Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dec 30, Day 194, Playing with cousins

Ya know, it is weird. We seem to be living the same day over and over, but yet we have something interesting (or not) every day. First of all, thank you for all the nice birthday wishes. We all enjoy reading and interacting with all the nice messages. Thanks again for your support.

All of us went to church today. After the 1st hour, Aunt Tara and Michone went back to stay with Lindsey, per Lindsey's request. After church we spent the day as usual, play room, Sobrato room, Lindsey's room, walks, but this time it was with ALL the kids (our 5 plus 5 cousins). That brings a lot of excitement to 3 West, Room 3241. Those 4 boys LOVE to fight/wrestle.

So the way we are working it is Tara stays in the small motor home they brought with Michone, Ashley, Sierra, Megan and Kalli. Stacy is in the RMH with the 4 boys, Landon, Ryan, Hunter and Gage. I am here with our Princess. We will have 5 sad kids when their cousins have to pull out.

Tomorrow morning we have the usual weekly blood draws and dressing changes. Oh how she loves Monday mornings.
Girls playing a 'Clean' game of Monopoly in the Sobrato Room
The fight

 Now every one is joining in. I joined to play referee.  You can't see, but Stacy and the nurse were right behind Linds.

 Lindsey and Sergio. He is a 3 year old on a double Berlin. He has been waiting several months.


  1. Yahoo!!!! Thank goodness for the Sobrato room, flexible nurses, and fun family time!!! There is nothing better than little boys wrestling around....the giggles and the boy noises are always so funny! Any big Bingham New Year's party planned for today or tomorrow? We should have sent a pinata down, since it looked like the last 'Sheila' Pinata party was such a blast for all the kiddos and I am sure is provided parents with refreshed joy and happiness. Jason it probably does feel like each day is same thing new day, however, I am always amazed at how each day is filled with something new and interesting like you mentioned. Each day I check the post a couple times a day to see what new and interesting things may have happened today, not to mention, the blog always provides me with great information to help make my prayes more sincere and more direct for that given day. It makes my "cheering" feel more sincere, so thank you for taking the time to update the blog each day and letting us know your thoughts, concerns, and feelings. The blog posts also help me to not miss you each as much because I feel like I am still with you through each step and each THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. We LOVE you each SOOOOO MUCH and PRAY often through each day for Lindsey, her donor family, each of the Bingham Seven, the doctors and nurses, and for the other kiddos that you update us with. May the Heavenly Father continue to hear our prayers and bless each of you. Praying, believing, hoping, and wishing that the New Year will be blessed with renewed hope and stength. May He provide each of you with renewed hope and strength to wait for that 'PERFECT' heart...each day is one day closer. We believe in you and will support you all in any way we can. Loves, hugs, and many prayers XOXOXOXO

  2. Happy New Year's Eve!!!! Thinking and praying for you.

  3. looks and sounds like a wild day. Glad they are all having fun together.

  4. Some silliness to brighten your day:

    What kind of bear has no teeth?
    A gummy bear!

    When does it rain money?
    When there is change in the weather.

    Why did the chicken cross the playground?
    To get to the other slide.

    What are the strongest days of the week?
    Saturday and Sunday. Every other day is a weekday.

    Why can’t a dalmation hide?
    Because it’s always spotted!

    Why didn’t the teddy bear finish his supper?
    Because he was already stuffed.

    Continued Love an prayers Dale and Mike Olsen
