Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dec 23, Christmas dresses on a rainy Sunday

Sunday, 10:30 pm.
Very wet Sabbath Day. We don't get rain like this in Oregon.  It rained and even poured all day. It was wonderful.  All the kids got to wear their new Christmas outfits to church. They were all looking sharp. Greg and Candace Osborne spoke today.  They did a great job. Also, the choir sang several songs.  All relating to the life and love of our Savior.  Lots of families there together for the holidays.  Really missed having our Lindsey in church with us.   Still feels really incomplete without our #3 child sitting with us.

Tonight was my Mom's annual Christmas piano recital.  This year they did it at our house. They sent us a picture of our home being used. Nice to see it still standing.  Mom and Dad are doing a great job keeping it up.  Stacy didn't want to see the picture of it. I don't blame her.

I won't hide it, tomorrow will be hard. It is very difficult to make plans when Stacy and I are never alone, even if it is just to talk.  We have deep family traditions, and this year will be different. I know it will be a special holiday, one we will never forget, and probably will cherish the rest of our lives. But still.......we were hoping...and still are.... Anyway, as long as Stacy and I (and the nurse) are up for it, it will be fun and special for the kids.

Enjoyed the comments especially the Santa letter from Stacy's niece, Kambrie. Thank-you!

Yes......., I know how lucky I am!

Yeah, they did a dressing change today. Still looks about the same.
This is 'Shella' the pinata for our party on Christmas Eve. This is a tradition that goes back in Stacy's family. Lindsey made this in her PT sessions, with some help from her siblings.
Sunday afternoon finger painting
This part was REALLY funny. Gage and Hunter taking care of Mom's toes!

While I was in Oregon last week (of course), Willie Mays, as in THEE Willie Mays, paid a visit to the LPCH. Lindsey met him and received a signed baseball (which is now high above the reach of young boys).  I thought this was pretty cool. 


  1. Loved your Shella. It's very cute. Your brothers did a wonderful job on the toe nails. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. You all looked great in your outfits. I hope Santa is able to bring your new heart for Christmas. I pray daily for your family, doctors, nurses and of course you donor family. It snowed pretty good at my house in Oregon but it too wet and didn't stick. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.

  2. Hope you all have a very wonderful Christmas, celebrating the birth of our savior and the wonderful miracle of your beautiful children. I know you will all be in church soon celebrating the Sabbath day!! Sariah and Jimmy have been including Lindsay in their prayer specially alot lately with all the miracles that happen at the holidays!! All our Love.

  3. What a beautiful picture of the Bingham's nice to see the family together showing such love and happiness. Thanks for sharing all the pictures...I'm thinking the boys need a bit more practice!! :) Nice job on the pinata....and I'm so glad that tradition will still happen. I know this Christmas will be a challenge for many reasons, but I pray that it will be special in many ways and it will definitely be remembered and cherished for years to come. We had a little winter storm come through here today, think I rather have your rain! Wish there was a way to ship some snow for a possible sledding day in the hallway....wouldn't that be a hoot!! Keep your faith, stay strong, remember each day is one day closer, be willing to ask for help, keep praying, hoping, and believing. Our hearts are with you each day. Loves, hugs, and many prayers....xoxoxoxo

  4. Tonight was wonderful your mom
    Did a great job at the recital and so did my Nova lol as did all the kids. It waz hard not to get a tear in our eye singing silent night as we looked at your familys pictures on the wall knowing you all sould be their. But there is always next year. Your snowman looks great tell Lindsey she did a great job. Praying for that Christmas miracle. The Shoemakers

  5. You will never know just how many lives your family has touched or the lessons we have learned through your endeavors. Fretting tonight about holiday plans, the weather, roads etc and along comes your post. Very quickly puts it all in perspective.
    We wish you a very blessed holiday season and are saying an extra prayer for a Christmas miracle. God bless your beautiful family. love, The Hamanns

  6. I can tell Gage's coloring skills have really payed off when it comes to painting your nails Stacy! Your toes look fabulous! You all look sooo nice in your christmas outfits! I am missing you all this Christmas, so very much! Seth is riding pens this morning but we are hoping to leave by noon to go to Powder. I hope the Spirit of Christmas carries you through the next few days. Love Aunt G.
    Oh and Lindsey I love the pic of you with the baseball guy!

  7. Jason & Stacy and your wonderful family - from our family to yours, Merry Christmas! Your faith in our Savior has been a beacon this Christmas season - while your year is much different than you could have ever forseen, I believe that the strength you have as family, your faith and the support of so many will allow this to be a season of Hope and Love and probably new traditions!

    Love, Julie, Tommy & Katie

  8. Merry Christmas to all of you! Wow a baseball signed by Willie Mays, Dennis is impressed. He said the broadcasters used to called him the "say hey kid", but he doesn't know why. We had our gift exchange and dinner yesterday, it was such a nice day. Best wishes and hopefully a new heart is coming soon. Love, Kay
