Friday, January 4, 2013

Jan 4, Friday, Another Day in Paradise

Stacy here.
Really not a lot to report for the happenings of today.  Lindsey had a few nauseous episodes during the night.  They would stop her feeds for 10-15 minutes and then they would subside.  Jason was up on and off last night watching over her nausea.  The biggest fear is nausea = vomiting= new feeding tube=NO FUN.  She made it through the night and the doctors didn't seem too concerned.  She actually ate pretty fair this afternoon.  Dr. Rosenthal said he was working on the policy for Lindsey to be able to go to the Sobrato room without a nurse.  There were a couple of people he needed to meet with.  Hopefully sometime before transplant it will happen.

It is just like 'old' times here on the 3 West unit lately.  Four of the patients that had come and gone, have returned.  Our friend Amanda is back, so we got to hang out with her and play cards.  That was pretty fun.  It is sad that they had to come back, but we are glad to see them.  Lindsey's cute friend Colette came to see her today.  Lindsey always gets excited to see her.  It is very nice of her to visit.

Jason and Megan are off to her big volleyball tournament, all day tomorrow. She is VERY excited.  I will be at the hospital with Lindsey and the boys, and Sierra is at her good friend Nori's.  I am sure we will have some fun pictures to share from Megan's tournament tomorrow.  Thank you all for your cards, packages, and words of encouragement.  We appreciate so many thoughtful people. What examples you all are to us! Thank you.

Hey Roper, Megan has the Lemonade War book and is reading it. I will have her check in with you, and tell Range HELLO from Calif. Hope you are all staying warm. It's starting to freeze here at night (just barely) We even use a jacket now. Wow. (to warm for a coat). 

Hunter is explaining something REALLY important to Amanda and Lindsey

Some P90X pushups from PT the other day.


  1. Tell Lindsey to stop with the push ups already! she's making me feel weak & lazy! :) ugh...and I don't even want to start about how I feel about seeing her on the treadmill...can't she just play Mario kart on the Wii all day? that's challenging! I hope she keeps having good days! thinking of all of you!

  2. Bummer that a few of the kiddos have had to return to the hospital, but thankfully they are blessed by having the Bingham's to provide them with some good visits, great card games, and Hunter's big stories!!! Can't wait to hear about Megan's big day of volleyball...I'm sure her team will do great! Powder girls kick off their basketball season today by heading to Union to play Union first then right after that game they play Imbler. It should be interesting because they haven't had very many practices, we will update for Sierra and Megan. Our temps here have been freezing cold.....definitely big winter coats, hats, gloves, and scarves are needed to keep warm. So have you guys tested out the noisy family farkel game yet? Thinking of you guys and praying for that special gift. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  3. Whatever Hunter is explaining must be very important. He looks rather intent and Amanda and Lindsey look somewhat amused! Keep up the good work Jillian Micheals, I mean Lindsey- you're push ups look awesome! Love Aunt G

  4. Yes, another day in "Paradise" - perspective is everything :)
    Tara and the children had a great time down there. They made it back after a day or two on the road. They stayed at Yeck's and all of them visited for a long time.
    Well good luck today with the boys!
    Hope Shaambak is doing good. His mom's smiles were as big as could be.

  5. 'Traeh Nilreb' ? Sounds like a BOM hero.---Spoken like a gospel doctrine teacher :)
    Day 200 and 1 more day closer----Bring it on!!!!!!

    I found STILL ANOTHER silly joke for the kiddos:

    A little duck walks into a candy store one day. He saunters up to the counter and asks, “Got any gwapes?” “Nope, sorry,” says the store keeper. The duck walks out, disappointed.

    The next day, the duck walks into the candy store again and asks, “Got any gwapes?” “I already told you, no, I don’t!” says the store keeper --who is now somewhat annoyed. The duck leaves, again disappointed.

    The day after that, the duck walks in again and says, “Got any gwapes?” “No! I do not have any grapes! If you come in here one more time asking for grapes I’ll nail your feet to the floor!”

    The next day, the duck waddles into the candy store. The store keeper eyes him suspiciously. “Got any nails?” the duck asks. “No, why?” the store keeper asks. The duck smiles---like only a duck can --and says, “Got any gwapes?”

    Continued love and prayers, Dale and Mike Olsen
