Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jan 2, Day 197, Sierra's Biopsy

Sierra had her biopsy and 12 hour IVIG treatment today.  These days are always weird going from 3 West to the 1st floor Short Stay Unit then back to 3 West. It wasn't to bad though. I made phone calls and worked on the computer in Sierra's room, and Stacy and the gang were up with Linds.  Sierra said her biopsy was more painful this time.  She says it hurt and felt like a lot of pressure as they push the 'thing' down her neck to her heart.  Then she grabbed Lindsey's next and said, "It felt like this" as she pinched and twisted the skin on her neck. That really got Lindsey's attention!  I'm not even sure what the 'thing' is but I am guessing it must be some sort of cable with snippers on the end, right?  She says it feels like a zip line as they pull it out. It was a little funny (in a twisted sort of way) watching Lindsey listening to Sierra tell about her biopsy experience.  Lindsey was very interested in knowing exactly what they did and how it felt. Do you blame her?

Sierra should get done around midnight and then I will drive her back to the RMH. These are definitely long days for her. We reviewed Sierra's status with Donna, our nurse practitioner. We went through everything we could think of including her meds, liver/kidney function, heart pressures, head aches, physical activity, canker sours, possible med adjustments, blood levels, iv's, and other stuff. Everything was good or better than her last visit (a month ago). I kept waiting for the 'but'. But it never came. So that is good. Of course all of this stuff can be perfect and she still could have blazing rejection. Just remember the 'Highs and Lows'.  Tomorrow we will find out the biopsy rejection results.

Tara and the gang still are not back to Sugar City, Idaho. They made it to Winnimucca last night, then to Burley today. I guess it was -14 degrees there. No matter how you slice it, it is a long ways to California, especially during the winter.  Thanks again Tara for making the effort.

Stacy and I have had to give ourselves a little pep talk today. Way back when, we were told the wait could be 3-6 months.  Of course we know what we are waiting for, but we had both felt very strongly for months that it was going to happen sometime in late December. We even had a day picked out that it was going to happen. Well December has come and gone, and now we are into month 7 and on the eve of tax season. Seems like the last few weeks we have been waiting day-to-day. Meaning even though we have a lot going on, we still keep expecting the transplant to happen any day. Stacy and I are now regrouping and considering that this could go on for months.  We are preparing ourselves for tax season, school, hospital, sports, and activities for months to come.

 Sierra just came back from biopsy and is now explaining her biopsy experience to little sister.
(This was very funny)


  1. Oh, we all love you guys! You keep hanging in there, and we will all keep praying for you!

  2. Bless sweet Sierra and the pain she has to endure through each biopsy and ivg treatment. We are standing by ready to do the zero dance and praying for this blessed news to be delivered today with no 'but' involved!!! Love you guys and praying that the wait won't feel so day to day! Loves, hugs, and many prayers. xoxoxoxo

  3. oh how i miss you guys all, you guys are all troopers. Sierra you are such a great example to all your siblings, Lindsey is SO lucky to have you right by her side to make things less scary. I look up to all of you guys. LOVE YOU ALL SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!! love aunt lacey :D

  4. Sounds like Sierra could use some silliness. Here goes:

    What do you call a sleeping bull? a bulldozer -

    What kind of teacher wheres sun glasses? a teacher with bright students -

    Person 1: what letter comes between X and Z?
    Person 2: Y (why?)
    Person 1: Just because I wanted to know -

    Knock knock. Who's there? Shelby. Shelby who? Shelby comin' round the mountain when she comes....

    Where is a rabbit's favorite restaurant? "iHop"!

    Knock-knock. Who's there? Spell. Spell, who? W-H-O.

    Why did the Lamanites have bruised knees? Because of the "Knee fights" (Nephites)

    Why do bees hum? Because they don't know the words.

    Knock Knock. Who's there? olive. olive who? i love you!!!!

    Continued love and prayers, Mike and Dale Olsen
