Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dec 26, Wednesday, A Lousy Day

She has had one lousy day. Definitely not like Christmas day!  Felt nauseous all morning and finally threw up her feeding tube at around noon. Hasn't felt good at all. No fevers or diarrhea...yet, and no one else is feeling sick, so we are not sure why. She perked up a little bit but hasn't eaten anything and has drank very little. We dragged her on 2 short walks but didn't seem to help. Tonight around 8:00 she tried to take her night meds and threw them all up.

So now it's 10:30 pm, they have started an IV to keep her fluids up. If she gets too dehydrated, it affects how well the Berlin empties and fills, and that is a big deal. They are NOT going to put in the feed tube tonight for obvious reasons (throw it back up). Hopefully giving her more time off the feeds will help her tummy to settle down. The IV is there to keep her fluids up.

Boys went to Hansens (thanks Michelle) and I had a tax appointment with a potential new client. Other than that we have just been here with Lindsey.  These days are not fun at all. Stacy did a great job comforting our Princess.

Now it is after 11pm, she has just retaken her anti-clotting meds.  She still feels nauseous.  Hopefully they will stay down and she can sleep this off. This is hoping for a good night.


  1. We hope tomorrow is a better day. God bless your amazing family. love, the Hamanns

  2. Praying today will be a much better day. God bless you all. M.

  3. You are such a brave and incredible girl Miss Lindsey!!!! You amaze me and the courage you have. Keep fighting and please know that my family and I pray for you. Love the USU gear by the way Jason!!! Man, don't you just love being an Aggie. Love you guys!!!

  4. Bummed to know yesterday was such a lousy day. Hate hearing about those days, but I know they have to happen....everyone is entitled to bad days here and there. And I really HATE hearing when that feeding tube comes out because I know that means there will be a fight when it has to go back in. So I will be praying for an "easy" inserting of the feeding tube again. Here's to hoping and praying that today will be a turn around day and she will be feeling better since she has to be healthy and happy for that Birthday coming up very soon!! Keep doing, going, praying, and believing.....your cheerleaders will be praying sincerely for each of you to gain strength. loves, hugs, and many prayers always for the Bingham Seven---xoxoxoxo

  5. Praying for a quick recovery my grown daughter had a 24 hr bug maybe it will be over quick hope so :( Merry Christmas from Texas we are cold but know snow we will have to make marshmallow snow men :) love y'all we know nothing last forever.. Just for today I can do something for 8 hrs that I couldn't do for a life time. It helps

  6. Hi Lindsey- I hope you feel better soon and the doctors know what to do to help you. Love You- Aunt G
