Saturday, January 12, 2013

Jan 12, A day with Jennifer Shek

Sierra and Megan did good at the Lightning basketball game. Shawn and Trista Stockwell came to watch the game.   That was very nice of them. They flew out to Alaska today after a few days of tests, biopsy and IVIG.  They are scheduled to come back in 2 months. Hopefully our status has changed for the better by then.

Jennifer Shek, Sierra's post-transplant coordinator for the past 6 years, came by and took Sierra out for the afternoon. That was her only purpose of visiting today was to take Sierra out and have a girls day with her. It really made Sierra feel special.  Jennifer helped us through many years of stressful biopsies, biopsy results, hospital admits, medicine adjustments and reactions, and the overall stress of caring for a child with a transplant. She has now moved on from this job, but wanted to spend the day with Sierra. Thank-you.

We don't mention it much, but Gage is doing well. He takes 4 med's and 1 vitamin supplement. Eats okay, not great, and his energy comes and goes.  But for the most part, he is doing great.

Took the boys to a primary activity at the church. Sure are a lot of good people here.

Stacy and I struggle with Saturday activities. Saturdays are made for getting out and doing things; home projects, 'honey-does', shopping, fun time, sporting events, exercise, getting fire wood, etc. But everyone of those means we are leaving Lindsey. It's the same dilemma we have faced for months. But as we are becoming more involved here through school, church, activities, work, etc, the pull to do things away from Lindsey increases. People ask us what fun activities we have planned for the weekend. Well...... playroom, walks, games, Sobrato room, fountain, gift shop, wacky-6, etc. or, we leave our Princess and go do something. I understand there needs to be a balance here, and Lindsey is doing better (most of the time) at being left by herself.  She knows she is waiting for the perfect match and could be looking at months to come. Our faith and hope is strong, it will happen.

On a lighter note, the chin hair is getting ugly and hard to manage. Stacy braided it today, but most of the time I fold it up into this doubled over pony tail thing. (scary, huh!?) Whatever, we are all having fun with it.

 Jennifer Shek and Sierra heading out.

 The girls with Shawn at their basketball game.
 It may be interesting to see how their friendships develop down the road, stay tune.

 Hunter serving up a healthy snack to his new Sunday school teacher.
 It looked like something off of the movie 'Elf'. And Brian Zenger ate it (not all of it).

 Lindsey was excited about her new mask. There was nothing wrong with the other ones, she just thinks these are more comfortable. No joke, she loves it!  There is such a tight seal around her mouth, you can hardly hear her, so she has to yell to talk.  We all agree she is now ready for a nuclear fall out.  But hey, if she loves it, we love it!


  1. Wow, that is quite the mask. Is it an upgrade for dealing with all the construction or the germs or a combo of both? At any rate it looks pretty cool...loving the pink!! That's great that Sierra got to spend a special day with someone that means so much to her and all of you. Thank you for taking the time to update the blog and post pictures... love to see the Bingham Clan!! Keep praying, going, doing, believing, and hoping and that perfect heart is one day closer. May the Lord continue to bless you with strength and lift up your hope through this journey. Loves, hugs, and many sincere prayers xoxoxoxo

  2. Great photos! I know what you mean about watching how the friendship develops ....... They have special bonds, don't they?
