Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dec 25, Day 189, Merry Christmas

Really was a nice Christmas day. We did our usual Christmas morning routine.  Get up, cleaned up, breakfast eaten, before we open any presents. We had Stacy's traditional orange rolls and hot chocolate in the Sobrato Room, then to Lindsey's 'cave' to begin the destruction. As always we (I) like to take our time opening presents to enjoy the experience as long as possible. This time it had a twist, at 9:30, the echo lady came by for Lindsey's echo.  We pushed her off until 11:00, but she was back and wanted to get the echo done now. She was there to do her job, not a lot of Christmas spirit there. Our nurse, English Tracy, told her to back off and wait while we opened up a trail for her to get to Lindsey's bedside with the echo machine. It was just a routine echo, nothing major. We didn't let it bother us.

After opening and playing with the gifts, we had a Christmas dinner in the Sobrato Room with Chloe's family, and Annalys' family.  Nice to have lots of kids around. The Rowe's brought over a honey glazed ham and stayed to visit a bit. Very nice of them.

This evening we were able to skype with our family back in Oregon, and Stacy was able to visit with her family as well.  Love to hear about the cruddy weather and snow back home.

Mike and Linda Wright also came over for a visit. It was very nice talking with them while the kids played with there toys. Mike is the one who came over and read to Sierra, Megan and Lindsey 6 years ago. They are sure good people.

Stacy went home with the kids and a load of 'stuff' and I am here with our Princess. The kids all had a good day and that is what matters. As for me, words can not express how badly I want to sleep at the RMH with my wife..... But not yet.

Tomorrow I have some work to do, and Stacy has the daunting task of cleaning this cave out. It has been nothing but trails all day.  All good fun stuff, but narrow trails none the less.

 I won't lie, we were all hoping today would be the day. Even Lindsey said she is ready, but the donor family is not and we respect that.

 Sandy Cummings updated her NBC blog post. Below is a link to what she wrote. It was very kind.

 Christmas breakfast in the Sobrato Room

 Destruction has begun
 We 'might' be TRUE BLUE AGGIES!!
 Christmas dinner from some very nice people in the ward.
 Just Dance 4
 Annalys and Lindsey.


  1. I love the Aggie garb. I am glad you guys had a good couple of days and that you made it fun for all even though it was different (for all). The NBC post was sweet. I am glad the nurses could testify that they had actually seen Santa. It is a special time of year, great job keeping it that way. PS Jackson tore it up this year. He is now at an expert status with present unwrapping. We had a lot of fun today.

  2. Do I spy gage modeling what appear to be undies on top of his jeans in one of those pics? Too funny! Socks and underwear are always the most useful christmas presents.

    So glad Santa found his way to the hospital. Merry Christmas Binghams!

    xo Meghan Cleary

  3. Happy that you were able to have a pretty good Christmas considering your situation. You guys are so good at doing your best to provide as normal a life for your family as you can, congrats on that!
    We all take that for granted....Bless you for that!
    Our prayers will continue for your needs, whatever they be! God bless you all! M.

  4. So happy to hear that Christmas day at LPCH was a blessed day for the Bingham's and for other families that got to enjoy the day with your special family. Love seeing the pictures...thank you for taking the time to update the blog with great pictures that really tell the story. I'm thinking you should have added a few of the pictures with all of the wrapping and trails! I'm with Lindsey about her being ready to receive her heart and to have her special day. Her day will be such a joyous day with celebrations across the world. Our family was giftedWacky Six from Santa and boy was Logan so excited! Once again Logan had to refresh her brain because she again thought the lowest score won...silly girl....I'm thinking we can get some practice in before we come back for a visit this way!! Made yesterday extra special while we played your favorite game and I got to share The Tales of Lindsey Lou with all of our family and with each reading I got a lump in my throat and teary eyes. Love you each dearly and pray for your family to be blessed with happiness, strength, peace, patience, and continued creativity while waiting and praying for Lindsey's special day. Loves, hugs, and many prayers-xoxoxoxo

  5. Looks like you all had a great day. We gave the kids Just Dance 4 also and it was a HUGE hit. I must say if you could see in our house you may or may not of seen Roy and I dancing..LOL

    It sure is wonderful that you can be together as a family.

  6. It was great to Skype with you last night! In case you didn't catch it on one of the fifty times, Range did get a lightning mcqueen bike! I love the picture of you all at breakfast! Way to keep up the family tradition. Stac I don't know of anybody who can beat your orange rolls.
    A lot of times I read your blog and I go to write a comment and the words are gone. I just want you to know what a great job at pushing forward you are doing (even on the days you don't think you are or the moments or hours or days it probably seems like too much) I have hope that we are one day closer. Have a wonderful day after Christmas! Love you ALL - Aunt G

    ps. uncle seth and I had a snowball fight today, as you can imagine I smoked him with my accuracy in throwing snowballs, something like you would see in the movie "Elf".
