Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jan 23, Fasting for Lindsey - Humbling

Our dear friend Dinalyn, finally went in to receive her new heart at 4:00 this morning.  They have had a very trying 24 + hours. The doctor came and told them that they had an offer on Monday evening at 5 pm. At 8:30 that evening they were still waiting to hear a time for surgery and to know if it was truly a good heart.  Yesterday, Lindsey and I went down to see Dina before school, and she still had not gotten any word yet if it was or was not happening.  Finally at about 8 last night they told her she would go into surgery at 4 am this morning. After waiting almost 36 hours for an absolute answer, Dina went to surgery. She came out at 1 this afternoon. She looks great and was on the ventilator, but awake enough to wave at Lindsey this evening. I asked the doctor to make sure that they were 100% sure before telling us of any offer. We could not handle that kind of wait, or information and have it not happen. It does happens from time to time. They have an offer, get the child ready for surgery, they see the donor heart, then decide it is not a good heart and the surgery is canceled.  As our dear friend Shawn Stockwell knows. We are so relieved and happy for Dina and her family.

Tonight has been VERY humbling.  So many people showed up tonight to start our fast and many others in Oregon started theirs earlier today.  I thank EVERYONE for their selflessness and kindness in our behalf.  Thank you for sacrificing a day of eating to pray with us for Lindsey.  I am so touched and in awe.  Tonight when Lindsey and I were saying our prayers, she started crying. When I asked her what was wrong, she said, "My heart is so touched that so many people are praying for me."  In behalf of ALL of us, thank you! I am so greatful for this trial in our life. Without it we would never have been able to see the kindness and generosity of so many people.  I wish there was a word stronger in the English language than "thank you" to express how much gratitude we are feeling. But, until then, thank you!

Dina after she just found out there was an offer.  Monday evening.

Sierra brought our Wii back from Oregon.  Notice how the kids "interact" so much better with each other.

Lindsey and Dina Tuesday night, when the time had been given.

Dina and her sweet mom Elisa and Lindsey.


  1. And I am humbled by Lindsey's words... truly an angel. Prayers to all of you.

  2. You are welcome! We were happy to help in anyway we are able!
    .And you are strong enough to handle a rejection by doctors of a heart :) you have proved that many times over the past year plus (Sierra started it!). I truly understand your not wanting to encounter that situation! But you can do it especially for the right one! I am sure it would not be easy but God has given you strength. We keep our faith in His goodness and judgement, not always easy. We will keep ours prayers going for all your needs! God bless you all! M.

  3. It was such a powerful experience for our family to fast together for you. All our kids from eight years up chose to fast. I kept wanting to tell the younger ones to eat or drink something but they were determined to do this for Lindsey. In addition to our personal prayers we gathered together many times to pray for Lindsey. There is real power in fasting and prayer and I will not be surprised to hear soon that THE day has arrived. We are grateful we got to be part of this special fast. Heidi

  4. Lynn and I would like to thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to fast and pray with you. It was very special to know that for a brief period of time we were together, we were of one heart and one mind, all united in pray for one precious angel. The time and distance didn't matter, we were one! We love you! You are deep in our hearts and prayers, and will continue to be as long as you want and need them.
    Love and prayers from Korea

  5. What a blessing each of you are and to be so supportive to the other children in the hospital battling their challenging journeys is more than inspirational. This is just another way your family proves to be amazing, exceptional, and incredible!! Your day will happen Lindsey, until then enjoy your new friendships and playing the wii anytime you get to....hopefully we'll see some family dance offs! Hoping Jason's travels today went well. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
