Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Jan 1, 2013, Tuesday, Hair cut day

Tara and the gang left this morning for Idaho. It was so nice of them to come all this way.  Lindsey seems to have really stabled out these last few days.  So all you worriers out there, she is doing great, today. As far as I know, the biggest issue is just keeping that canula site under control.

Watched Stanford win the Rose Bowl at the Perry's.  They are sure nice people. Boys had a good time getting out and playing. Then I coached Sierra and Megan's Lightning basketball practice since both coaches were gone. That was fun to get out and run.  Sierra thought I ran them way to much!   Lindsey was a trooper letting us all go and leaving her here.... again.

That's it for today. Six months ago, today, July 1, the Berlin went in. Who would think? Tax season is coming and it's going to get crazy(r!)

Tomorrow Sierra has biopsy and IVIG, just to keep things interesting. Seems like the months go by fast for Sierra and painfully slow for Linds.

By the way, the jokes were good. Thanks

 Christmas decor is down, up with the chains.
Playing games with that cute girl who I still can't remember her name. (sorry)


  1. Add hair cutting skills to Stacy's other pioneer qualities. You are amazing!

  2. Love Gage's face...and then there's Hunter!! Love the boys and their "spunky" attitudes! Our Powder kiddos got a nice surprise last night when an "all-call" went out telling them school will not resume until next Monday as the cafeteria is not quite ready.....boy did that add some extra joy and happiness to my kiddos and I am sure all the kiddos that go to Powder! So today was grocery and errand day and we got to visit for a short bit with Garrity and Grandma Leslie, which was a nice surprise and treat! Basketball practice is going on so Logan doesn't get a complete day off. We're thinking Jr. High girls basketball shouldn't start up until the 2nd weekend after New Year's, which would allow for more family time and more practice time for a full team! :) Praying today went well for Sierra and that her treatments went well. Happy Wednesday night friends! Loves, hugs, and many prayers for each of you. xoxoxoxo

  3. Heard a joke about Santa and how he has to go on vacation after the big Christmas rush. The only question is....Where would Santa go on a vacation to? To Santa Cruz!!

  4. I look forward to the post that says "hair cut day" meaning goat-t hair cut day and Lindsey gets her perfect heart day! Love You - Aunt G

  5. I haven't been able to check on you guys for many days,boy have you been busy. I hope Sierras day went well, I know it must be a really long one. I always like the pictures and sure enjoyed seeing Tara and her family. Happy New Year! Love, Kay
