Monday, December 17, 2012

Dec 17, A "Who" Dinner

Tonight we had a "Who" dinner. We received the idea from my sister. It was a lot of fun. We had Who punch, Who hash, Who pudding, and Who roast beast.  Then, we watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." The kids had a great time.  Thank you for the idea Kelly!

Lindsey had her dressing change today. It wasn't as painful, but there was more pussy drainage and it had quite an odor to it.  Hopefully it is any infection working its way out of the cannula site.  Lindsey had one of her favorite nurses today. That ALWAYS makes the day much better.  She went to the playroom after school, and the fire department was there.  They were handing out toys to the kids for Christmas.  Lindsey picked out a large Barbie head that you can do makeup and hair, a huge brown Teddy bear and an art kit. Hunter picked out a soccer ball and a goalie that you set up on your lawn (not sure where that one will go). Gage was offered a basketball hoop, but like a good little boy picked a small hand glider plane (bless you my child). The firemen were very nice and it was amazing how many toys they gave out. There are so many good people in the world.  It is so refreshing to see sometimes.

 Dallen, one of Lindsey's friends from Oregon


  1. Yes - we can skype with Lindsey before Christmas break. Text me a time that works for little Lindsey Lou and we'll make it work! The kids have been asking and I was quite jealous Dallon got to go on the trip. We've had pink-eye and the flu hit the class and school. No fun! Can't wait to skype! xoxo
    Mrs. Smith

  2. What or shall I say a "WHO" Idea that was for a wonderful change of pace!!! Love that idea and I bet the kiddos had a blast with it. I hope Jason's stay hasn't been too cold on him! I am sure he will be eager and ready to get back to his lovely wife and amazing kiddos, and he will probably be ready to go back to less frigid temperatures. When do your kiddos get out for Christmas break? We are on a day and half count down and I am looking forward to everyone having time away in hopes that everyone will be able to get plenty of rest and get healthy. So many bugs linger on and on during this great time of year. Here's to praying they will stay far away from RMH and LPCH. Love the choices the boys made on the gifts, such wonderful and playful items! I am thinking they will need a few extra days at RMH to play with them out in the open space. And another glorious way to be able to laugh and smile, while watching them play away. I bet Lindsey is going to be quite the professional beauty or glam girl by the time she gets to bust out of LPCH....a fun way to pass the time by, right?!?!! Thinking about each of you every day and sorry my technology has faulted my abilities to make posts.....some times technology and I just don't get along well :) :) ....the last several posts have not posted.....guess I write like a robot!!! LOL loves, hugs, and many sincere prayers to each of you xoxoxoxo
