Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1, Day 15 - Exhausted (in a good way)

Today was a great day!  Lindsey had to get a blood draw this morning at 7:30.  Her and I took the shuttle to the hospital, we would have loved to walk, but they won't let her due to the construction and her immunosuppression.  We were leaving the hospital at 8:00 when we received a call to stay there until 9.  Dr. Katz wanted to see Lindsey's nasty ole cannula sights and make sure the drainage had slowed.  Needless to say, the longer we had to wait at the hospital, the grumpier Lindsey got.  She wanted to go shopping and do girl stuff.  Once we left the hospital, we were on our way.  We can't go far fresh after transplant.  They want us to stay close. The furthest we can travel is 15 minutes away from the hospital.  Which limits our outings, but we are happy for it!

Lindsey received a 1A on her biopsy from yesterday.  A 1A is as good as a 0 (no rejection).  We will take it!!  They are adjusting her Prograf again as her level was 8 and they want it 10-15.  All good news in Lindsey's behalf.  She has the weekend off, with a lab draw, Physical Therapy and school on Monday.  We are really going to enjoy this weekend when we can ALL be together.

Sierra checked in to the Short Stay Unit for her last plasma pheresis.  She has been pretty tired lately, but doesn't complain much.  Her left leg gets restless after a pheresis treatment.  Today it happened during the treatment.  The nurse that runs the machine said that everyone expresses different side effects.  They were going to draw some labs and see if that showed anything.  After her pheresis treatment they started IVIG.  This is a 12 hour infusion.  So,  I switched my mom and she stayed with Sierra while I took the other kids to take Megan back and forth to practice.  This evening Megan, Hunter, Lindsey, Gage and I relaxed with a movie at the RMH.  My mom and Sierra relaxed in the short stay unit where they will spend the night, coming home sometime around 5:30 am.

We are very excited to have Jason come back tomorrow.  Even though, I know he is very stressed with the amount of work he has.  Hopefully with all of us here at the RMH, he will be able to work better here.  Here is to another great day tomorrow.


  1. What a great day!!! The reunion of the whole family will be very sweet indeed!!! Good luck with all the tasks you have to do in the near future and know we are still praying for each and every one of you!!!

  2. The sun was shining for us in Eugene, it was shining on you w/God's blessings as well. What wonderful news to read! All together & doing well OUT of the hospital :) Sierra you are a true jewel <3 Lots of loves, hugs, prayers for each one of you for what you need. <3 to <3

  3. The whole weekend off Lindsey?!?!?!?!!! I am so happy for you. Enjoy every last minute of that freedom. We continue to carry a prayer in our hearts for your whole family. Keep up the good work.

    Alexus is getting Baptized tomorrow woot woot!! It will be a fun day for her.

  4. So happy for all of you! Johanna Anderson

  5. Great news! So glad for a good day! And tell Sierra she is about as fine a role model as anyone can be! What a trooper! Glad for you all that Jason will be back tomorrow and you all can enjoy being together again. Prayers for continued healing and strength for all!

  6. Here is for more GOOD days. Keep up the amazing work, I am so proud of all of you for keepin on. Stacy I was thinking about your college days analogy and I couldn't agree more that you're enrolled in your bachelors, masters and ph d program all in one semester! You even have the basketball games to attend to, it may not be the Aggies but Megans team is a close 2nd! Love You ALL- Enjoy the good days and keep more coming! Aunt G

  7. Awesome news! I will keep praying you stay on the right track.

  8. We are soooooo happy things are going well. You guys deserve some relaxing days. We'll keep those prayers coming your way.

  9. That is great to hear that Lindsey is OUT!! She looks wonderful.

    I really hope Sierra's treatment helps.

    Have a Great Weekend

  10. As a physical therapist for the past 37 years, I have learned a few things since I left school that are really important but that weren't included in our curriculum. One of them is that a cheerful disposition facilitates healing. So laughter really is good medicine after all!!! :). Here are a few Goofy jokes to hopefully brighten your day! Now, sit, stay, heal!!!!!!!

    Q: Why do people go to Disneyland?
    A: So they can get a little goofy!

    Q: Why did Goofy wear two pairs of pants when he played golf?
    A: He thought he might get a hole in one.

    Q: Why did Goofy stare at the label on the orange juice all day?
    A: Because the carton said concentrate.

    Teacher: Where can you find the Red Sea?
    Goofy: Usually on my report card.

    Teacher: Can you use the word “fascinate” in a sentence?
    Goofy: Yeah. My jacket has ten buttons, but I can only fasten eight.

    Continued Love and Prayers, Mike and Dale Olsen

  11. What a monumental weekend for you guys! Everyone together AND a weekend off of hospital stuff--things are looking up! Think of you often...especially during my run today, Stacy! I always miss my original running buddy with every run and look forward to the day when we will run together again. God bless you all!

  12. This is so fantastic to hear about more normal things. What a relief to be (mostly) out of the hospital but still taken care of. We miss you guys but are so glad to hear how you are doing!

  13. We're so excited about all the developments and how things really seem to be on an upward trend. We we continue to pray for your entire family until you are back home in Oregon. We loved seeing Lindsey on Wednesday and were in such awe of her being not connected and seeing her move. You go Lindsey. We look forward to another visit soon. God bless, Colette, Louise, Rob and Robert
