Saturday, February 23, 2013

Feb 23, Saturday, Keeping Up With Lindsey

Stacy here, Jason went home today putting me in charge of updating. Lindsey had another excellent day! We played 3 games of Sorry, played Wacky 6 in the Sobrato room, hide and seek on the 3rd floor loop, friends visited and a walk to the Lucile Packard cafeteria. All unaccompanied and on our own. This has been REALLY weird.  She had one of her favorite nurses, Susana.  We told her maybe she should come with us so we can gradually break into this freedom.  All of these activities were done without a single monitor on her. CRAZY!!! The doctors are talking about letting her go home at the beginning of next week.  They want to make sure that her blood pressure is under control and her Prograf (one of the immunosuppressive meds) levels are where they want them.  Her levels have been really high. They want them between 10 -15 and today they were 16.9.  Lindsey wanted to take the stairs up from the cafeteria, so we took them from the ground floor to the first. She did amazing. Slow and steady.  Her VAD sites are healing well. They have to be packed with gauze once a day, which she is not happy about.  All-in-all, she really is doing awesome.

She is nervous to go out of the hospital.  I can't say that I blame her. For 8 + months she has adapted her life to this hospital. The nurses, doctors, therapists, and school ( which she will continue) have been Lindsey's world. Now we are coming to the part where we say good-bye to that. There are a lot of mixed emotions. She is nervous and scared to leave, but very excited to be with her family again ALL the time.

Jason made it home safely with his mom.  He was really dragging his feet to leave.  He wants to be a part of this transition, but it IS tax season.  Hopefully he can find the means to focus on work this week. We will miss him. He sacrifices so much for our family. He is an amazing man!

Jason here. While I was on the airplane traveling back to Oregon I prepared some additional thought but haven't had the internet.  Since this is our journal I wanted to add it in the proper section.

Saturday, February 23
Another great day for mixed emotions, all good but mostly hard to explain.  Spent the night on 3 West with Lindsey. It was very quiet, nothing was humming, beeping, turning, thumping or alarming. Lindsey woke up a couple time to use the bathroom, so as usual I go up to help, but I just stood there.  There was nothing to help her with.  We both thought it was kinda weird.  Last night we played a game of ‘Plants vs Zombies’ together on her ipad like we had done for the last 8 months.  It was one of the rituals we did after her walk.  I will definitely miss that one-on-one time with my daughter.   Now I am on a plane heading home for week to see what is going on in the real world.   The office has done a good  job of keeping my things going. 

Stacy and I are both excited to have her leave the hospital soon, but it is kind of sad in a twisted sort of way.  For 8 months less a hand full of days, Lindsey has had a ‘Daddy-Daughter’ or ‘Mommy-Daughter’ date every night, including sleep overs, evening walks, music, games, stories, friend visits, foot massages, and mostly just time. When I get back from Oregon it’s going to be different, a good different, but different.  I never thought that I would miss that part of my life.  Those are turning into good(?) memories.  Memories I hope we NEVER relive but good memories none the less. (I know that sounds weird)
 You can tell Lindsey is nervous to be leaving the hospital.  Again it hard to explain, but there was a real security she felt knowing there was ‘something’ there keeping her okay, a nurse, a monitor, a Berlin, a parent,  something. Now she will be on her own.  (Not really on her own, we will be watching her like a hawk, but that is how she is feeling).  Yes it is good and wonderful, and a blessing from God, but this is an adjustment she having to process.

Stacy and the kids are now in the Sobrato Room playing Wacky 6 and other Games. Stacy’s Mom, ReNae, is flying in to spend the week here while I am gone.  I would love to be there as our Princess ventures out, but I also need to get home for the busy season.  Stacy and ReNae will have their hands full as Sierra gets her treatments, Lindsey has her appointments and biopsy, Megan has her games, and the boys have their ‘whatever’.

As for today, my Mom left on an Alaska flight out of San Jose to Boise. Should be there around 2:00. I kept moving my flight back during the week and now leaving out of Oakland on a Southwest flight. My brother was going to pick us both up in Boise around four.   Just for a little drama, part way through our flight they had to turn around and come back to Oakland for some maintenance.  There were a few people freaking out, but there was no major event. So now my Mom and Uncle Justin will have to wait a couple of hours, really no big deal.
Interesting in rounds on 3 West, it’s the same ole' doctors and nurses, but now they are watching a whole new set of issues. There is no more talk of blood thinning, INR, cannula site, etc. Now its heart function, rejection med, blood levels, and blood pressure.  Once they have the blood pressure and rejection meds stabilized and no new issues pop up, she should be released to the RMH. Once at the RMH she will still have weekly clinic appointments, echos, biopsies, IV treatments, and school. So we are never that far away.

We have been keeping our eyes open for some dude pulling their kids around in a nice ‘gently used’ bike buggy. What we think really happened is there are a few homeless people that live a short distance away, like ‘Hunter’s Hideout’.  We think we are going to see the buggy on a street corner with all kinds of treasures in it. But haven’t seen it yet.
Till next time


  1. This is amazing news. Colette would love to come see her Wednesday after her appointment. I'll give you a text to see if that works. Stacy and Jason you are wonderful parents that have faced so many challenges with such grace and complete love. Thanks for inspiring so many. Many tomorrow bring many more new beginnings for Lindsey. We also continue to pray for Sierra. God bless and peaceful dreams of home.

  2. So unbelievable how things have changed in the last ten days. your family has been such a testament to faith and prayer, it would be incredible to know just how many have been following your story. We will continue to pray for you as Lindsey adjusts to life outside the hospital and Sierra deals with her situation. God bless! Love, the Hamann's

  3. That is amazing news!!! We are all so excited for Lindsey and your family. I bet it is extremely weird for Lindsey to think about leaving the hospital. This is what she has been dreaming of and reaching for for so long. And now that its finally here, her dream is coming true. Way to go Princess. Your whole family is so strong and such an example of what a family should be and so. We love you!!!

  4. So excited for your sweet family. It is hard to believe how quickly things are moving along. We continue to pray for your family daily and are very excited for you. Maybe some day we will meet you in Oregon as we live in Cove in the summer months.

  5. And Freedom rings as Lindsey is able to go explore the hospital without monitors and being accompanied by nurses.....and to take the stairs probably feels like a fantasy! New life, new transitions, new beginnings... such amazing blessings. I bet all of the kiddos are excited about all these new transitions. We continue to pray for strength. Stacy you do a wonderful job updating the blog and thank you for taking time out of your super busy schedule to do so. With Jason and Grandma Leslie returning home does that mean your mom made it to Cali? Keep going strong and faithfully Bingham Seven, each of you are incredible! Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  6. Incredibly exciting news... I'm SO SO happy for Lindsey and your entire family. Continued positive thoughts and prayers coming for Lindsey, Sierra, Gage and all in the Bingham clan! Fingers tightly crossed for a smooth and hiccup-free departure from 3West!!! YAY Lindsey!!!! Keep it up!!!!

  7. Love hearing the latest greatest on Lindsey's progress of healing after the wonderful gift she's received! Continued prayers for easy healing, adapting to freedom and Sierra's positive results to come. God Bless Us All.

  8. You and Jason make an amazing team. That's what marriage is all about. Yay for freedom! In knowing Lindsey she will be nervous, but is going to take each new adventure in stride. We are so thankful that God has heard our prayers! We pray that Sierra's procedures are working and that you all can enjoy some time with less stress! Miss you all and are thankful for this blog! Tell Lindsey I see a bowling/dance party in the makings for her return to Eastern Oregon!

  9. We did have a great day !! You are right .. It did feel so weird seeing you all leave the floor without me !! Happy Sunday! Tell Lindsey I will see her tomorrow !

  10. Just amazing... so very happy for all of you! Lindsey is coming home! Wow!!!!
    Big hugs to Sierra for all her procedures this week.
    ps.. It is 18 degrees, and a beautiful clear sunny day!!!!!! Boatloads of snow yesterday at Anthony Lakes, and lots of ice skating on the interstate.
    It is, what it is!

  11. that is great news that Lindsey gets to explore more areas of the Hospital. I am sure the first time she goes back to church will be a great experience.

    I am glad she is doing very well.

  12. Incredible miracles and blessings you have been given! Continued love and prayers to you all!

  13. I can only imagine how exciting it was to 'taste' freedom again, wow! And I can certainly understand the hesitation!
    You do just fine blogging, another talent to add to your list, lol! We appreciate any bit of news you share, we are lucky you can fit that into your busy day of lazing around eating bonbons, lol! Thank you :)
    So happy for Lindsey's progress, praying Sierra's will be good too!
    God bless your wonderful family! M.

  14. Stacy, thank you for the update and soooo happy to hear the good news! I hope Mom is getting some rest, but who are we kidding? A mother of 5 never gets rest! Stacy your love for Jason and your kids is inspiring..... Thank you for the update! I hope Sierra is making positive progress as well!

    God Bless!

  15. Wonderful news!! Looking forward to hearing more good things this week!! And are doing a terrific job (that's VERY understated, of course!!). You are the Mom keeping the whole thing flued together!! Don't underestimate your value or the admiration and love we Mom's all out here in cyberspace have for you. We get it!! Have a great week. Prayers will continue!!
