Thursday, February 28, 2013

Feb 28, Day 264, Lindsey has left the Building!

After a total of 264 days, Lindsey has left the building! She is out and home at the RMH.  Lindsey handled her biopsy very well.  She came right out of anesthesia, without any difficulty, ready to eat.  Her Prograf levels were now 7 (too low), but they still felt good about her going home.  She will have a blood draw in the morning to see the official trend of the Prograf.  There is no school tomorrow for Sierra or Lindsey, so it will be a nice relaxing morning at the RMH.  We will be checking Sierra into short stay for her last plasma pheresis at 12:40 pm and the IVIG is to follow.  She will probably get released at 3 or 4 in the morning on Saturday if all goes well.

Lindsey was very excited to leave the hospital.  We took our victory laps around 3 west and CVICU on our way out.  Needless to say they were brisk walks.  She waved and said, "I'm  leaving." Then walked on.  When we got in the suburban, she said, " turn on some music.  We are out of here." Here are a bunch of pictures that I took throughout the week that I haven't been able to post, due to not being at the RMH where the computer is.

 Dr. Rosenthal getting his bright pink fingernail polish on.

Taking the stairs

Her sweet friend Colette bringing her the letter she wrote about their friendship.

Lindsey before her biopsy today. Very nervous.

Me gowned up to go with her into the cath lab until she is asleep.

Done, awake and eating her Popsicle.

Fun nurse Susanna.  One of many that made our days brighter and better on 3 West.

Amanda who will be discharged tomorrow.

Dr. Ashwin Lol, a fellow we were hoping to talk into getting a transplant program going in Boise, ID or Portland, OR ( a little closer to us).  Looks like back east will get him.  They have hired a great asset to their program.

Ashok, the surgeon fellow who took out Gage's staples, did push ups for Lindsey and made our many evening walks fun.

Stephanie, a fellow who has been here through it all.  Admitted Lindsey the night she was life flighted from Boise, admitted Gage when he was in complete heart block, kept us updated on Lindsey's surgery during transplant and even went into Lindsey's biopsy today.  An amazing person!

Our favorite PT, Mandy.  Her other half, Sandra wasn't there today.  We will miss them for therapy.

Mary Alice, our Berlin "go to" person.   She helped get policies in place for our Stanford excursions and was working on the policy for us to have a little more freedom on the Berlin.  We just heard today, starting tomorrow, families on the Berlin can go to the Sobrato room unaccompanied by a nurse.  All because of Lindsey paving the way of what these Berlins can do.  Thank you Mary Alice for all of your hard work!

Lindsey's last trip to the Ronald McDonald cart.

"Let's go already Mom, not another picture."

Lindsey heading into our apartment at the RMH.  Fun signs Hunter and Grandma Coleman made for her.

Lindsey cutting off her hospital bands.  She was supervised.

Here we go! Lindsey's medicine.

Our last sticker for our collection.  We are done!

There were so many other people that we would have loved to have gotten pictures with.  So many staff members have helped lift Lindsey up and made our stay in the hospital so much brighter.  We thank you nurses on 3 West, playroom volunteers, child life specialists, librarians, massage therapists, doctors and therapists (physical and psychological),and the information desk.   To all of you, Thank you!


  1. Yahoo Lindsey Lou!!!! YOU DID IT! We hope your first night home at RMH is a blessed one for all. :) xoxoxoxo

  2. This is the BEST day every for The Bingham 7 all together under one roof....(except Dad) but that will happen saturday night... Thankful this day finaly came and not oone minute too soon.. We love and pray for you all daily... Uncle Jay and Aunt Bonnie (the favorite one)

  3. Congratulations Lindsey!! We are so happy for all of you, we know how long you have been waiting for this day and we are so excited it is finally here! Best of luck with all the craziness that comes next!!

  4. This is so awesome. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. We will always keep you in our hearts and in our prayers.

  5. Just amazing to think back just two weeks ago we all waited, praying during Lindsey's surgery. so happy for your family, you are all amazing! God bless and hoping you have nothing but boring uneventful days ahead. Love. the Hamann's

  6. Thank you for sharing your story, and helping all who have read, to have a better perspective on life, family and God's love. Thank you for giving all of us an opportunity to once again have purpose in prayer as we plead for Lindsey's life. We will not forget to pray for Lindsey, Sierra and Gage. We will not forget you...Thank you! Thank you Lindsey for your example of courage! May God bless you all, for the gifts of hope and faith that you have given to us!

  7. What a beautiful day to have the lil princess discharged! She is such a brave an strong beautiful girl. I can only imagine the happyness to be able to leave the hospital with her. Your family is always in my families thoughts an prayers as all of you are so strong an amazing. Such great models on other families to keep us all strong. Our love is always wth you an look forward to reading the new journey of having the princess with all of you at the RMH.

  8. I am so happy for all of you!!! What a roller coaster you all have been on for so long! I look forward to reading more posts! Prayers will always be coming your way!

  9. Great news! Praise God! We keep you ALL in our prayers. The main focus has been on Lindsey, Sierra & Gage I know, but I pray for Megan & Hunter as they watch their siblings go thru all these processes and for their incredible parents keeping the faith & strength of God to get thru all this. God Bless Us All.

  10. Another step forward. Seeing the pictures and the video brought tears to my eyes. I'm sure Lindsey and you and Jason are feeling a bit overwhelmed. Just know each step we are all cheering and praying for you. This is just AWESOME!

  11. God is so good. What a huge day for so many people, none more excited than Lindsey herself. Wow, I'm just in awe of what modern medicine can do. You are an incredible family, whom we've been so fortunate to follow through this journey of yours. Thank you for sharing. You have changed my outlook on life and how I raise my children and how thankful I am for every day I get with them. God bless you all and when you get back to the Baker valley, if you run into a lady at the store who starts crying when she sees your family, you know it'll be me. I might even get Lindsey's autograph :)

  12. I was completely overcome with emotion at the pure joy of knowing that Lindsey made it! We simply couldn't be happier or more proud of Lindsey, Sierra, Gage and the entire Bingham family. You have inspired us more than we can ever put into words. We have laughed, cried, loved, and prayed with you every step of the way. You have deeply touched our lives and we thank you for sharing your journey with us. We can't wait until you are home in North Powder!
    With love from the Daltons

  13. Congratulations Lindsey! You did it, glad to hear you are doing well! You will be back to Oregon before you know it! Keep up the good work, we are still sending lots of prayers & thoughts to you & your family!!

    Keep up the good work! :)

    Carrie Crook, Justin Boyer & Alica Trindle

  14. I stumbled across your blog on Valentines, and was in love with little Lindsey and your dear family. As a nurse and a mom myself, I kept up on your blog and was stricken with anxiety awaiting what would happen next. I'm so happy things have progressed the way they have!

    Even though we are strangers, I have prayed for you each night and thought of your sweet and humble family.

    Cheers to a brave, healthy and valiant year!

  15. Thank You Heavenly Father for walking with this amazing family through all the good and bad! We are so Happy you are out of the hospital. May life only get better here!

  16. Wahoo! So happy for you to be all in one spot, at the same time!
    I love seeing all those pics and the difference in Lindsey since the surgery, wow! So wonderful!!!
    Enjoy this new chapter in your lives, hang on to your hats!!! May God's blessing keep you all healthy and happy :) M.
