Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jan 20, Sunday, Fun with the Rasmussens

As you probably know, Jason is gone and I don't update as frequently as he.  I apologize! There was no heart or anything like that.  We had a fun day yesterday.  Theresa and her husband Calvin and their four boys, Royce, Chase, Zack and Cody, came to visit.  Chase did an amazing Eagle scout project.  He made a whole bunch of kits for the Ronald McDonald cart that comes around the hospital here every Tuesday and Thursday.  We have benefited greatly from this cart.  They bring snacks and drinks for everyone and then they have little gift packets for all the children.  Chase decided to create these kits for the cart and donate them to this Ronald McDonald house in honor of Lindsey.  It was VERY nice of him.  They delivered the packages Saturday and we got to spend the weekend with them. Hunter and Gage were in BOY heaven.  They loved being surrounded by boys for once, instead of girls.  They are some great boys and we were very excited to have them here with us. Theresa did a great job of bringing new crafts to do.  As Megan said today, "Thank you for bringing something new.  We were really getting tired of the same old, same old." They taught us how to make some fun bracelets.  Already we have a list of people we want to make them for.

Today, we went to church and then our dear friend Michelle Hansen and her family brought dinner over and we all ate in the Sobrato room.  It was really nice to visit and have a nice evening together.  Theresa brought some tiles and taught the kids a really cute finger painting project.  The kids all loved it!

Jason is getting use to the icy roads and the very cold weather, and we are enjoying the very nice warm sunny weather here.  Sierra comes back tomorrow and Jason will return on Thursday, unless we give him a reason to come back early.  Theresa is kindly staying behind as her family heads back to Vegas tomorrow.  We are so blessed to be surrounded by so many kind and wonderful people in our lives!
Our tile projects in the Sobrato room.

 Chase making his delivery to the RMH.

Zack, Chase and Royce getting ready for the drop off.


  1. This has been the best Eagle Project for Chase, his ward in Las Vegas is wonderful. Both Our family and the Rasmussen Family got on board and had a great time shopping for these things.. Chase and his family have been looking forward to this trip for months, I glad they finally to come. Those boys LOVE other kids and LOVE to help out. And they are good boys...
    Jay and I still pray every minute of every day for Lindsey to get a HEART...soooon...
    Love Jay and Bonnie

  2. It was so nice to see Sierra at the game. I have been waiting for months for that hug! she was surrounded by girls where ever she went, pretty darn cute. I hope someone got pictures. Stacy you have my vote for mother of the year, you are amazing. god bless! Love, the Hamann's

  3. That is really cooly for the Rasmussens to come down. Great job Chase and everyone else who helped!
