Saturday, December 22, 2012

Dec 22, Day 186, Replacing the feeding tube X3

So last night was un-fun. It took 3 separate tries, 3 separate nurses, 2 x-rays, and lots of tears to get her feeding tube back in.  At 3:30am we finally went to sleep. I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm not. Just as we would drift off hoping the tube was placed correctly, they came back and told us it had coiled and had to be redone. The tube does NOT go in easily, lots of lube, lots of crying/screaming, and even vomiting.  It really was no fun! The 3rd nurse was the one who finally got it placed correctly. Anyway, that is in the past.  We all hope that is last one till transplant.  We are all going to protect that feeding tube like it was a Christmas Eve tube at Little Alps.

This morning I coached Sierra and Megan's Lightning Basketball game. Basically, we got taken to the 'wood shed' and whipped on real good. Like 37-6 whipping!  Yes that was our first loss, was obvious that team had practiced more than just once a week. It didn't help that I couldn't remember the girl's names when we were running plays or giving instruction.  I had to have Sierra or Megan sit by me and tell me their names.  Anyway, we had fun...I guess.

Spent the rest of the afternoon in Lindsey's room. This room is feeling pretty small sometimes.  Stacy and I are coming up with ideas for Christmas day.  Hopefully we will have a good nurse who will let us get out of her room a bit and get around. Also thinking a lot about how to keep up with our Christmas family traditions. For tubing on Christmas Eve we will have to get pretty creative.

As always, thank-you for your comments.
Till next time, Jason


  1. Maybe they will let you get a tube and some rope and pull the kids around the hall at the hospital? lol sound funny but hay its worth a try!

  2. Oh man poor Linsdey, or should I say poor dad and nurses that were involved with the feeding tube incident. I am guessing from here on out Lindsey will be swallowing her meds, too. I was really hoping for the best on that one, so I was pretty sad when I read todays blog. Hope you get lots of rest tonight. Bummer about the loss or the whipping.....never fun losing by that much. Praying for some Christmas magic to bless your family and make this the best Christmas filled with happy memories and some family fun. May the Lord watch over and bless each of you. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  3. You could do some ice blocking instead of tubing, unles it's raining...that wouldn't be much fun then. Seems like an out of proportion consequence for not wanting to swallow a pill, poor Lindsey. This will definitely be a Christmas of which you will always remember all the details. You guys are so creaive, it will be special even though it may be difficult. Dallon tells everyone about our trip, and most of the details only make sense to me :) Merry Christmas Binghams!

  4. So missing the Binghams as we get closer to Christmas! No carolers at our house this year without your family. :( Knowing you, you will come up with the most spectacular hospital Christmas possible!! (Of course the most spectacular Christmas would involve a heart, so here's hoping for that!) Love and miss you all!

    The Fritz's

  5. Hoping to add a little humor to your sounds like you've already had enough "tubing" for the entire year! Merry Christmas and a Very Happy 2013 coming up. Lindsey is an inspiration to our you all are. Thank you for letting us share in this journey with you. You are always in our thoughts and prayers, as is the will-be donor family. Create a magical holiday!

  6. I sure hope that feeding tubes stays in place.

    Hmm tubing in the hospital..hmm might have to get some tarps and dish soap maybe? HEHEHE

    I can see it now...tarps or plastic down the hallway and Hunter running and plunks down on a tube with soap all over the plastic...hmm might be fun.

  7. Jason and Stacy,

    This is Jill, Jeremy's wife I read your guys blog daily, and keep Jeremy up to speed about your little family. You guys are always in our prayers and thoughts. Kambrie is our little 8 year old, she is very tiny with too much energy to know what to with. She LOVES to here about Lindsey and she is doing. Today as I was cleaning up the kitchen I saw a paper sitting on the counter,addressed to Santa, from Kambrie, it looks as though she had wrote at school, it was so touching I wanted to share with you guys. I took some pictures of it, but I not sure if it will let me post them on here so I will also post them onto Face Book to Stacy. But I will type it here...

    Dear Santa,
    This letter is a little different. Instead of telling you what I want for Christmas I am writing for somebody else.
    I am writing for my cousen Linzey she relly needs help because she is in the hospetel she needs to get a heart she hast to stay in the hospetel untail a little girl dies so she can have a heart.
    I think she needs a heart bad so she can stay with her family

    P.S. Do you know the song Last Christmas I gave you my heart.

    Jason and Stacy, please let Lindsey know even her third cousin is praying and thinking about her. We Love you guys, I will have to get an address from you guys and let Kambrie mail Lindsey some letters.

    Have Merry Christmas
