Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 16, Dallen and Lacey in Calif

Stacy here.
We have had a fun and busy couple days.  I would have updated yesterday, but Lindsey's IPad's battery was dead and our computer is at the RMH. I have been spending nights here with Lindsey and my Mom has been at the RMH with the other kids. It has worked out quite nicely.

Saturday morning, Dallon, Lacey and my mom came and hung out with Lindsey. I took the kids and we went to our ward Christmas breakfast and service project. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately we were only there for about 45 minutes, because Sierra and Megan had a basketball game.  They did very well and are undefeated. Megan was excited that the team was more challenging than the last team they played.

We returned to the hospital and decorated a ginger bread house. The kids enjoyed that. We made a whole bunch of origami snowflakes and showed our friend Dina how to make them as well.  She is 16 year old, on the Heart Mate, which is like a Berlin only more compact, and it sits inside their chest.  Kids on these devices can go to the RMH and wait for their transplant.  The reason why Lindsey cannot be on this device is because her chest is too small for the device.  We enjoyed teaching her, she is very sweet.  By the end of the shift we were teaching the nurses how to make snowflakes as well. We have not gotten the okay to go to the Sobrato room unaccompanied yet. They are still working on it.  BUT, the nursing staff has been great in making sure that we have been able to go down there every opportunity we ask this weekend. It has been very nice.

Today, the kids and I went to church while my mom, Lacey, and Dallon stayed with Lindsey. It was nice not to feel rushed to get back.  Upon our return,we had lunch and took a walk to the STANFORD gift shop.  Lots of fun window shopping to do there.  Went to the playroom and watched a movie when we got back.

It has been so fun to have Dallon and Lacey here.  Lindsey really enjoyed their visit.  They head back tomorrow. We asked Dallon to make sure he tells the 3rd grade class that Lindsey is "alive and well." Lindsey is hoping to Skype with her class this week before Christmas break lets out.

Jason says he gets a lot of people asking how I am doing.  Well, I am doing great. The "inconveniences" get tiring sometimes, but then I meet a parent here and am put back in my place.  I was heating up some dinner one evening in the Sobrato room.  Hunter and Gage were fighting and quarreling in Lindsey's room and had knocked Jason's laptop on the floor. Needless to say it was time for them to leave the room NOW.  I took them with me and placed each one in "time-out."  A lady was sitting by herself eating her dinner. The boys kept tattling on each other that the other one was leaving their seat. I kept after them to stay put. The lady gently said, "Please no, let them go. What is it that they are doing so bad? "  At first I thought, "You were not just in the room when the lap top was knocked off, and they were clawing each other." The lady continued on and said, "I would give anything to hear my daughter talk. "  To make a long story/dialogue short, I found out from the lady that her daughter got a virus that attacked her brain. They didn't know if she would ever talk again. She had been a normal child with no issues.  She asked if I would just please let them laugh and giggle. I was touched by her and her plea. She said, really what do kids ever really do bad. They are never intentionally bad, they are curious.  I have really thought about that when I get frustrated with things.  It has really opened my perspective.  I have 5 children that can still play and run and laugh. How can I be doing bad when every day I am reminded about how blessed I am!


  1. Oh Stacy, the things you say about the things you are learning really brings us all back to what is really importion. This lady is sooo right...LOVE your kids every minute, you never know what's around the corner.. (just going to school could change everything) My HEART breakes for those people in CT. Praying for you ever minute of every day.. Love ya, Jay and Bonnie

  2. Your family has taught me so much! You have a wonderful faith in our lord and are so very inspiring.Your children are amazing examples of what GREAT parenting along with faith can do.I pray that very soon the perfect heart comes for your daughter. I also pray for the donor family, as I have known a few parents that have had to make that call at what is one of the most heart breaking times of there lives. I know none that are sorry they donated there child's heart so another child can live a normal life. I believe it helps them heal. To know there child has help another, even after they are called home to are heavenly father is a blessing. God bless, and keep up the great work. YOU ARE ALL AMAZING !!

  3. Dear Jason and Stacy. I have a file on my computer titled, "Lindsay Jokes". When friends send me jokes that I think you or the kiddos would get a kick out of, they go in the "Lindsay Jokes" file. Your job is to stay AMAZING, my job is to exercise my faith, hope and love through prayer in your behalf and in behalf of the donor family, and to keep you in jokes. I love this next one on perspective:

    Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip.

    As they lay down for the night, Holmes said, "Watson, look up into the sky and tell me what you see".
    Watson said, "I see millions and millions of stars"
    Holmes then asked, "And what does that tell you?"
    Watson replied, "Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Theologically, it tells me that God is great and that we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it tells me that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?"
    Holmes answered, "Somebody stole our tent."

    With continued love and prayers, Mike and Dale Olsen

  4. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings, I am sure it's not easy. Life is a pretty special thing to be a part of isn't it! Tonight I took around Christmas Plates of goodies and such. It reminded me of Christmas Eve a few years ago when your fam was taking around goodies and the silver bullett van got stuck in the snow, and after pushing and pulling and spreading it's own Christmas Cheer it got out. A Christmas Miracle no doubt! It was fun to think back on! I love you and think of you often throughout my days. Keep up the good work!
    All my love Aunt G
