Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jan 3, Shaambak's Day

Woke up this morning to wonderful news. Joelle, Shaambak's mother, called Stacy a little after 7am and told her that Shaambak was going in for his heart transplant. Shaambak was one who has had a very rough go. He has been here as long as Lindsey has, but has never left the CVICU. He had been on echmo for a while, coded, and has been on a double Berlin for months. We are all very excited for them, they have been through a lot.

Got a call from 'Restricted' today. It was the Heart Center with Sierra's biopsy results. It was a big fat zero!  That makes 2 in a row now. Now we need to see what her antibody results are, but we love getting zeros.  It just takes a lot of pressure off emotionally.

It was back to 'work' for Lindsey today with a fun trip to physical therapy. She sure enjoys going there. Because of the holidays it has been several weeks since her last PT session.

Tonight we went down to the CVICU and saw Shaambak, he was in surgery from 7:30 to 5 pm, it was one of their longer transplant surgeries.  Also saw Amanda in CVICU. Amanda was the 21 year old who used to hang out in our room back in November. She is back in the hospital with an infection and weight loss.  We hope she will come back to visit us.
7:30 this morning as they are wheeling him out of the CVICU.

And away he goes.


  1. *ZERO DANCE* Happy to hear Sierra's results and Shaambak's good news. Lindsey's day MUST be coming soon! Those doctors are getting in lots of practice doing transplants for when Lindsey's turn finally comes around. Miss you guys. -Meghan Cleary

  2. Hi Lindsey it's Colette. I have been thinking about you a lot and keeping you and your family in my prayers. I hope you had a great birthday with your family. I hope to come see you tomorrow after my appointment at Packard. My mom will text your mom. You always inspire me with your strength and courage to work through my challenges. God bless you and will see you soon. Your friend Colette

  3. Roper misses Megan ,Lindsey, hunter, sierra, gage, Stacy oh and Jason. This comment is from our new computer. Megan did your dad give you the book Lemonade war? Tel me in the next blog! From Roper
    Lindsey I love the smile when Sierra told about the biopsy just kidding. I love the Christmas card you sent us. It looked like Sierra was standing on her tippy toes. I'm so glad you are my cousin. I miss you and I hope to see you soon! I hope you get a heart soon. Love, Dallee Jo
    Range emphatically says "HELLO!"

  4. YEA!! for the zero.

    I hope The little tyke has a speedy recovery.

  5. your family has been through so much and it is truly heart warming to see how you cheer for the other families and their victories. You keep not just your family but all the family's past, present and future in our heart, minds and most importantly prayers. Thank you for doing that. I never heard about this. I know that kids get sick but it doesn't affect me so thank you for sharing and bringing it to life for me. May our Heavenly Father bless us all. Amen

  6. His mother looks so happy. How wonderful and he looks pretty calm too. God bless

  7. I am so happy for little Shaambak and is family! They must have been so worried for so long that time would run out. What a blessing for them and to have his new heart and to have your family as a support to them. Best wishes to Amanda that she recovers quickly! Reading your blog is my daily ritual, it keeps me grounded and thankful and my heart and prayers turned to Heavenly Father for others. What an exciting day when you get to call others to tell them Lindsay's heart has arrived! Prayers to all!

  8. Congratulations Sierra on a BIG FAT ZERO!! My prayers are with Shaambak and his family. Sure love you all!

  9. So excited for Shaambak and his family! Prayers and love to your family and his. Dale and Mike Olsen

    P.S. A giggle for Mom and Dad:

    How many Mormons does it take to change a light bulb? It depends!

    If it is the Relief Society it takes four. One to fix refreshments. One to bring the tablecloth. One to design the Center Piece, And one to screw in the light bulb.

    If it is the Bishopric, forget it, they don’t do light bulbs. They call a Priesthood Executive Council And delegate it to the Elders.

    If it is the Elders it takes four. Three that don’t show up, and One to change the bulb.

    If it is the High Priests it takes four. Two to push the wheel chairs. One to handle the oxygen tank, And one to screw in the light bulb.

    If it is the Home Teachers, it only takes two, But you have to wait until the end of the month.

    If it is the Aaronic Priesthood, it only takes one. He holds the light bulb in the socket And the whole world revolves around him.

    If it is the Relief Society President, it take 0 to change the light bulb because that light bulb wouldn't DARE burn out!

  10. Yahoo on the big ZERO!!!! What a blessing. Thinking about Shaambak and his family and praying that he will accept this gift and gain strength each day. What amazing support you each provide the other families and in return the friendship that have been made are priceless. Lindsey's day will be soon and the support from around the world will be abundant. Hang in there and may your hope be renewed by your faith. Loves, hugs, and prayers.... xoxoxoxo
