Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dec 31, Happy New Year.

Lindsey had another great day. Aunt Tara, Michone, Kalli, Landon, Ryan, and Sierra took the CalTrain into San Francisco to see the city. They had a great time riding the train. It's a whole different world in the inter city. Good for them to see. Ashley and Megan along with Stacy and our boys stayed here with Lindsey to keep her company. That was very nice of the girls. The boys didn't have a choice, Tara did NOT need 4 boys with her walking the streets of China Town.  I spent a full day at the office with year-end accounting work.

Tonight Liz Niccum brought over their projector and screen. We had all 10 kids watching movies in Lindsey's Room 3241. That is one full house! This gave Stacy and I a chance to out a bit. Thanks Tara for managing the herd.  Tomorrow Tara and the gang pull out and head for Idaho. Sure nice of them to visit.

As always, thanks for the nice comments and jokes.  They are always appreciated.

And that's it, the final post of 2012. Honestly Stacy and I both thought very strongly it was going to happen this year.  Aunt Geraldine, my Dad's younger sister, heard a great quote in church which seems to apply to this situation.  "Faith in God requires faith in His timing" .  That is so true, if we truly believe and have faith and hope in a living God who loves us and looks out for us and understands us, then we need to have faith in His timing.  It will happen, we all know that.


  1. Happy New Year from the Shoemakers

  2. I think January 1, 2013 would be a great day for a new heart. Love ya!

  3. Happy 2013!!! Does that mean you two got to sneak away for a date night???? Hope so...you definitely deserve it! Timing is of the essence and He is not only preparing the donor family, but He is also preparing Lindsey for the right timing. Love that quote....couldn't be said any better than that. At times waiting for something to happen feels like forever, and at other times things happen without even waiting. He is with you each step and will protect each of you through each step and each day. Trust in Him as He has plans for Lindsey, your family, and the donor family. I also believed that by December the Bingham Seven would be well on its way planning the big return, but He is not quite ready for that, so we will wait and continue to lift up our prayers. Keep believing as He will give you hope for a brighter future. Thinking about you each, loves, hugs, and many prayers---xoxoxoxo

  4. That is a sleepy looking group of cousins. I hope your day goes good and the social "hangover" effect is not too bad.
    Go Stanford.

  5. It's been said tha laughter is the best medicine. I'm not sure about that, but it sure helps. Here are some silly jokes for the kiddos:
    Q: What did Cinderella say when her photos did not show up?
    A: Someday my prints will come!

    Q: Why was the broom late?
    A: It over swept!

    Q: What part of the car is the laziest?
    A: The wheels, because they are always tired!

    Q: What did the stamp say to the envelope?
    A: Stick with me and we will go places!

    With continued Love and prayers, Mike and Dale Olsen
