Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Jan 30, Wednesday, The Care Conference

Stacy here,
I decided it was my time to update and give Jason a break.  While Lindsey was at school, we had a Care Conference today with doctors, nurse practitioners, social workers, physical therapists, and nurse manager, and the charge nurse to discuss how to help Lindsey cope with a long-term hospitalization.  This is an amazing facility.  They have all expressed their sympathy for us and our situation.  At this meeting, we found out that the record for being on the Berlin in this hospital is 268 days.  We decided to make it a goal to see if we can break the record.  It would certainly give us some kind of something to look forward to.  A reason to celebrate?  Now, if we didn't make it that long, no hearts would be broken.  At least it gives us SOMETHING.  268 days would put us to March 15th.  So, we are going to start working on decorations for February for her room.

In the meeting we discussed ways they could help Lindsey and our family get out of the room.  Especially on the weekends when there is nothing going on.  The suggestion was made that we move our room to the end of the hall closer to the sobrato room so the nurse is closer.  It was quickly voted that that would not work.  I was not going to pack up 6 + months of 'stuff' we have accumulated in that room.  It is the biggest room on the floor and we are very happy here.  The nurses said they didn't think they could care for anybody else in the room, because it was now 'Lindsey's room'.  We all had a good laugh out of that.  Jason made the argument for 'nurseless' trips to the sobrato room in the evenings and weekends. We talked about the pros and cons.  They understand we are not going to let that one go. Also, at Lindsey's request, we discussed extended excursions, a trip OUT of the hospital to the RMH. Dr Rosenthal is going to answer that question directly to Lindsey.  It was a good meeting, no decision really made, but at least we had a chance to voice our concerns.  Time will tell if it did any good.

Megan had her first day of basketball tryouts.  She came away saying, "I don't know if I will make it on the 'A' team.  There are a lot of really good players."  There are 18 girls trying out.  They are planning on making 2 teams of 9.  She has tryouts again tomorrow and then she finds out what team she is on.  I am really proud of her for being brave and trying out.  She only knows one person trying out, the rest of her friends are doing volleyball. She was sad to have to stop playing volleyball, but is excited to start basketball.

On some real fun positive notes,  Shaambak had a biopsy on Tuesday and got a ZERO.  Very exciting!! Dina is getting closer to come up to 3 West, but they are waiting for a room to become available.  She looks very well.

Here is to 43 more days to break the record! ugh

As always, thanks for the cute comments.


  1. We on the way to counting UP for another record to be broken....seems only right for the Bingham's to hold such a record. Go Lindsey and family!!!! This will help focus on something different and each day closer to a new heart will also mean one day closer to a record. I'm thinking Princess Lindsey will have plenty of time to keep those doctors and nurses on their toes for setting up new plans for healthy patients like her....keep them thinking guys. Perhaps the big day will happen on the 17th.....luck of the Irish..... any Irish family history??!!?? With all the new numbers, Lindsey can build several more math problems. Good luck Meg with bball tryouts!! Loves,hugs, and prayers xoxoxoxo

  2. I am shooting for valentine's day:)

  3. Valentine's Day sounds good to me too but any day will be great! Love your goal setting as well!

  4. Jokes for kiddos---Today's category (drum roll please) INSECTS:

    Q: Why kind of a pet did Lehi have?
    A: A flea. The Lord told Lehi to take his family and flea into the wilderness.

    Q: What's the difference between a TV and a newspaper?
    A: Ever tried swatting a fly with a TV?

    Q: What has four wheels and flies?
    A: A garbage truck!

    Q; What kind of music do chiropractors listen to
    A: Hip Pop

    (Wow it BUGS me I couldn't find a
    4th insect joke. Maybe I will go ask ANT Garrity if she know any. LOL)

    Continued Love and prayers, Dale and Mike Olsen

  5. I hope that a little more freedom is able to happen. Now, I know that Lindsey has a keyboard in her room, not sure if she has ever taken music lessons or something before, but I wonder if that might somehow be a possibility-have something new to learn and work on each day and look forward to. If I wasn't several hundred miles away, I would gladly offer free lessons! I am so glad that Lindsey keeps rewriting the book on how Berlin patients should be-I'm sure it's giving a lot of hope to doctors, nurses, and families.
