Monday, January 21, 2013

Jan 21, Checking in from Oregon & Dina's Day

Jason here. Wanted to check in from Oregon.  It has been nice coming home for a bit.  Good to see our home is still standing. Like all the Oregonians have said, it is cold here. Highs in the 20's and low around zero. I guess it has been like this for most of January. 

Sierra had so much fun coming home. On Saturday we went to the junior high girls basketball game. When we walked in she was swarmed with friends. At halftime, a few girls pulled her onto the court and the whole team came running a gave her a huge hug. It was pretty special. It was good to see so many of our friends and neighbors.  Sierra went skiing with Aunt Emily and then spent the rest of the day with her good friend Lauren.  Church was nice. Again you would have thought Sierra was a celebrity when she walked in with her high heals!

That evening Sierra, Grandpa, and I went out to feed cows. It has been too long since I have been able to do that with any of my kids. No joke, it feels so good to get out with WARM clothes on in zero temperatures and feed cows with Sierra.  There is just something about it. Sunday evening Jake and Wendy, Justin and Emily, and Mom and Dad, and all the kids got together at our house for dinner. For a brief moment everything felt normal except one thing.... I know I have mentioned this before, but it feels so unreal to be in the house. The home represents a time before our lives changed. Still feels like a dream to be there.  None of us know when we will be home. It is still months away, at best. 

This morning Sierra and my Mom left at 4:30am for Boise. Sierra caught a flight back to our home in Palo Alto.  Thanks to Michelle for picking her up.  As much as she whats to be here in Oregon, being in California is the right place to be. It was hard to see her go and be left in that quiet HUGE home. There was a time I didn't think it was that big, but that has all changed.  As for me, I am working like crazy for prepare for tax season.  I will head back on Thursday.

Words can't explain how thankful I am to Theresa, Calvin and their boys Royce, Chase, Zack and Cody for their visit to California. Theresa, thank you so much for being there and helping this week while I am working. I have some pretty neat cousins. Thanks!

Haven't talked to my wife much today but did get a text message around 5:00 pm. Dinalyn got the call. We are really excited for her. She is the teenager from Hawaii who has been on the heart mate (a smaller Berlin type machine for bigger kids). She has been listed since late October and has been in the ICU fighting irregular heart rhythms and other compilations.  She was the one Lindsey would go visit everyday. We are genuinely excited for them..... But a little girl took it pretty hard..... Her and her tender mother cried together. Her Daddy's heart just aches for his Princess.  She has now seen 5 transplants come and go. We understand it's a matching process and her day is coming. It's just hard sometimes. I sure wish I could be there to hug Dina and neat parents. Then hug our Princess. Her day will come... but not today.

Speaking of, we would like to share a special invitation to anyone and everyone who would like to participate. On Wednesday, the 23rd, our Palo Alto and Baker Valley church wards are holding a special day of fasting and prayer for Lindsey. If anyone would like to join us, regardless of your denomination (and I mean that), I personally would greatly appreciate it.  We are fasting and praying specifically that her perfect heart has been prepared.  I know God hears all our prayers. I know her day is coming.  She is so strong, but it's tough. I know the tough road she has been on and will have in front of her.  I have faith in my Lord Jesus Christ and in his timing.  I know he knows exactly what she is going through. I just pray and fast that her day is coming soon, for her to be able to move on and receive that life saving transplant. I pray every day for that donor family. God please, bless them.

 A beautiful sun rise
 Powder Valley gym
 The junior high team with Sierra in the middle

 Ruth Friboes, a strength to our family

 The hallway in North Powder's new building.


  1. I am sure it is more about intention rather than rules, but if one were to participate in this day of fasting, would that be all day wednesday, or just until sun down? I'd like to participate.

    I can't imagine how hard it must be for Linds to see her friends get their hearts while she is still waiting. Her day MUST be coming soon, it has to be.

    Meghan Cleary

  2. I will definitely join you and your family in fasting and prayer on Wednesday. I fast quite often and your Lindsey is always on my list of those that I include in my fast. Blessings to all.

  3. Count us in on the fast, and thank you for the invitation! We love Lindsey and pray for her everyday. We are praying for the continued strength that you will all need to see this through. It will be nice to join together in fasting and prayer for the very special Lindsey Lou! Lots of love and prayers from Korea.

  4. I'll definitely join you in fasting and praying! God bless you all! Love from Finland :)

    PS: It's also pretty cold over here, I totally understand this dressing warm and going out to enjoy the cold. Keep your spirits up!

  5. We will be fasting with your family. Thank you for giving us this opportunity!

  6. We will be fasting tomorrow. Grateful for the opportunity to do something to help. Love you guys. So happy for Dina and her family!

  7. Thank you for letting us know about the fast and giving us the opportunity to actually do something to help. We will be fasting tomorrow in addition to continuing our petitions to the Lord. Love, the Riches

  8. Everything about this post just brings tears to my eyes. Sierra's warm welcomes, doing simple things like feeding the cows in the cold, the big house that needs its family, your family get-togethers with cousins I haven't seen in years, Lindsey having to wait patiently by, and the invitation to fast, which I surely will do. God bless and I mean that with all my heart.

  9. Thank you for sharing this fast with all of us. We are grateful for the opportunity to join. We love you Lindsey!

  10. I'm not sure if you all remember us (Gabe Lawson's family), I think Gabe had just received his transplant when you guys came. We just wanted to let all of you know that we read your blog and we pray that Lindsey will get her new heart soon. Gabe just wanted to tell her that "it will happen and you're gonna feel sooo good running around and no getting out of breath!" We will pray and fast with you guys on the 23rd.

    -Melanie Lawson

  11. It was such a nice change of scenery seeing part of the Bingham Clan back in the Powder Valley....thank you for the visit!! I look forward (probably not quite as much as you do, but it might be a big toss up on that!!!) we will visit and enjoy basketball all together again and all the happiness of being back home and not in the "dream" of being back home. It will happen! We will be fasting for renewed strength while waiting for the perfect heart Lindsey,for the perfect donor family, and for believing in the Lord and the hope that is needed for the gift. Hang in there Lindsey....I know this is very challenging, but you are incredibly strong and courageous. Just think it's just a few more days that you escape the chaotic N.P.C.S. "Go with the flow days" and those stinky boys! We are all praying for you, believing, and hoping that your day will be soon. What a day that day will be....tears of joy and happiness, for now tears of hope flow and are lifted up with prayers knowing that He is listening to each one of our prayers. We believe in you kiddo and we believe in your family giving the love and support that is needed throughout this journey, and most of all we believe in the power of prayers. Let tomorrow be filled with the power of prayers and fasting all in the love of sweet Princess Lindsey and her perfect donor family! May the Heavenly Father Bless each of you. We love you each and pray often. loves, hugs, and many sincere prayers xoxoxoxo

  12. Sierra - I love the picture of you in the kitchen getting ready to go outside. So did you or your dad set that mouse trap in the corner? And did you catch one?
