Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jan 15, Day 210, CVICU Visitors

Stacy here.
For months now, Lindsey takes a nightly walk to the CVICU.  To see other kids we know on the Berlin and the new friends we have made.  The doctors laugh at the thought of the "Berlin club".  They think Lindsey would make a great President, as she goes on her "rounds" and visits all of the patients on assistive devices.  Some of the people we would go and see was Shaambak, who had his first biopsy today and may go to the RMH for the first time in 7 months tomorrow. He is doing very well since his transplant 2 weeks ago.  We have also been visiting our friend Dinalyn from Hawaii.  She is on a Heart Mate and doing well, but is in the CVICU for funky rhythms that they want to keep an eye on.   The other Berlin buddy we like to go visit is an adorable, almost 2 year old, Rogerlio.  He has a double Berlin and has been on the device for 2 months now.  He is absolutely adorable and blows kisses every time we see him.

Today and yesterday, Dinalyn and Rogerlio's family have surprised us by coming and visiting us instead.  It has been a very fun treat.  We just love these people!

Thank you for the math problems Molly, we are putting Lindsey to work on them.  We will have her work them out then see if her teacher, Kevin, can get them right.  What a great new thing for us to look for.  I am sure we can come up with some great math problems!

There is not much more to report.  Megan had volleyball practice and then basketball practice.  Sierra had basketball practice and Hunter and Gage went to their friend's, Nate and Ruby, to play.  Jason is feeling the stress of tax season coming up, but is working hard at making things work here as best he can.  He is such an amazing husband and dad.  He sure sacrifices a lot for us.  As always, things will work out how and in the time they are supposed to. However, April 16th will probably be more welcomed than years past. 


  1. Glad to hear Shommbok is doing well. It is an amazing culture/world you live in right now. Almost unbelievable except that you are right in the middle of it.

  2. Sounds like it is starting to really pick up the pace there. And I'm Jason's schedule and tax season load will help keep things feeling rushed and busy... might be a perfect time for a perfect gift!! Lindsey Lou you are and continue to be an inspiration, and because of you you have encouraged and inspire other heart patients that anything is possible, too!! Keep it up. Praying for each of you and for donor families. May the Lord bless each with strength and renewed hope. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
