Sunday, December 16, 2012

Dec 16. Day 180, Sunday thoughts from Oregon

Jason here. Thought I would check in from Oregon. It has been a good trip home so far, I have been able to focus on work and that is a good thing.  Really enjoying the wintery weather, temperature has been in the low 20's and 3-4 inches of snow. Kinda feels like winter.  Enjoyed going to the PV game last night and church today and seeing our friends.  The junior high girls did a cute half time dance.  I took pictures and video, I KNOW our girls will enjoy seeing their old friends performing.

It's always a mental adjustment coming home from California. The life style we have (or had) in Oregon is so different from our new home in California. The life we had here was so care free, even with raising 5 kids. With our Princess in the hospital we never have that feeling of totally 'care free'. Even with her best days its always on the back of our minds and a phone call away. But coming home reminds me of the life we had before May 21, 2012.  Still feels like such a far off dream or fantasy to actually live with our entire family here in Oregon.  Still hard to come home and see the kid's room empty, Stacy's Mother's Day card still where she left it, and the playground unchanged.  Someday, right?  California has been and continues to be so good to us. So many kind people helping us adjust to life in the city with school, sports, band, activities, meals, church etc.

Another observation, and I know there needs to be a balance here. It seems like when we involve Lindsey in our activities away from the hospital (games, concerts, school activities, church, Oregon life, etc) she seems to get very home sick and hates being in the hospital. The more we talk about it or include her via phone, Skye, or face time, the more she struggles afterwards. So maybe we just let her live in her little world.  There are times she wants and needs to see what is going on.  Many times she can see it and does very well. She still wants to Skye with her 3rd Grade class. But right now she can't leave, so I shouldn't keep telling her how good it is (or will be) out of the hospital.  We have hope, she has hope, and wants desperately to get out of there, but for now her world is at LPCH on 3 West.  Aunt Garrity was the one that made this observation and I am thankful to her for her insight. 

My heart has been very heavy over the tragedies in CT. I can't wrap my mind around how horrible that must be for those families. Hunter goes to a great elementary, and I just can't even imagine.  How could we possible hope and pray that Lindsey gets her heart 'soon', knowing what that family will be facing. Makes me feel quite guilty. Lindsey is doing great, and we can wait as long as needed before the Lord calls home his child. Today Stacy and I have prayed for the comfort of those families and the future donor family.

Having said all that, here are some pictures from home.


  1. Still thinking about you and your family. I fast and pray for many miracles....and Lindsey is one of those miracles that I am fasting and praying for. Raul Huntsman is another and another little boy that is the grandson of a co-worker that is struggling with a rare disease. I believe in miracles. I will continue to pray for Lindsey. I want you to know that I have not forgotten you. God Bless and Merry Christmas.

  2. Our hearts go out to each of you every day and you are each constantly on our minds and prayers. The time that Lindsey has spent in the hospital has got to feel like a life time for her, since she is missing out on so many things that use to be a part of her everyday life, but she is where she needs to be for right now. At some point and time, and I pray for soon, she will be able to reflect back on her time spent in LPCH and think of all the great things she has accomplished and how many wonderful people she has met and touched their lives. When our Heavenly Father called upon Lindsey and the Bingham Family to teach the world, boy did HE pick an incredible strong and faithful family, and I thank you for everything you have taught and proved to us about life and the importance of faith, family, patience, love, and believing all good things and miracles. I pray that Lindsey will be able to bust out of the hospital with happiness and health on her side and that her donor family will be blessed with assurance and peace that they have given an adorable and brave little girl new life. Jason enjoy your time and moments here in Oregon and know that your home will always be home, and that Cali is just a temporary home away from home! Jason and Stacy, keep doing, stay strong, be brave, keep your faith, and always ask for help when you need it NO MATTER WHAT hesitations cross your mind....there are so many people out there that are waiting the opportunity (just call or text!)!!! We love you each and miss you dearly, but know you are in a great place. loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
