Friday, January 18, 2013

Jan 18, Jason and Sierra are off

Jason and Sierra left at 7 this morning and flew back home to Oregon.  Sierra had an appointment with her orthodontist.  He came into his office, just for her.  Very nice of him! Jason and Sierra landed in a booming  9 degree, sunny day.  Here we enjoyed a beautiful mid 60's sunny day.  It really felt like spring.  My seasons are so messed up here, BUT I am not complaining.  The weather is very enjoyable.

Okay Molly, here are your answers Lindsey worked out (with a little help).

If you go up 5 stairs, then 6 stairs then 6 more stairs, (11+6=17, 17+17=34) 34 stairs in a trip up.  If you go up and down the stairs 4 times daily, (34+34=68, 68x4=272) you walk 272 stairs a day. Lindsey thought that was a lot of stairs!
  • If each stair is 7 inches tall, (272x7=1904) you go 1904 inches a day. Which, would be (1904/12=159) 159 feet. Whew!!
Here is one Lindsey thought of.  Lindsey has been in the hospital for 223 days.  When the doctors are rounding, there are usually at least 5 medical staff present for rounds in the morning and 2 in the evening.  How many total medical staff have rounded on Lindsey?

We are going on a hunt tomorrow to make up some more.  Thanks for the challenge! Theresa, Calvin and their family are on their way from Vegas.  Fun times tomorrow.  Here is hoping Lindsey has a peaceful night.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness - let the math challenges begin. I love this! Guess who gets to solve these problems? Yep - your North Powder classmates. Math is all around us. One crazy book that I love to read is called "Math Curse." Have you read it? It may give you some ideas when you are on your math hunt. Good luck and I CAN'T wait to hear about your math adventure. Prayers to you Lindsey Lou. We miss you very much and hope that your special day is right around the corner. Thank you for taking the math challenge! Have fun and we'll talk soon! xoxo Mrs. Smith
