Monday, December 24, 2012

Dec 24, Day 188, Christmas Eve

11:40 pm.
Started off a bit sluggish but finished with a bang. Stacy and I both worried that today might be a tough day to get through. The traditions we have back home go deep and we thought of it often today.  We were also thinking the transplant would have happened by now. I know we shouldn't think like that.

Since I can remember, on Christmas Eve, the Bingham families along with Stephens, Thompsons, and anyone else would go up to 'The Little Alps' to go tubing. It was and still is a great way to spend Christmas Eve. The kids loved it and when they got cold and tired, then the 'big boys' would build an awesome jump and go off it until it was too dark or someone got hurt.  This year the 'record' for the longest jump was 34 feet, held by one of the Stephens boys. It's a good thing we weren't there.

Anyway, Justin kept me up to speed on the activities and we did our own thing here. This morning was slow, and Lindsey even had a bit of a melt down. Same ole thing, she hates it here and wants out. You can only do so many crafts and games.  (I really don't blame her)  At around 1:00 Santa and his helpers came by. He was handing out gifts and they were singing in the hallways. Then at 2:00 we really got things going. Some of my awesome cousins sent marshmallow shooters made out of pvc tubing. Our nurse was great and took the time to let us play.  We went down to the LPCH Atrium and we had a marshmallow 'snowball' fight. It was a great little battle field with places to hide and attack. It was really fun to just 'have fun'.  All of the kids loved it. We gave out other shooters to other hospital kids and they headed out to give them a try.

After the battle, around 5:00 we went to the Sobrato Room for Stacy's pinata party. Another tradition that goes way back in her family. We had a couple of other families with us and we all had a good time. Lindsey had made the pinata in PT and 'Shella' was ready for a good woopin'. All the kids were able to take a couple of good cracks at her. We also had homemade chili and cornbread.  No one got clocked with the pinata stick so it must have been a success.  BIG thanks to our nurse Denise and the charge nurse Tracy.  They really went out of their way to keep Lindsey out of her room and with her family and friends doing activities. Thanks!

This evening we spent time reading from Luke chapter 2 and talking about the birth of our Savior.  This is a special time of year.   We are blessed and waiting that special day.  God still hears our prayers.

Lindsey is finally asleep, so I can finish up here and go to bed. Santa will be here soon and I need to find my little cot.

 Sierra had just shot Denise, the Nurse, as she was taking the picture.

  Just because

 Justin's pictures from back home (never did show these to the kids)
I think that is Colby.
 The battle goes on

This is Annalees, she is 6 years old and received a tranplant a couple of weeks ago. She has become one our dear little friends.
Noah getting ready. Layden right smack in the way.  They are older brothers to Chloe who also recieved a heart.


  1. Merry Christmas! Wishing you a peaceful holiday for your family.
    God bless! Love, the Hamanns

  2. Heavens, did I see that right? Princess bopped Sheila open? :) Merry Christmas to all of you (I just heard Santa heading down your way;) Prayers the new year will bring a new heart & uplift yours, Stacy & Jason <3 Until then, our prayers will be w/you & follow along where ever your family is. I love the marshmallow shooters. A great idea & looks so much fun! God bless & enjoy one day as it comes, being together, hard as it is at times. You are such amazing inspirations to us all. Love & prayers always ... <3 to <3

  3. We thought those marshmallow shooters would stir things up around there. Merry Christmas Jason, Stacy, Sierra, Megan, Lindsey, Hunter and Gage! You know what our Christmas wish is. Love, The Dornys

  4. Merry Christmas Bingham Clan from Wallowa County....praying for your Christmas to be blessed with extra happiness and strength. Love and miss you guys.
    . P.S. This is take 2...a much shorter post, but the cell service is being stinking...must be Santa and his reindeer playing games interfering with the service :)

  5. Merry, merry Christmas Binghams!!! Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. All of the other children in the hospital are lucky to have you there providing activities and entertainment! Extra prayers for a precious Christmas miracle.

    The Fritz's

  6. Jas- so glad you got all of the packages! I'm glad those marshmallow shooters brought some adventures!! We love you and are constantly praying for you, especially during Christmas! I'm still praying for a Christmas Miracle!! Love you guys!

  7. Merry Christmas. Looks like you all had a great day. Love the marshmallow gun idea

  8. Merry Christmas inspirational and incredible Bingham Family. Praying today was a happy day blessed with memories to fill your hearts with happiness and peace. Merry Christmas from our family to yours.

  9. Awesome pics! Judging by the pinata, I think Hunter had better watch out, Lindsey is getting strong! And the shot of Stacy outside with all of you and the marshmallow guns-your wife is beautiful! We miss you and your lively family-the chaos level is not nearly as fun without your clan.
