Friday, February 1, 2013

Feb 1, Day 227, Friday with the Pointers

Couple good days at work. I think I have about figured out this remote office/paperless thing. Same-o-same-o for Lindsey these days. Really nothing to report there. Just a hangin' around. Couple fun topics to report on.

First we had our neighbors, Gary and Laura Pointer and their two kids Ariel and Samuel from eastern Oregon here to visit. They are in the Bay area for a family event and came by for a visit.  Had a really good visit with them.  Yesterday we had Jan and Kevin Dyke here. It was so nice to see friends from back home. Makes it feel just a little like normal.  Their son Samuel and Megan have been good friends for many years and it was fun for them to catch up on all the 6th grade gossip. Ariel and Lindsey are also the same age, and they had a lot of fun together. It was sure nice to see them today.  They brought a bunch of neat letters, banners, joke books, and gifts from back home.  We are all excited to go through the letters and expand our joke library.

Tonight Megan and Sierra had separate parties at their friends PK and Nori's houses.  The longer we are here, the more our kids are getting involved. Speaking of getting involved, Megan found out she made it on the A basketball team.  I'm pretty proud of her. It took a lot of guts and hard work for her to try out and compete for a spot on the team.  It is going to be hard work, but she is so excited for the challenge.

 Samuel, Laura, Gary and Ariel Pointer
 These are some really good people.

Trying to keep Samuel out. Mostly just having fun.



  1. Nice work Megan!!! We look forward to hearing more about your basketball season as it gets rolling on. Glad to see the Pointer's made it safely and by the looks of the pictures the kiddos were having a great time.....poor Samuel!!!! Happy February to you all! Hope your weekend is enjoyable. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  2. Every morning when I check the blog I say to Dale, " I'm going to go see if Lindsay has gotten her heart yet" (sigh) One day soon!!!!

    Here are some jokes for kiddos to brighten your day!

    Knock knock!
    Who's there?
    Hatch who?
    Bless you!

    Knock knock
    - who's there?
    - Doris who?
    Doris shut! That's why I knocked

    Q: What happened to the cat who swallowed a ball of yarn?
    A:.....She had mittens!

    Q: What was the TV doing at the beach?
    A: Channel surfing

    Continued love, prayers, (and jokes) Dale and Mike Olsen

  3. It's good to see a little 'talley dobbins' reunion! How fun that you could see neighbors that far away from Eastern Oregon. I am glad Samuel was able to get out of the trapped bathroom! Nice Job Megan on your basketball team! We got a puppy, his name is Bucky! He is so cute,we will send you pictures for Valentines!Seth made him a dog house, but he hasn't figured out that he is supposed to sleep there. instead he begs to come inside!
    We love you and think and talk about you every day (in a good way)! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT Love You ALL very much! Aunt G & Uncle Seth

  4. Congratulations, Megan, on getting on the basketball team. You rock!!
