Monday, February 25, 2013

Feb 24, Day 10, Sunday (posted Monday morning)

Jason here and back in Oregon. Didn't have internet last night and Stacy was busy with the kiddo's. Still looking at Lindsey being discharged soon, maybe too soon.  There is a lot paperwork and numerous prescriptions to be filled.  We wouldn't mind one more day. Busy day for my wife.  Below is Sunday's posting.

Sunday 24th of February
Days are getting much more quiet. Still just balancing the blood pressure with long term meds, and getting the anti-rejection meds stable in her system.  Still expected her to be discharged in the next day or so. Crazy!  Went for more walks and played games. All good stuff.  Sure wish I could be there but for now, I need to be here in Oregon.   Stacy and the kids have a busy week. She has to deal with Sierra’s treatments, Lindsey’s discharge, clinic, biopsy and school, Megan’s games, and the boys. I just have the office, and a whole lot of it.
House is still here and standing. Most everything is still in the exact same place I left it a month ago, and the month before that, and the month before that.  Still cold here with plenty of snow in the yard.  This morning it was 13 degrees.  Woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t figure out where I was. Too quiet? A comfortable bed? Dark? Where am I?

Helped feed cows.  Good to get out again. Cows are getting ready to start calving. Jake and the gang will be busy for the next few months tending to all the new mothers and little babies.
Really enjoyed church. Good chance to visit with many of our friends. Sure appreciate the love and concern for our little crew. I took a few minutes to share a few thoughts in the meeting.  I needed to publicly thank and acknowledge God’s hand in our lives.  There are so many events over the years that were preparing us for this time, and I need to thank my Heavenly Father for leading and guiding us.
1)      Stacy went into nursing, and knew she wanted to be a nurse at a very young age.
2)       I went into a profession, accounting, that allows me to work remotely.
3)      I was lucky enough to meet and ‘trick’ a cute girl into marrying me.
4)      We moved to Oregon close to family that has helped with kids.
5)      I work in a firm that is completely flexible to allow me to work remotely on very flexible hours.
6)      We met some very neat people in California that has helped through some tough times.
       a-      Bob, originally from Baker, Oregon and lives walking distance to the Hospital. He has helped us over the years with rides, meals and a place to stay.
       b-      Bill and Barbara. Meet them 6 years ago at the SF airport. I was completely lost, they helped me, and happen to live 1 block from LPCH. Bill has passed on, but their family has continued to provide support.
       c-       Michelle and Shawn, We share the same Aunt (The infamous and favorite Aunt Bonnie) making us cousins by marriage, I think. They happen to live in the same ward boundaries and have provided endless support.
       d-      Liz. Works in the hospital as a pacemaker vendor.  Met her 6 years ago. Again lives in the same ward boundaries, helped with the installation of Gage’s pacemaker, has kids the same age as Hunter and Gage, and has helped with the kids and meals on countless occasions.
       e-      Nori, PK, Mia, and many other new friends Sierra and Megan have met.
       f-       Palo Alto Ward members who have taken us in, fed us, and helped us feel at home.
       g-      A RMH, and all those who support the House, which allows us a place to live as a family.
       h-      Carrying doctors, nurses, social workers, therapists, and school teachers who have done a little extra to lift and support our Princess.
       i-        A massive support group in Oregon, Utah, Idaho and other places around the world helping keep Stacy and I a float.

I don’t believe all these events and people mentioned above is just a coincidence. If it is, so be it. But I like to believe God had a hand in preparing the way for us to deal with challenges place in front of us.  We don’t know what the future has in store for us. We don’t know how the decisions we make now will affect future events and challenges. I believe God has a plan for each one of us.  We don’t understand why, but I believe he does. I read the comments to our blog and wonder just how much good has come in the world because of our little Princess. Makes you wonder.  We all have challenges to face. I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father. I am grateful for the power of prayer. Everything we have prayed for has at some point been answered.
I just needed to share some of these thoughts I have been pondering.  More light hearted comments will come in the future.



  1. Thanks for updating, it's good to enjoy some calm hor a change! Happy you are home and things are 'quiet'. It will speed by, lol! Enjoy the therapy feeding brings, great medicine! God bless!

  2. I absolutely believe the people you have met along the way have not been by accident. Also, I'm remembering the scripture "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 Thankful for all the good that has happened, and continued prayers for Sierra and Lindsey this week.

  3. so lindsey is getting discharged congratulations but scary! i thought i read back awhile ago about having to stay near the palo alto hospital for a period of time for lindeys well being? or does she get to come back to NP ??

  4. Jason, so many people feel that you and your beautiful family are in their lives for so many reasons! If the only way you enter their lives is through this blog and never in person (like myself) your family will stay in all of our heart for a reason! Your family has helped me through a very difficult time in my life, just by sharing your story, your exerpences, your hope, your love for each other and our Heavenly Father....... Through merely strangers, you help me see the beauty in the World and help me be more thankful for my own life an show me that my struggles are nothing compared to yours! And as a family, you take on each day ready to conquer, love, share, and give back! So keep in mind, as thankful you are for those people, they are even more thankful for you, as are complete strangers, like myself!

    God Bless y'all!

  5. We loved your testimony at Church yesterday Jason. We can't wait for your family to come home. But we must be patient and wait for the right time. Note to self: stop being so selfish. There is a saying now as a comeback to ourselves and each other when we are whining or feeling sorry for ourselves.... "you aren't in California". Just so you know, in Primary there is never a prayer said, opening or closing by any adult or child that doesn't include prayers for your family. Congratulations Lindsey on your remarkable progress. Love, Phil and Judy

  6. Jason - that is so well-said. Your family and situation, and your courage and dedication to updating your blog regularly, has made a huge difference to so many people. THANK YOU! Hang in there and God bless your adorable family.

  7. Jason you forgot to mention I'm Favorite Aunt Bonnie.... Jay and I are soooo glad things are moving on the right direction for Lindsey and pray Sierra is doing good with
    Her treatment. We pray everyday for your little family.. I hope your days in North Powder are very refreshing for you.. Lots of love... Jay and Bonnie

  8. Jason, you did an outstanding job reflecting on all the wonderful events that occurred and prepared you and your family. This is just another great and amazing way your family is an inspiration.... seeing the positives through a very challenging journey. Thank you for sharing... gives light to all walks of life. See the positives and take one step, one breath, and one day at a time. Loves and prayers as always to each of you... xoxoxoxo
