are due tomorrow.  You start the semester off wondering, "How on earth am I going to get through this?" Little bit by little bit, you have a paper turned in here, a quiz taken there and then finals. You made it! You leave your last final clicking your heels together, feeling like the weight of the world has just been lifted off your chest and you can fly.  Today, I felt like the first day of classes. I was given Sierra's schedule and Lindsey's schedule.  Lindsey has physical therapy 3 times a week, biopsy weekly 2 more times after tomorrow, blood draws, clinic, child psych, and school. Sierra will need dressing changes weekly and her port flushed every 3 days ( both which have to be done in the hospital at different times and locations) and blood draws on top of the infusions I have already mentioned.  Add Megan's basketball schedule and Jason busy in tax season, and school for everyone, it was a bit over whelming.  Don't forget medications 3-4 times a day to 3 different kids, blood pressure checks and watching for seizures and rejection.  HOWEVER, just like you make it through the semester at college, we will make it through this.  None of this is on the same day, so I can get through this. One quiz and paper at a time. We are certainly not given more than we can handle.

Jason here, what a woman! This is the reason I married her.  She can handle the heat and looks good doing it.


  1. Stacy, what a perfect analogy you make re college days. You are quite a writer and while I think you are cramming a B.S., Masters and PhD. all into "one semester" you have proven over and over again for years that you can do it. You are amazing. Hugs to Sierra and as always I love her "can do" attitude which we have seen her exhibit over and over again these past years. Remind her that owe her some Jamba Juice treats, big time. Love, k

  2. WOW, Stacy what a perfect way to relate that schedule to---the beginning of a stressful college term that looks overwhelming, but as you spoke, "It's one paper, one quiz, one test, and on day at a time." Most of us would feel more than the stresses of "how am I going to manage all this" but you are such an inspiration and a great role model teaching us that too much will never be too much as long as you take one day at a time. And you are exactly right, He will never give us more than what we can handle (at times it may feel that way, but He is there taking each step and breath along journey)! Sounds like Sierra is up for some big treatments and is handling each one of them with her great attitude....we will continue to pray for strength and positive results. Good Luck Lindsey Lou with getting to walk out the FRONT doors of the BEST hospital will be a special day, but don't bust out before they are ready for you to take that step!! :) Congrats to Megan on a big win, those shots will fall as the season moves forward. Sounds like Hunter will be able to tackle his challenge of handwriting well with his mindset of wanting to practice....perhaps he also needs a "magic" pencil!!! Keep going little Gage (Logan is curious if he's had any more "fall ins" at the water by the doctors office before the hospital?!?!). Jason, you have got to be one awesome accountant with that dedicated attitude! AND for you Stacy KEEP IT UP and KEEP GOING forward one step at a time and one day at a time, before you know it the term will be over and you will be busting for your beautiful home! :)Love you guys and are inspired more and more each day by each of you. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  3. I repeat Betsy's WOW. She said what I am thinking so well. (she has a way w/ words like you 2) Thank you Bingham family for sharing yer incredible life w/ us. Yes, you all are an inspiration. Continued prayers for yall.

  4. You hit the nail on the head Stacy! I did not think many things were a good comparison to the first week of college, but what you have and will contininue to work through makes it pale in comparison.
    Here is to one more day!
