Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jan 6, British Words of the Day

Received a text from Diana Murphy this morning. She asked if she could come over and hang out with Lindsey while we all went to church.  It was very nice of her to do that. Lindsey and Diana played games, went to the playroom, and did activities most of the afternoon while we were gone.  It really was very nice of her. We didn't even call to check in during church (is that bad?)

Today in church, Stacy stood up and shared her thought with the congregation (called Fast and Testimony Meeting). She did an amazing job of thanking the many people both in and out of the church that have helped and blessed our lives. We have been blessed with meals, activities for our kids, visitors to the hospital, play dates with the kids, rides to activities, and other support. She also thanked our Heavenly Father for the blessings in our lives.  The blessing of all being together during this time, how well Lindsey and Gage are doing, the technology that is keeping our Princess alive, a place to live and other many blessings. Later on I also stood and shared a few thoughts. Thanked Sadie for making Lindsey's birthday something special, (she did something a parent could never do!) and talked about the need for us all to have 'Faith in His Timing'.  It was something Stacy and I both needed. It helped us with the energy, spirit, and motivation needed to keep going.

This afternoon Lawrence and Glenda Cheng came by for a visit.  I met this nice family at a Christmas party back in mid-December.  They brought their 3 boys over and they wrestled and played in the Sobrato Room until we ticked off the other people that were in there. (oops, it was a bit of a scene)

Tomorrow kids start back to school.  They all have mixed feeling about heading back. It will be good to get back into a routine as the wait continues.  Lindsey also has a dressing change and blood draw. All good stuff.

Tracy, our fun English nurse from Great Britain, brought by the 'English Food of the Week'.  For the past several months she has brought by the 'English Word of the Day'.  Unfortunately she has run out of 'kid friendly' words and has run out of room on the paper we have. More evidence that we have been here a while.  She has a thick English accent and the kids have fun with her every time she comes by. The food of the day was English baked beans. Tasted pretty much the same as regular baked beans, but with a English twist.  The kids ate it up. She is going to try to do something once a week.  She is even talking roasted lamb with mint sauce someday.  Now there's a reason to stay in the hospital.

So,......I hope to put on my daisy roots, knickers and 'jumper and skive over to the apples and pears down the frog and toad avoiding the bobby, lorry, bonnets and bangers with my brolly, mac and wellies, use the bog and have a chinwag and a sarnie and chip butty with my boffin, nutter, bird.  Hopefully not a cheeky barney with her bloke and throw a wobbly over the dodgy manky dosh found in the rubbish. By the way, haven't heard from my skin and blisters on the blower lately.

Lindsey was down in the CVICU today checking on Shaambak and Dina (both doing well) and bumped into Dr Wright.  Dr. Wright took care of Linds during those dark days in June and July.  Those two love to tell jokes to each other and ended up in a 'Joke off'.  So I was scrambling through the blog comments looking for jokes. It was quite fun.  I wanted to throw out my 'Rooster Joke' from my college days, but it wasn't the right time. Maybe later.

Tracy's list.

 Lindsey and Diana
 Kids (and Shannon, the nurse) dinkin' around on one of those 'Make-your-own-music-video' apps.


  1. This week, still thinking this week!

  2. Tell Lindsey I hope she gets her heart on Thursday!! It's my birthday! We could share a birthday\ new heart birthday!! Glad you are all hanging in there and happy new year! Praying everyday for you all!!! Jason I'm not going to repeat the rooster joke but I'm into penguin jokes here are a few that I hope makes her smile:

    What do penguins wear on their heads?
    (Ice caps!)
    What's black and white, black and white, and black and white?
    (A penguin rolling down a hill!)

    Why are penguins good race drivers?
    (Because they're always in the pole position!)

    What do penguins eat for lunch?
    (Ice burg-ers!)

    How does a penguin build its house?
    (Igloos it together!)

    How do penguins drink?
    (Out of beak-ers!)

    Who's the head of the penguin navy?
    (Admiral Byrd!)

    What do you call fifty penguins at the North Pole?
    (Really lost, because penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere!)

    Which side of a penguin has the most feathers?
    (The outside!)

    What's black, white and red all over?
    (A penguin with a sunburn!)

    Why don't you see penguins in Britain?
    (Because they're afraid of Wales!)

  3. I am soooo glad the good people of California have been so loving and supportive. It's snowing lots here today,Uncle Seth thinks the Neon is a cookie spinning machine. Classy at it's best! I love you all, and pray for you daily. Here is to one day closer!!!!
    Aunt G

  4. A partial Snow day for the powder kiddos on first day back, boy oh boy, did that excite the kiddos or was it the teachers more...still not sure the answer to that!! Thankful that there are wonderful and supportive people in Cali to help make the journey possible. It's comforting to know that you have an awesome support group right there ready and willing to help out at anytime....very much a blessing to allow them to help and support. One day closer to the perfect gift and one day wiser in learning some great vocabulary!! Praying, Believing, and Hoping for your gift and continued strength needed. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
