Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Jan 16, To Do's lists and quiet moments

Stacy here.
Every now and then, I forget a few things (only sometimes).  Scheduling of kids activities, a blood draw for Sierra, ordering kid's medicine on time, etc.  So I have come to the conclusion, that I HAVE to make "to do" lists.  This may not come as rocket science to most of you.  I did them at home, but fell out of the habit when there wasn't much "to do."  Today I made my first list, as I did I started remembering all the scheduling items we had with Sierra, fresh transplant.  It made me nervous for Lindsey's turn and trying to juggle it all.  I decided that I am going to enjoy this waiting moment more. Our lives are going to be really crazy post transplant.  Biopsies, clinics, blood draws, physical therapy and anything else that may come up unexpected. Adding Sierra's monthly IVIG infusions, clinic and biopsy and Gage's appointments.  I think I am okay waiting a little longer.  I am sooo grateful for this quiet time in our lives, that I can appreciate each of my children and the blessings we have. The kids have all stepped up to the plate through this experience.  I am so very proud of them.

Jason and Sierra leave on Friday.  Sierra will return on Monday and Jason will stay until next Thursday.  Jason really needs the time at home to get himself put together for tax season.  His cousin Theresa will be staying with me, which is very nice of her. Life still goes on when Jason is gone.  Basketball and volleyball practices, Sierra heart clinic, and me staying the nights with Lindsey.  So here is to enjoying the 'quiet' moments.

Jason here.
Not sure what planet my dear wife is living on. Quiet moments? She is able to handle so much. Guys can only handle one thing at a time, and she is over there juggling the load. I love that woman.  If she has a quiet moment maybe she come over here and spend it with her husband!  Lindsey finished working up the answers to Mrs. Smith's math questions. She wanted to make sure I put that in here.  Good night.


  1. Jason, your wife definitely lives on Planet Amazing because she is extraordinary in every area I can think of....keep up the awesome job of being a spectacular mom and amazing wife!! And at some point and time in the near future your planets will align again and no more sleeping restless nights apart!!! :) Stacy, enjoy the short "to do" list..... still longer than mine and probably more successful than mine!!! Praying for the perfect heart to bless Lindsey. Loves, hugs, and prayers xoxoxoxo

  2. I think you are all amazing! Still praying!

  3. I think you all live on planet amazing!!! i like that Emily

  4. You all are from Planet Amazing. So glad Lindsey Lou solved the math problems. As you all can imagine, I've been thinking of more since we're still in the hospital with my mom. But, I'll give Lindsey a break. :) Safe travels back to Oregon and good luck to Stacy and the kids.

    xoxo Mrs. Smith

  5. Stacy, your ability to fully live in "the moment" is a gift - and your to-do lists just make it more do-able! You probably need to keep the honey-do lists going for Jason!! Then he can sequentially handle what he needs to do.

    Your family is amazing - your support of each other in such a trying time is inspiring!

    Take care of yourself - our prayers continue to flow your way...

    Julie, Tommy & Katie

  6. Stacy, if you every feel the need to give blood, may I have a transfusion? I could use some amazing.

    Here is something to make you smile--being married to an airline pilot, I think it is hysterical.

    President Monson, President Eyring, and President Uchtdorf decided to take a break and go fishing.

    After a few hours President Monson realizes he is hungry and says, "I'm going to go get my lunch from the car." He then gets out of the boat and walks across the water and heads to shore.

    Suddenly, President Eyring realizes he is also hungry, so he says, "I'm going to go get my lunch too," and then he gets out of the boat and walks across the water to the shore.

    Meanwhile, back in the boat, President Uchtdorf is feeling a bit like he has to show that he can also walk on water,after all he is a Lufthansa pilot, so mustering all of the faith that he can, he steps out of the boat and promptly sinks to the bottom.

    Back on the shore, President Eyring turns to President Monson and says, "Maybe we should have told him about the rocks."

    The Prophet replies, "What rocks?"

    Love and Prayers, Mike and Dale

  7. Stacy- I don't know if you're into lots of electronics or not, but I am also a list maker and enjoy an online organizer It didn't seem too spectacular to me until I saw that I could keep "to do" lists and recipes, etc on it. Denette
