Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jan 17, Day 212, Thursday

Jason here, really not much. Today I watched an 8 hour online webinar.  It was a tax update course for the upcoming tax season. This year is sure going to be interesting doing tax in a remote location.  I think we are all set up to make it work. I just know when we get into the heat of tax season the 'call' is going to come. Now that is going to be interesting.

Sierra and I fly home tomorrow. She is going to the orthodontist in Ontario then spend the weekend home. She will be catching a 9:00 am flight out of Boise Monday morning.  I will be staying until next Thursday.  Sorry she couldn't be there for a day of NP school. She is really starting to do well at Jordan. Not that she doesn't want to be home, but for now, she is making it work.  We are all making it work.

As for Linds, it's another day. She has been doing great and has had a pretty good attitude. It is sure good for her to visit her 'heart' friends in the CVICU. It gives her and them something to look forward to.

We have a wall back home with our kids' height and weight on it. Each year we mark how tall they have grown.  Since we are not there, we did our measurements here and Sierra and I will record it on the wall back home.  It will be interesting to see the change in our kids. Megan is now 3 inches taller than Sierra. It's just the way it is, Sierra hates it. Hunter is an inch taller than Lindsey but a couple of pounds lighter. And Gage is bringing up the rear.

That's it from Palo Alto. Hopefully Brad Allen will need to fly me back to Calif earlier than my scheduled flight back on Thursday.


  1. Wow - an 8 hour webinar...what a fun day! yes, things are getting busy but that is good. Time to make hay while the sun shines (or when the dew is right)!
    Have a good trip home.

  2. Tell Sierra there is nothing wrong with being short! My sister is 9 years younger than me and is about 5 inches taller than me now, and still growing. She has been taller than me since she was 9 and I was 18.

    Meghan Cleary

  3. Just tell Sierra that DYNAMITE and GOOD THINGS come in small packages..

  4. Safe travels back to Oregon Jason and Sierra. The jr high girls play at home tomorrow a.m., if your available and would like to come watch and visit with friends I would be happy to come get you! Hard to believe Megan is now that much taller....Logan is feeling like you Sierra with shoe size as she is a 3.5 and not only is her brothers feet bigger, but also her whole class. I keep telling her there's nothing wrong with being small.... she's not buying into yet. Jason glad you get a break from the office today, so you can digest all the tax changes..... yuck on the webinar hours ...hope the speaker didn't speak like a robot!!! :) Keep up the amazing work and attitudes.... you are all truly INCREDIBLE and INSPIRATIONAL! Stacy hang in there while Jason is away....and yes I agree on the happiness that would come from Brad being called upon for flight duty for a happy unexpected trip back. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
