Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jan 13, Sunday, Dr Rounds

Lindsey had a fun day with Denise, her nurse.  More of the usual; playroom, painted a craft, walks, hangin' out at the nurses station, etc. Her INR blood level is still low, so more lovenox shots.  She really is getting tired of them.  No good explanation why the level was so low.  They have increased the dose, but it is still not enough for proper blood thinning. So she will get another shot tonight and then her usual Monday blood draw tomorrow. She also will have her weekly dressing change.  Hope the cannula's are hanging in there.

This morning while Lindsey and I were in the bathroom washing her hair, the team came in for rounds.  We never heard them come in, so they started dinkin' around. They quietly took a hilarious picture and saved it to Lindsey's ipad as her wallpaper.  We never knew they came in until Lindsey was turning on some music and saw the picture. It was really funny.  There is so little to talk about with her (INR being the only thing) they took the time to have a little fun. Sure made Lindsey feel good.

 We had an enjoyable day at Church.  This evening Stacy's friend from high school and her family came to visit. Wendy and Tracy Falslev and three of their daughters drove over from Logan Utah. They are here for a few days and will head back on Wednesday. Very nice of them.

Busy week ahead, then Sierra and I fly home on Friday.

Honestly, I am surprised anyone reads our blogs. Seems like we are living the same ole day over and over and over and over and over and..............

 NP (Jessica), MD (Chen), NP (Bambi), Nurse (Denise), and Charge Nurse (Joanne).
 A painting Lindsey was very proud of. She wanted me to post this painting on the blog.
 Lindsey re-working the board to try and get her favorite nurses.  It's kinda funny, it is getting to the point where she has many 'favorite' nurses.  It's the world she lives in.


  1. The painting is beautiful, an artist in the making!
    Thank heavens for slow or boring days, take 'em when you can, lol!
    We sure appreciate you taking the time to share with us your lives, after all think how much more time you'd have on your hands without blogging!
    How about you bring some warmth up with when you fly up? We could sure use it, brr, it's been too cold lately! We've gotten spoiled with our warm winters, lol!
    Hope your Monday gets off to a great start for the week! Have a great day and may our good Lord keep you in his loving embrace! God bless you all. M.

  2. Lindsey, I think your painting is perfect! I think you have a talent for painting. After you get your new heart and you are super strong again, maybe you could paint your whole Oregon bedroom like that! It would take a long time, you would have to fit it in between, bike rides, riding the horses, playing with cousins, school, and of course chores around the house. It is all going to happen Lindsey, hang in there! We think about you and pray for you everyday! Lots of love and prayers from Korea!

  3. I read your blog every morning with coffee before I wake the kids up waiting the day (I know not as much as you) that I get to go running down the hall turning on all the lights to tell them she is having the transplant.
    Thanks for the time you put into updating everyone.

  4. I read your blog every morning. It's usually the first one I check. My daughter is 8 years old and received the gift of a new heart about 5 years ago. She is going great and your pictures of Lindsey and your day to day "adventures" remind of our inpatient stay while we waited for her heart. We were stuck on a single floor in the hospital! We really struggled for ways to keep busy, but we were lucky to wait only about 6 weeks. I'm so glad that Lindsey is stable, and that she is able to wait for that perfect heart. You and your entire family are in my thoughts every day.

  5. What a beautiful painting! Hopefully that will go in a place of honor in your room :)
    I just wanted to say, Lindsey, that you are so brave and I would like to be you when I grow up haha! Hang in there, God's timing is always perfect. Praying for you all everyday! Kate Jones

  6. Are you kidding Jason? I check the blog several times most days and await the day when we can shout the news from the rooftops that it's Lindsey's day. We love to hear about your day-to-day routine to see how your family's love and faith holds you together and while you support Lindsey and the other kids at the same time. Your example inspires us. Have a good day - one day closer... Love Phil and Judy

  7. I echo the same thoughts others have, I read your blog everyday. Each day hoping to read the words that her heart has come. I'm so happy that Lindsey is stable & that you get to have "boring" days. Have you watched the movie Groundhogs Day lately? You could probably relate :) We keep your family in our prayers each night that you can keep strong & healthy & get the support you need. Your faith is such an example to me. Talk about enduring to the end & enduring with such grace. Just remember there are others out there thinking about you & pulling for you everywhere. Keep smiling & keep being "boring".

    Take Care
    April Whitley

  8. Lindsey, I love your painting. The colors are beautiful. What medium did you use? Painting is one of my favorite things to do. You have to be an angel for the resilience you show. Love you and your family. It is 7 degrees here. Burr.
    Carol Pratt

  9. We check your blog everyday and pray for your family at every meal. Abigails prayers are cute since a three year old can't really understand. But your family is never forgotten at prayer time. You are such an inspiration to us.
    Matt and Elsa

  10. Dale and I read this every single day. we laugh, we cry, we are humbled, we take courage. We have an anxious hope every morning when we open the Blog that this will be the day that you post "Today, is Lindsay's day!!!!!!" Oh well, it wasn't today but we are one day closer.
    Continued Love and Prayers, Mike and Dale

    P.S. Q: What do you give a seasick elephant?
    A: Lots of room.

  11. Love your painting! It is beautiful and the colors are my favorites!

  12. Holy smokes, I LOVE your beautiful art! Heidi

  13. Hi Lindsey! you're painting is very pretty! Can you sign it and send it to me? I would like to frame it and put it up! Alright you can keep it! ( But we really think it is awesome)! I like the funny face you're making in the picture by the Nurses Board! It made me laugh. Keep doing the best you can! We sure love you- Aunt G and Uncle (I like to dance to Miley Cyrus) Seth

  14. I read your blog everyday. I'm fighting breast cancer and reading about Linsday keeps me in check. I pray for her everyday before I pray for myself. The perfect heart is coming; stay calm and fight on!

  15. I wish your blog had a "like" button then u might know just how many people are following your family through this journey. I check in on your crew last thing before I go to sleep, which. is usually late, and first thing in the morning. I just know one of these late nights the word is going to come that Lindsey's gift then I am going to be calling to wake everyone I know. :). I hope Jason and sierra will still be in eastern Oregon Monday so she can drop by and see us at school..... 9:00 would be perfect.... hint hint hint!!!! god bless tour family, always in our thoughts and prayers. love, the Hamanns

  16. You have some talent there miss Lindsey with your painting. Great job! We are keeping you in our prayers.
