Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dec 29, Happy Birthday Girl

Wow, what a day. We had activities and parties most of the day.  Kim was her nurse today, and once again the nurses did a great job letting us stay out of her room and out doing activities.

She seemed to be back to her good ole' self today. No real signs of nauseous, tummy aches, or abdominal pain. That's all good. Before I get into today, I need to clean up a few 'loose ends'. (Remember this is my way of 'dumping' the activities, stress, emotion and moving on).

Yesterday we gave away our last marshmallow shooter. When we were out in the LPCH Atrium shooting the marshmallows to the 2nd and 3rd floor window seals (that was fun), we saw a mother and 2 kids watching us from inside. We motioned for them to come outside and we gave them our last 2 guns. That seems to really make their day and our kids felt good about bringing a smile to the 2 kids. I now believe every kid in this hospital that we are aware of now has a gun. This was just another good moment I didn't want to forget.

This morning we asked the doctor about the 'offers' they have received in Lindsey's behalf.  They said there have been several, but again they are waiting for the 'perfect' heart because of how stable Lindsey is. The reasons they declined the past offers include; two offers were too far away, one offer was from Texas and another from Pennsylvania, (they like to be within 4 hour of the operating room, around 1500 miles max) 2 other offers were hearts not in perfect condition, other transplant centers had declined the organ and so did we. (one was a motorcycle wreck, and the other he didn't say). So basically as long as she stays stable, they are holding out for the 'perfect' heart.

Now on to Lindsey's day. Sadie was invited over and stayed most of the day. She really made it feel special to Lindsey. We were all very impressed how comfortable she was with Lindsey and how good she made her feel. Thanks Sadie! From 11:30am until 8:00pm there were things going on. They made balloon animals, played games in the Sobrato Room, made funky braclets, then to the play room, back to the Sobrato room at 4:30 for a party with Chloe, Annalyce, and Shaambak's families. Played the wii, ate pizza cake and ice cream, had dress up pictures, and opened presents. After they all went home, we skyped with Stacy's family in Utah. That was sure fun to see all her Utah relatives. Finally, Tara Bingham (my brother Josh's wife) and their 5 kids showed up from Idaho for the weekend. Now we have a really party going on. Take our 5 plus their 5 equals a LOT of kids and 4 WILD BOYS!

I admit, today would have been a fun day to receive thee offer, but it didn't so we need to move on. It will happen when it happens. The Lord has a plan, the donor is being prepared, Lindsey has received a blessing and is stable.  I trust in the Lord and in the blessing we have received.

Sadie and Lindsey getting started

Her morning walk around the 2nd floor to invite some kids to the party
Some card game. They were all laughing pretty hard
Now to the braclets
 Let the party begin
 This is a neat picture you won't see everyday. You have 3 transplants, Chloe, Sierra and Annalyce. And you have 2 kids on the Berlin, Shaambak and Lindsey. All brave strong kids in their own way. This may have been Shaambak's 1st time to the 3rd floor. He has had one rough go!
 Dress up time
 Annalyce, Sadie, and Lindsey

 Nurse Kim and Linds
 This is funny, you have Gage, Laden, and Noah (Chloe's brothers).  We hear them all the time through the wall at the RMH. Funny little boys!
Noah, Chloe's oldest brother

Annalyce and ? She is the older sister of of a 2 year old on a Berlin waiting for a heart in the CVICU.
(She told me her name, but I can't remember)



  1. Looks like everyone had a great time! Glad Lindsey was able to have fun on her birthday. Love all the pics especially the one with the 3 transplants and 2 berlins. That really isn't something you would see everyday (or ever). It's amazing that everyone is doing well enough to be in one room together!

  2. Oh my word yesterday looks like it was a day filled with so much fun with lots of family and friends....a great way to celebrate a special Birthday! Thank you for sharing all the photos!! Jason and Stacy, just another way your family has been called upon for this journey....the kindness, caring, and always sharing, is such a blessing to all of the surrounding families, thank you for bringing light to their live's. Keep taking one day at a time knowing that the tomorrow's are open for more blessings and is one day closer to that "perfect" heart. Love and enjoy the highs, while taking each low moment with a prayer of faith. May your Sunday be a blessed day. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  3. What a Hoot. Looks like such a fun day.

    I am glad Lindsey is feeling better.

  4. What a great day for Lindsey and the whole Bingham family!! It is so great that you can be together. While reading from the BOM this morning I came across some scriptures that made me think of you and your greast family. The four sons of Mosiah have just began their 14 year mission to the Lamanites. In Alma 17:9 we read how they fasted and prayed much "that the Lord would grant unto them a portion of his Spirit to go with them, and abide with them, that they might be an instrument in the hands of God..." Then in vs 10-13 "... the Lord did visit them with his Spirit, and said unto them: Be comfroted. And they were comforted...yet ye shall be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls... took courage...trusting in the Lord." What great examples you have been for everyone around you. You are spreading the gospel in your everyday actions. Patience, courage and trust in the Lord are all traits that you have grown in and shown to others. Our thoughts, our love, our fasting, our prayers and our faith continue to be with you every day. We love you sooooooo much!!

  5. Have your kids been tested for mitochondrial disorders?

  6. Wow, busy indeed and so full of life! Great job, great parenting! Love what you do for all who are there, keep it up! Pretty sure you would be Parents of the Year if there was a contest :)
    Of course Lindzariffic didn't get her heart today, she'll get it another day so she gets two birthdays! 2013 is just around the corner and we keep praying that the special day will be soon :)
    God bless you ALL! M.

  7. Awesome! Lindsey, you look awesome in that jacket-CUTE! I am so glad you had such a fun day, even if it wasn't THE day. I loved seeing how you have a strong group of people down there-all brought together under negative circumstances, but held up by each other.

  8. Happy Birthday Lindsey!!!! So glad you had a wonderful day. It is well deserved! Sleep tight, Princess!

  9. YOURE WHOLE FAMILY IS AMAZING!! A true example of doing good and helping others feel good, when things are dang tough for you! Thank you for your example! We could all learn from you!

  10. happy birthday to a very beautiful little girl whos pictures make me smile!!
