Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dec 27, No answers

Still a pewny day for Little Miss Lindsey Lou. We were up a lot last night with abdominal pain.  It was like the good ole' times when we had a lot of the big docs here addressing issues with the team. Brought back all kinds of warm fuzzy feelings, with her all curled up on the bed. So here is where we stand.

They did a number of tests on her including blood draws, x-ray (KUB), urine analysis, abdominal ultrasound, heart monitors, iv fluids, dressing change, and a variety of pain meds. She has not had any fevers or diarrhea or any kind of appetite.  Thank goodness the pain meds have worked.  This morning her pain level was a 10 with 10 being the worse, now it is at a 7, but she is over there playing games and arguing with Hunter.

The team has brain stormed and tried to identify everything it could be. Then used the above tests and analysis to narrow the possibilities.  Right now they are leaning towards infection issues relating to the cannula site. It doesn't look any better and even has an odor to it. The surgeon, Dr Katz Maeda, will be here in the morning (Friday) to look at the cannula sites. They have also mentioned it might be an appendicitis, which would be very bad. Everyone is hoping it is something that will resolve itself or manageable, but they continue to aggressively pursue it.

It was a rough day for the rest of the kids. I have work I have to get to and Stacy was needed here with Lindsey.  That leaves the kids in Lindsey's room all day. Stacy and I are so sick of electronic devices, but there comes a point (after 7 months to be exact) that you just....have to keep going.

Tonight after work, Stacy was telling me how hard this has been not getting the transplant by Christmas.  She really felt deeply, as did I, that it was going to happen by now. We have to be so careful, Lindsey and rest of the crew can pick up on the smallest attitude changes in us, and then they feed on it. If we are down, they are down, but if we are up, then they can keep going.  Sometimes it is really hard to keep that kind of energy up all the time, always trying to be happy and positive. But we can, we must.

Chloe went home to the Ronald McDonald House today.  It was 3 weeks yesterday that she received her transplant.  She has had one biopsy and it was a 1A.  She is doing very well.


  1. Oh dear family - my prayers go out to you. I don't know if you realize what a source of strength you are to all of us. Your story is amazing, your strength even more. I understand your frustration and pray that God will hear us and move you forward in this journey. That picture of Lindsey's canula site looks awful. Poor little thing. Virtual hugs to you all! xoxo

  2. thank you for the update I have been wondering what was going on. good job Stacy and Jason, you are both amazing. crazy how things can change so quickly, keeping you all in our prayers. we love you all.loved j and em

  3. You are all so amazing! Don't give up, keep up the positive thinking and your strength...We all keep you in our prayers at all times. I to know what it is like to wait for that dang transplant list to pick ur loved one. Not easy as we waited almost 2 years. I find myself feeling that feeling again waiting for your turn. I have faith it will happen soon, for your amazing little girl ♡♥♡ air~hug to you all!

  4. We have stepped up the prayer and faith a level in Lindsey's behalf as well as you two. We are praying that you will be able to be strengthened enough to continue to provide the hope and strength that your family is relying on. We are adding our hope, faith and strength to yours. We love you! We believe in you! We believe in miracles! Love and prayers from Korea

  5. A few quotes that may help and provide strength during this part of your journey.....
    "No matter how steep the mountain--the Lord is going to climb it with you." -Helen Steiner Rice
    "Frequently remind yourself that God is with you, that he will never fail you, that you can count upon him. Say these words, 'God is with me, helping me.'" -Norman Vincent Peale
    "Live for today, but hold your hands open to tomorrow. Anticipate the future and its changes with joy. There is a seed of God's love in every event, every unpleasant situation in which you may find yourself." -Barbara Johnson

    This journey seems to be at times very dark and unpleasant. Keeping your faith so strong is an incredible and amazing quality you both possess. Your hope and love for your family is amazing. You are both an inspiration and are such true and incredible examples of what parents should be....thank you for teaching us about faith, strength, hope, love, and believing. We pray hard for Princess Lindsey Lou and for her precious gift. We pray that families around the world will also give thought about organ donation and talk about it amongst their families so that they will have strength and peace in making those decisions during tragic times. May the Lord bless them with strength, comfort, and peace.
    Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. Believing that the Heavenly Father will bless Lindsey with that miracle and precious gift as he will also bless the donor family with love and support. love you each and praying for your continued strength and peace.....loves, hugs, and many sincere prayers....xoxoxoxo

  6. ouch the poor girls canula site looks so painful. you guys are so strong and wonderful parents..i am glad you keep your attitudes up for the kids - i bet thats hard, but makes every day easier than what it could be. many good thoughts going to every one of you.

  7. My heart aches for your situation. We have no idea how good our lives are compared to yours. But you keep on with your faith, courage and love and you'll make it. We have no idea what God has planned so take one day at a time. We'll keep praying for you, for all your needs :) May the good Lord hear the prayers needed for this family and their needs, Amen! God bless, M.

  8. Jason, Stacy and Lindsay,
    I am so sorry you are going through this trial. I just want you to know you are an inspiration to me. You all entered the hospital a few weeks before we entered Senegal. Living in this 3rd world country very far from family has been one of the biggest challenges our family has faced. It is so true what you say about the kids picking up on the tiniest little attitude. When I get to feeling down, trapped, homesick and frustrated I open up your blog for a reality check and then I pray for you again. I hope you get to go home a lot sooner than we do! Keep your chins up.
