Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan 29, Tuesday math question

Riddle me this.....

So there are 4 seperate sections of stairs from the 1st floor to 3 West. Each section has 14 steps before coming to a landing and turning. 

 If my Berlin and I get a good running start from the 3 floor, the Berlin would bounce and flip every 3rd step.

How may flips would I have to make going down the stairs to the 1st floor to keep 'Traeh, Nilreb' from getting tangled up?

It takes 1.5 seconds between bounces,and 3 seconds to round the corners, how long is my life support system unplugged?

How well would I sleep?


  1. Aw, now you're just being rotten, Princess Smartpants LOL You came up w/a dandy question alright (& I never was very good at math! I'm still trying to figure out how many oranges Sally had after sharing 'some' w/Johnny, on the train to New York going the wrong way, backwards, at 17 mph, passing the train to Austrailia at 3 in the afternoon on the second Tuesday of last month! Ok, LOL, I'll try to get an answer for you! Loves,hugs, prayers! <3 to <3

  2. Take it easy on yourself and slide down the hand rails. Forget the steps!

  3. I sure hope you decide to take the elevator.

    I will show the math question to Ben, because he is good at it. Me not so much.

  4. Ohhhh I love this. Your classmates figured out the other one today. Their brains were a-smoking! What a great problem you posed to us. There was so much math in the problem. Thank you Lindsey Lou! Your classmates need some more work on fraction problems, so that's what we're going to tackle again soon! Maybe we'll send one your way too! xoxo Mrs. Smith

  5. Well just ask your father what a magnificent mathematician I am! Hee Hee! After a ride like that down the stairs I bet you'd be exhausted!or maybe that means you're using the stairs because you'll be leaving the hospital to go home! Seth says howdy partner and to keep up the amazing hard work. We love you. Aunt G

  6. Princess Lindsey Lou - the great mathematician! You are teaching the world how to turn lemons into lemonade, and while you are doing it, you are teaching some kind of fun math. You are amazing! The whole Bingham family are amazing! Shouts out to one of the bravest, most positive families I know! Love and Prayers from Korea!
