Monday, February 25, 2013

Feb 25, Monday, Not out yet

Prograf level was way high so they will need a few days to adjust and retest. They want to keep a closer eye on her elevated Prograf with her history of PRES  (the seizures) from Cyclosporine.  Prograf can have the same effect.  Also, she will have biopsy and IVIG on Thursday. So we are looking at Friday at the earliest for her getting out. She has decided she is ready to get out now. Heck with this comfort zone thing, she wants out! Each time Stacy stepped away to tend to other kids or issues, the phone was ringing.  It's like the last week of finals and you just want to leave.  She did stairs and swing in PT today and is continuing to improve.  Sierra had her 3rd treatment today. Did well, but is feeling pretty wiped out.

Lindsey was finally able to catch Dr. Rosenthal for his fingernail painting.  The rule was, she could put 2 coats on one finger and he has to wear it until she goes to the RMH. Maybe that will be incentive for her discharge.  Lindsey also had a fun, quick visit from her little JoJo.  He is 6 and waiting for a kidney transplant.  He was here for dialysis a few months ago and hung out in Lindsey's room a few times.  His dad said he has talked about nothing but wanting to see Lindsey again.  Today they had a check up and JoJo was adamant that they visit Lindsey.  Also, Amanda is finally off isolation and she gets to come hang out with us again. We are super excited about that. She is probably going home on Friday as well.


  1. It's so good to see her without any tubes & IV's! I want to see more pictures of our strong, healthy, brave girl. And we are ready for you're return (soon hopefully). I had a name tag for Hunter's desk laminated.

  2. I can only imagine Lindsey's excitement about being able to bust out of the hospital.... I'm sure it feels like a lifetime!! She is doing great and will continue to do great with her "I Can Do It" attitude. Stacy, hang in their with that ultra busy schedule!! Jason, I can only imagine how disoriented you were your first night home after being so exhausted....hang in there and just think that dream of returning home as a family will be closer to becoming a reality. With love and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  3. Thank you for the continued updates! I am so happy for Lindsey and hope the next steps of your journey are great ones!

  4. Life is good! Especially when we give credit to the One who is responsible, Amen!

  5. Stairs and swings...... yahoo!!! Inredible! Keep it up little Princess!

    1. INCREDIBLE!!! (Not Inredible...smartphone not so smart!! )

  6. We are hoping there's a picture of the nail painting. What an awesome doctor! Lindsey we are excited for you and all your small steps you are taking. Sierra keep being brave and tough through the treatments. Eavh of you are in our thoughts. Prayers from Eastern Oregon

  7. So excited to see so much freedom so quickly!! Go Lindsey!! Hang in there Sierra! We are all rooting for you as well!

  8. I'm so amazed ans excited to see all the progress Linsey has made--so suddenly, after such a long wait! Keep it up Linset! You go, girl!
    Anne and Mike
