Saturday, January 5, 2013

Jan 5, Day 200, Club Volleyball

Yes, we have entered the '200' club. Not sure what that earns you or what button she gets for that, but we have now hit 200 days on the transplant list.  So to celebrate this great accomplishment, Lindsey and the gang did the usual; walks, playroom, nerts, Wacky 6, make a craft, watch a movie, and go on another walk. Honestly, she had another good day.

Sierra stayed at Nori's house last night and went to basketball practice this morning. But right on schedule were her headaches from the IVIG.  Tonight she was in tears with pain.  If she ever gets behind with her pain meds it takes a while to get back on top of the pain. Hopefully tonight Stacy will have it under control.

Megan and I left this morning at 7:40 for her first all day club volleyball tournament in San Mateo. They played a total of 5 games and finished around 6:00 this evening.  They finished 4th out of 16 teams.  Not too bad!  She had a great time getting out and playing. She has definitely improved and can hold her own with anyone on the team. Some of the teams we beat pretty easily and other games we were beat pretty easily. Interesting how the teams they beat they had all the confidence in the world and when they were getting whooped on they couldn't remember how to hit the ball. It was a great day and she had fun. Got to know some of the parents. Wow, some of those parents are serious about this club volleyball thing.  I guess there are 'power' clubs out there that travel all over the Western United States and compete for the Junior Olympics. Hey whatever!

Had a great visit with Marci and John Stevens.  They are such good people. Their daughter, PK, is one of Megan's best friends here in California.  They have and continue to help us in so many ways.

When the last game was done and we were all heading out, a few of the parents were saying what a long day it was sitting in the same building all day.  Megan and I just smiled. We know someone who has had a few long days sitting in the same building :)=

Lindsey went for her evening walk to the CVICU. Shaambak has had the ventilator taken out! He looks great and is improving everyday. Still bitter / sweet for Lindsey. She knows her turn is coming.....

  Megan is #18
The really good one:)
 Yes I am a proud parent!
I am her Father!!
So deal with it!!

 One thing Lindsey likes to do at night is go in the bathroom and shut the door between her and the humming Berlin. She likes to brush her teeth without 'Traeh Nilreb' at her side. It really is a peaceful silence.
 Traeh Nilreb ?


  1. I get it! Berlin heart backwards! Do I get a prize?

  2. You should be a proud parent! You have great kids and we all love the daily stories of your lives. I'm so glad Megan enjoyed the day of volleyball. Those are fun times and good memories. And remind Lindsey that we always celebrate 100's day at school - so a big celebration for 200's day is in order. I don't blame her for having some quiet time in the bathroom brushing her teeth. I hope Sierra's head-aches are gone. We went out to Powder for the big rivalry game versus Imbler. Great basketball, but our varsity teams didn't come out on top. While we were there we snuck into the new building. Tim hadn't seen our new classroom and I hadn't seen the cafeteria in a month or so. I forgot to take pictures for Lindsey. I will try and remember when we return on Monday. The room is HUGE! I think we need to get some roller skates and have some fun in there when we're not eating! Thanks again for sharing your story and your faith. My prayers go out to you daily! Miss you all!

  3. Have I told you lately, that you are all amazing!!! I don't know how you do it day in and day out... but you are one amazing little family! I think this week will surely be the week. Love and an extra dose of prayers from Korea!

  4. You continue to be such an inspiration to so many. hard to believe it has been 200 days, thinking back to those gut wrenching posts immediately before and after the Berlin, it is so incredible how well miss lindsey is doing. It is wonderful that she is so strong and ready for the day her gift arrives, praying it will be soon. God bless your amazing family! Love, the Hamann's

  5. Hi this is megan! I love reading all of your gises comments. Thank you for your kindness. I am not all that though. I missed 3 serves!

  6. Gus found this and wanted to send it to might peek at it before showing her, there might be a couple of questionable jokes there, but some are pretty funny! We are always thinking of your family. -The Mack-Skeels Family

  7. Megan we enjoyed seeing all the pics from your big club volleyball day. Looks like you are doing great! Keep up the good work. Logan is going to play club volleyball on Marji's team which will be starting up real soon, too. Also loved the pics of Lindsey escaping from part of her life by utilizing the quietness of a bathroom!! :) The temperature finally felt nice here today... I think we made into the twenty's today. We head back to school tomorrow, which will be nice. So I suppose I best be heading off to bed now!! Loves, hugs, and prayers xoxoxoxo
