Friday, December 28, 2012

Dec 28, Doing much Better!

Stacy here
I get to update the blog tonight.  Jason slept at the RMH last night and slept so well that I thought he should have another night to get caught up on the sleep he lost the night before.  Lindsey also slept very well. She slept all night and woke up in a VERY good mood this morning.  She had her favorite nurse Shannon and her pain was at a 3-4 (out of 10).  Lindsey acted much better too.  She was her spunky little self again.  Thank you for your prayers and concern. Hard to believe those prayers don't help!

We went to the fountain this morning (Lucile Packard fountain not Stanford), and played with the marshmallow shooters and bubbles.  It was a little cool outside, but the fresh air felt great.  She was allowed to go to the playroom today.  Yesterday she couldn't because they wanted to make sure she didn't have anything contagious or infectious.  After the playroom, it was time for the inevitable... REPLACE THE FEEDING TUBE.  It is really funny how she suddenly finds every excuse in the world to put off these procedures.  I don't blame her, I would too.  This time the experience was much better.  It took two tries, the first try was with the tube barely in but not advancing down her nose.  The tube sat in the back of her nose for almost an hour.  The nurse would try to advance it, but it kept hitting something blocking it from going to the back of her throat.  Shannon would stop and wait until Lindsey told her it was okay to try again (which could really take awhile).  But, it just would not advance.  A second nurse, Tracy, came and tried, but could not get it to advance either.  They went for a smaller size and it slid right in.  We were very happy when it was over, Lindsey especially. 

Lindsey is very excited for her birthday tomorrow.  It appears that she will be 9 years old when she receives her transplant.  That would be a wonderful present for her!  Jason was asking the doctors if there have been any 'offers' that they couldn't take or has there truly been nothing.  They admitted that there have been at least a few that they could not take.  As Dr. Hollander said," Lindsey is very stable, which allows us to be more picky about the heart she gets." We do want the "perfect" heart for Lindsey and are willing to wait for that heart.  We are grateful that she is in a situation that they can be picky.  Sometimes if the patient is really in the need for a transplant, they will accept some that will work, but are not ideal.  So, we will, as patiently as possible, wait for that "perfect" heart.

 Shannon, Tracy and her mother helping Linds relax through the feeding tube. Not an easy thing to do.
 Greater love hath no nurse than this.


  1. You've got to be kidding me. She put a feeding tube down her own nose?!! I get the "pleasure" of putting those down all the time, and never ONCE have I considered this. BLESS. HER.... and Lindsay too.

  2. We have been so worried about Lindsey all day. what a relief that prayers have been answered and she is doing better. prayers continue for not only Lindsey but for her amazing parents as well. god bless you all and wishing you a nice uneventful weekend. love, the Hamanns

  3. Happy Birthday Lindsey! We continue to pray every single day for you and your family! Hope you have the best day ever!!


  5. Happy Birthday Lindsey!!!! I hope you get the "perfect" heart as your birthday present! And, just for the record, I would be the biggest cry baby ever if I had to have a tube stuck up my nose and down my stomach! I think you are the bravest princess ever! We love you!

  6. HaPPy BiRtHdAy LINDSEY LOU!! Hoping, praying, and believing that this birthday will be special in many ways! Perhaps you'll be able to sneak outside to the fountain and blow out some real candles! Happy to hear that the feeding tube procedure went pretty well...I know it's not her favorite thing and nor would it be mine either. I think it's amazing and a bit of a miracle in it's own self that Lindsey is doing so well that the doctors are able to be that picky....the perfect heart is important and so I pray and hope that knowing this from the doctors will help strengthen and give peace to the mind knowing that each day is one day closer to the perfect heart!!! Keep doing and going strong...your team is walking each step with you!! Loves, hugs, and many prayers for Lindsey to have a beautiful 9th Birthday. XOXOXOXO

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDSEY LOU! Love to you and your family, too. you have been the best examples of faith and endurance and here's wishing a new heart for the new year! Yesterday, Tom and I drove down to Portland Temple and surprised the Boyers at the sealing for Bjorn and Shayla. What a darling couple and I could cry right now thinking of John and Nancy and what good people they are, and how I miss the Baker Valley people! It was so good to see their whole family, too. Got to see Andrea's baby girl and Haidi's two rascally boys. Anyway, miss you also and if I can get to San Francisco and stay at my brother's, would definately com to Palo Alto and spell you guys for a date night! Love Love Love to all of you, and many blessings! Karen Brockpmcbsze 418

  8. Happy birthday Lindsey!
    Love Emma

    Wish you lots of love!

  9. Happy Birthday Lindsey! I remember visiting you when you were born at the hospital in Baker. I went with Amanda to see you. You were such a pretty little baby! I am glad you had a better day! Keep being brave, I am soooo proud of you. Stay positive, I know God is watching over you!. Have a wonderful #9 Birthday! Love You- Aunt G

  10. I am so glad she is feeling better. I have been waiting for an update just hoping she is feeling better.

    Happy Birthday...I hope you do get what you want for your Birthday.

  11. Happy Birthday sweet Lindsey! Your doctors are so wise to want the perfect heart for you. How wonderful that they have been sent to be your angels here on earth.

    And guess what? It's a beautiful, sunny, snow covered day here in Haines. But, cold! Brrr! 14 degrees. Sami and Jake and I will have to do something special on this special day in your honor. We haven't seen the sun in days! I think it is just for you!!!
    We love you sweet thing.
    Andi and Jake and Sami

  12. NovaLee here, How are you doing Lindsey? I hope you get a heart for your Birthday. Happy Birthday Lindsey I miss you so much.

  13. Hey Lindsey this is Reece. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Linsdey. Hope you get your heart so you can come back soon. I miss you and don't like hearing when you don't feel good. Kellee says hi too

    Hey Lindsey, this is Mrs. Dixon. Happy Birthday girl. We so miss your beautiful face around here and are praying everyday that you get the gift of a heart soon. You and your family are truly amazing. The kids and I love all the pictures!

  14. Happy Birthday Lindsey! You are doing a great job hanging in there waiting for that perfect heart. We hope it comes soon!

  15. Happy birthday Lindsey! Thinking of you today and hope you have a super day!!

  16. Happy Birthday Lindsey Lou! We are so amazed at your special spirit and the FAITH you and your family have shown to all of us. I know that Heavenly Father loves you so much. He knows it is your Birthday! We love you! Just remember all of the miracles you have already received in this journey to a new heart! How excited we will all be when your dad gets to shave his "billy goat beard!" hee hee! love to all and may 2013 be your best year ever! Dean and Dawnie

  17. Happy birthday!! Hope you had a great birthday. When I come down for my biopsy I will come visit you! I think you are very brave! Happy birthday
    Ava Davis

  18. Happy Happy Birthday Lindsey Lou!!! We love you!!!! Love Cory, Stephanie, Brindee, Haylee, Brodee, and Howdee
