Monday, January 14, 2013

Jan 14, No more pokes (for now)

All good stuff today. Her INR, (blood thinning level) is finally where they want it, so no more lovinox shots! Yahoo!  The midnight poke was become very un-fun.  Also her cannula site looked okay, so no dressing change for a week. So it was a good day. And if she is having a good day, then we are all having a good day.

The office I am using here in Palo Alto is working very well. (Thanks Shawn)  I can log into our Baker office and work as though I was sitting there in Baker, only it is 55 degrees here not 15. We do miss the wintery weather.

The Falsev's had a fun time in San Francisco. They came by tonight for a nice visit. Sure nice of them to come all his way.

And Carol, her medium was on this white thick paper stuff, and I thought the resilence was very quieting, wouldn't you agree?             (Stacy, I and the kids really do enjoy the comments)

 Tracy and Wendy Falsev and 3 of their 5 daughters, Brooklyn, Kinley and Mailee.


  1. HUNTER!!
    You are the MAN buddy! Looking good.
    Glad to hear it sounds like things are on a high. Here is to a long lasting high and hopefully no more lows.

  2. Hi Lindsey Lou. I have been spending some time in the Boise hospital with my mom. She had surgery and has had some complications. But, on my daily treks around the hospital, I've been thinking about you A LOT and about math. Go figure! (ha ha - get it?) Anyway, each day I walk 5 stairs, 6 stairs, and 6 stairs two times on the way up. I make that trip at least 4 times (up and back) during the day. How many different ways can you figure out how many stairs I climb in a day round-trip? This morning my dad and I measured the stairs. Each stair is 7 inches tall. How many inches do I walk going up? How many total if I make 4 round-trip trips? How many feet is that? Are you bored yet? And then, I've been on the third floor and I've visited almost every bathroom I can find on this floor. I'm wondering if your hospital has the same amount of public bathrooms on a floor as the one here in Boise. I'm also wondering how many people a hospital employs. Gosh - so many people come in and out of the room and they each have different jobs - well at least most of them do. I'm sure you've thought about these things. Tim thinks I'm nerdy that I'm writing to you about this. My dad loves it because he is a math teacher. What other math problems are you finding in your hospital? I think your classmates should solve some of these problems. Ahhh, I just thought of another. My mom's nurse comes in at least once an hour. Her shift is 12 hours. If she has four patients (I think that's what she has) what is the minimum amount of times she would see all of the patients? (That one isn't worded very well. Sorry! Ok - write back and let me know what math you've found down there! I miss you tons and pray for you often. I love that your parents write this blog daily, as that's part of my daily routine! I also love when you write too. Did you enjoy the paper your classmates made? It was great fun and thank you for suggesting it. At first I thought you were crazy for asking us to do this, but I really enjoyed it. It was messy, but fun! Ok - I was hoping this long note would bring the doctor in to visit my mom. I guess I better finish reading. Mr. Hopkins gave the teachers reading homework. What do you think about that? xoxo Mrs. Smith

  3. Yeah! Glad to hear that things are going well...sorry we don't comment more, but we love to read your blog, and how you uplift so many people during your time of trials! The kids are always asking how Lindsey is doing, and they think it is so cool that almost every kid who prays in primary here knows Lindsey and prays for her. :) (It wasn't quite that way in Colorado) Anyway, we love to see your pictures, and I thought it was cute to see Lindsay "scheduling" her nurses. :) Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Polkowske Family (Aaron and Tiffanie and kids)

  4. I love knowing that you had a great day with some positive changes.....keep up the good work!! Jason enjoy the mild winter conditions, it's been a little to cold here for to long (the school even had to deal with some frozen pipes today... not much fun for a bit)!!! Lindsey, I love how many math questions Mrs. Smith came up since she's been at the hospital with her mom. I think you could come up with some pretty great math questions for Mrs.Smith and your class to solve that would also teach the kiddos more about your surroundings. And by the way I think Boise beats LPCH in the number of restrooms per each floor! :) Keep believing and trusting in the Lord. Loves, hugs, and prayers xoxoxoxo
